Witchcrafty - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 5 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 6
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 9.99 € / 9.99 $
Trophies: 30 (1P, 7G, 6S, 16B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Witchcrafty Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!
Witchcrafty is an action platform game published by Sometimes You.
In terms of trophies, it is a medium difficulty game which can be completed in under 5 hours depending on the skill:
I am not so good at completing platform games, so the duration and difficulty is subjective
The game is straight forward, most of the trophies are story trophies, except 6 of them which are in fact missable if you do not obtain them until fighting the last boos
There are 12 health shards and 8 mana shards that you need to collect. 2 health shards and 2 mana shards will be available at the gnome merchant. Each shard costs 250 gems, so you need to make sure that you collect 1000 gems to buy all the shards. Luckily, all the shards are marked on the minimap, and all the zones can be revisited by going to the flymaster after you get the necessary spell that unlocks the chest containing the shards.
There are 4 books, one in each of the first 4 chapters, that you need to find and read them. They are marked on the minimap, so you will be able to spot them easily. They do not disappear from the minimap after you read them, so do not get confused that you still need to do something in that zone.
For both shards and books, you need to make sure that after you obtain them or read them, you visit the saving shrine so you can save your game, else when you die you will respawn at the shrine without having those shards collected or books read it.
Forest Heart - Missable
Collect all health shards
There are 12 health shards and 8 mana shards that you need to collect.
2 health shards and 2 mana shards will be available at the gnome merchant.
Each shard costs 250 gems, so you need to make sure that you collect 1000 gems to buy all the shards.
Luckily, all the shards are marked on the minimap, and all the zones can be revisited by going to the flymaster after you get the necessary spell that unlocks the chest containing the shards.
For both shards and books, you need to make sure that after you obtain them or read them, you visit the saving shrine so you can save your game, else when you die you will respawn at the shrine without having those shards collected or books read it.
Witch Heart - Missable
Collect all mana shards
There are 12 health shards and 8 mana shards that you need to collect.
2 health shards and 2 mana shards will be available at the gnome merchant.
Each shard costs 250 gems, so you need to make sure that you collect 1000 gems to buy all the shards.
Luckily, all the shards are marked on the minimap, and all the zones can be revisited by going to the flymaster after you get the necessary spell that unlocks the chest containing the shards.
For both shards and books, you need to make sure that after you obtain them or read them, you visit the saving shrine so you can save your game, else when you die you will respawn at the shrine without having those shards collected or books read it.
Forest Shard - Missable
Collect first health shard
Witch Shard - Missable
Collect first mana shard
When in doubt, go to the library - Missable
Read all books
There are 4 books, one in each of the first 4 chapters, that you need to find and read them.
They are marked on the minimap, so you will be able to spot them easily.
They do not disappear from the minimap after you read them, so do not get confused that you still need to do something in that zone.
For both shards and books, you need to make sure that after you obtain them or read them, you visit the saving shrine so you can save your game, else when you die you will respawn at the shrine without having those shards collected or books read it.
Dave, Mushroom Baron
Defeat the Mushroom Baron
Goblin Twins
Defeat the Goblin Twins
Jim, Drunken Octo
Defeat the Drunken Octo
Jake Wandervalt
Defeat Jake
Shopaholic - Missable
Buy everything
2 health shards and 2 mana shards will be available at the gnome merchant.
Each shard costs 250 gems, so you need to make sure that you collect 1000 gems to buy all the shards.
For both shards and books, you need to make sure that after you obtain them or read them, you visit the saving shrine so you can save your game, else when you die you will respawn at the shrine without having those shards collected or books read it.
Well-organized mind
Learn all spells
I've always wanted to use that spell
Learn fireball
Ice and chilly
Learn frostbolt
Learn lightning bolt
Learn firedash
Justice form above
Learn meteor
Into the Woods
Enter the Forest
The Descent
Enter the Mines
Haunted Mansion
Enter the Castle
Frozen Throne
Enter the Desolation
Terror Peak
Enter the Fire Fields
Jake the Cat
Meet Jake
Nobody Tosses A Dwarf!
Meet gnome merchant
Allow me to introduce myself
Meet Mr. Satyr
Darker than black
Meet Dark Witch
Why Is It When Something Happens, It Is Always You
Meet the High One
Meet the Flymaster
I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick
Beat game
Yer a wizard
Leave the village
Trophy Roadmap
Chapter 1 - The girl who overslept
Allow me to introduce myself - Meet Mr. Satyr
Why Is It When Something Happens, It Is Always You - Meet the High One
Nobody Tosses A Dwarf! - Meet gnome merchant
I've always wanted to use that spell - Learn fireball
Nimbus - Meet the Flymaster
Witch Shard - Collect first mana shard
Forest Shard - Collect first health shard
Dave, Mushroom Baron - Defeat the Mushroom Baron
Yer a wizard - Leave the village
Chapter 2 - The girl who was looking
Into the Woods - Enter the Forest
Jake the Cat - Meet Jake
Firedash - Learn firedash
Chapter 3 - The girl who got lost
The Descent - Enter the Mines
Thunderstruck! - Learn lightning bolt
Goblin Twins - Defeat the Goblin Twins
Darker than black - Meet Dark Witch
Chapter 4 - The girl who was late
Haunted Mansion - Enter the Castle
Justice form above - Learn meteor
When in doubt, go to the library - Read all books
Shopaholic - Buy everything
Chapter 5 - The girl who followed
Frozen Throne - Enter the Desolation
Ice and chilly - Learn frostbolt
Well-organized mind - Learn all spells
Forest Heart - Collect all health shards
Witch Heart - Collect all mana shards
Jim, Drunken Octo - Defeat the Drunken Octo
Chapter 6 - The girl who came back
Terror Peak - Enter the Fire Fields
Jake Wandervalt - Defeat Jake
I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick - Beat game
Witchcrafty Platinum - Good job! Completed all tasks!