Would you like to run an idol cafe? - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 5 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + 2 reloads
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 2
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Lovely Friendships
Deepen your friendships and explore everithing in your new job.
Would you like to run an idol cafe? is a classic visual novel, short and easy in terms of trophies:
It features 3 endings, so you just need to do a save game before the last choice.
In the preferences menu select in the skip category: unseen text, transitions and after choices and also move text speed and auto forward time to maximum
Start the game and press R1 to skip
Meeting the Maids - Story
Meet Mayuki and Kuu
Start the game.
Goddess of Cooking
Enjoy Ichigo's cooking
1. Mayuki
Mayuki takes a Tumble
(Un)Happy little accidents
2. I wouldn't mind marrying her, either.
Inspect Kuu's Castle
1. Try to be understanding.
2. It feels nice
2. I think Ichigo's exaggerating
A Relaxing Moment
Listen to some Music
2. Well, I do like her a lot
Here Kitty Kitty
Find out what Mayuki is doing
2. It's actually kind of nice
Lap Pillow
Get a nice rest
2. Reassure Mayuki
1. That's not a bad idea
1. What if I am?
2. I think Kuu and Mayuki look cute together
Fortune Telling
Let Kuu see into your future ...?
1. Poke fun at Ichigo
2. That I'd like to see Mayuki in a swimsuit.
Don't give up
Hug of encouragement
Make a save here and then choose:
1. Ichigo
More than Friends
Now you finally get it
You will unlock it at the same time with Don't give up trophy.
Mayuki's Confession
Let her express her feelings
Load the save game and then choose:
2. Mayuki
The Lovers
Did she see it coming?
Load the save game and then choose:
3. Kuu
Trophy Roadmap
Meeting the Maids - Meet Mayuki and Kuu
Goddess of Cooking - Enjoy Ichigo's cooking
Mayuki takes a Tumble - (Un)Happy little accidents
Sandcastle - Inspect Kuu's Castle
A Relaxing Moment - Listen to some Music
Here Kitty Kitty - Find out what Mayuki is doing
Lap Pillow - Get a nice rest
Fortune Telling - Let Kuu see into your future ...?
Don't give up - Hug of encouragement
More than Friends - Now you finally get it
Mayuki's Confession - Let her express her feelings
The Lovers - Did she see it coming?
Lovely Friendships - Deepen your friendships and explore everithing in your new job.