Yoko & Yuki: Dr. Rat's Revenge - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 25 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 0 because you have the cheat codes and level select
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum kitty!
Unlock all trophies
Yoko & Yuki: Dr. Rat's Revenge is a very easy game if you are using cheat code:
Cheat code is UP UP DOWN DOWN UP UP RIGHT LEFT LEFT RIGHT TRIANGLE and you need to put it in the main menu
Then you can finish any level by pressing UP DOWN near the portal
You can either clear all the levels then go for the miscellaneous trophies with chapter select or you can do everything in a single playthrough if you are paying attention and watching the video beforehand
Stay idle 3 minutes
Jump 400 times
Die 111 times in level Forest - 6
Obtain the graviton in Forest - 10 and rotate the world 489 times
Obtain the scissors in Forest Again - 10, you need to quickly press 6xL2 and 4xR2
Obtain the paint in Portal - 1
Obtain the tangle in Kitchen - 10
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained.
Way to go! - Story
Complete level one
CATostrophic world 1- Story
Complete world one
CATacombs of world 2- Story
Complete world two
CATaclysm of world 3- Story
Complete world three
Works like blender - Story
Obtain the gravitron
You will find it in Forest - 10.
Psycho with scissors- Story
Obtain scissors
You will find them in Forest Again - 10.
You need to quickly input 6xL2 and 4xR2.
"I suddenly smeared the weekday map..."- Story
Obtain the paint
You will find it in Portal - 1.
Wooly perfection
Obtain the tangle
You will find them in Kitchen - 10.
I'm getting off the ground
Turn the world for 72 times
Floating in a most peculiar way
Turn the world for 200 times
You spin me right 'round, baby
Turn the world for 489 times
After obtained the graviton, press either L2 or R2 for 489 times.
Long live the cat!
Die for 30 times
Schrödinger's cat
Die for 60 times
Cat soup
Die for 111 times
Easy to do it in Forest - 6.
Jumper cat
Jump for 150 times
Dream to fly
Jump for 400 times
Press X for 400 times.
Open the door... close the door
Stay idle for three minutes
Do not touch the controller for 3 minutes.
Trophy Roadmap
Open the door... close the door - Stay idle for three minutes
Jumper cat - Jump for 150 times
Dream to fly - Jump for 400 times
Way to go! - Complete level one
Long live the cat! - Die for 30 times
Schrödinger's cat - Die for 60 times
Cat soup - Die for 111 times
Works like blender - Obtain the gravitron
I'm getting off the ground - Turn the world for 72 times
Floating in a most peculiar way - Turn the world for 200 times
You spin me right 'round, baby - Turn the world for 489 times
CATostrophic world 1 - Complete world one
CATacombs of world 2 - Complete world two
Psycho with scissors - Obtain scissors
CATaclysm of world 3 - Complete world three
"I suddenly smeared the weekday map..." - Obtain the paint
Wooly perfection - Obtain the tangle
Platinum kitty! - Unlock all trophies