The Jumping Ice Cube - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 2 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 0.99 € / 0.99 $
Trophies: 71 (1P, 0G, 0S, 70B)
With the purchase of this bundle you will receive the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 version of the game.
Pick up playing on the PlayStation®5 exactly where you left off on the PlayStation®4 at any time by simply importing the save game from the PlayStation®4 version!
From the developers at The Jumping Food Games comes a refreshing new game of skill: "The Jumping Ice Cube". In this fast-paced endless game, you play as a nimble ice cube jumping through icy challenges that test your reactions and skill. How long can you hold out and chase your high score?
What does "The Jumping Ice Cube" offer you?
Fast, reflex-based gameplay: Test your reflexes in a game that requires lightning-fast decisions as you jump through dynamic levels.
Endless fun: There are no limits in this endless game - jump as long as you can and try to keep increasing your high score.
Three difficulty levels: Choose between very easy, easy and normal to put your skills and nerves to the test. The higher the difficulty level, the greater the challenge.
Get ready to sharpen your reactions and conquer the leaderboard with the bouncy ice cube. Can you crack the ultimate high score?
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Cold as ice
Collect all other trophies.
The Jumping Ice Cube is a puzzle game developed and published by ThiGames.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Because it is a cross-buy and cross-save game, you should play first the PS4 version of it.
Before starting, go to options, and set the difficulty to very easy.
Start a new game and do a jump, you will get enough points for the platinum.
After you obtain the platinum trophy on the PS4 version, quit the game, open the PS5 version of it, and import the PS4 save game data into it, to unlock a new platinum.
Ice Cube King
Reach 20 points in total.
Chill Champion
Reach 40 points in total.
Frosty Finisher
Reach 60 points in total.
Frozen Fiend
Reach 80 points in total.
Glacial Guru
Reach 100 points in total.
Iceberg Invader
Reach 120 points in total.
Cool Conqueror
Reach 140 points in total.
Arctic Ace
Reach 160 points in total.
Icy Innovator
Reach 180 points in total.
Frost Master
Reach 200 points in total.
Polar Prodigy
Reach 220 points in total.
Snowflake Sage
Reach 240 points in total.
Cool Cube Commander
Reach 260 points in total.
Ice Crystal Crusader
Reach 280 points in total.
Glacier Gladiator
Reach 300 points in total.
Frostbite Finisher
Reach 320 points in total.
Frozen Fortune Finder
Reach 340 points in total.
Chill Chaser
Reach 360 points in total.
Arctic Achiever
Reach 380 points in total.
Icy Idol
Reach 400 points in total.
Frosty Fanatic
Reach 420 points in total.
Glacial Giant
Reach 440 points in total.
Ice Cube Connoisseur
Reach 460 points in total.
Polar Pioneer
Reach 480 points in total.
Snowbound Scorer
Reach 500 points in total.
Chill Collector
Reach 520 points in total.
Frozen Finesse
Reach 540 points in total.
Cool Cube Champion
Reach 560 points in total.
Ice Crystal Keeper
Reach 580 points in total.
Glacier Guardian
Reach 600 points in total.
Frostbite Fighter
Reach 620 points in total.
Frozen Fervor
Reach 640 points in total.
Chill Chieftain
Reach 660 points in total.
Arctic Advocate
Reach 680 points in total.
Icy Icon
Reach 700 points in total.
Frosty Front-runner
Reach 720 points in total.
Ice Cube Curator
Reach 740 points in total.
Polar Performer
Reach 760 points in total.
Snowflake Specialist
Reach 780 points in total.
Chill Contender
Reach 800 points in total.
Frozen Force
Reach 820 points in total.
Cool Cube Czar
Reach 840 points in total.
Ice Crystal Contender
Reach 860 points in total.
Glacial Guide
Reach 880 points in total.
Frostbite Fanatic
Reach 900 points in total.
Frozen Fortune Hunter
Reach 920 points in total.
Chill Chief
Reach 940 points in total.
Arctic Artist
Reach 960 points in total.
Icy Inspirer
Reach 980 points in total.
Frosty Figure
Reach 1.000 points in total.
Icy Giant
Reach 1.020 points in total.
Ice Cube Enthusiast
Reach 1.040 points in total.
Polar Powerhouse
Reach 1.060 points in total.
Snowflake Superstar
Reach 1.080 points in total.
Chill Connoisseur
Reach 1.100 points in total.
Frozen Flame
Reach 1.120 points in total.
Cool Cube Collector
Reach 1.140 points in total.
Ice Crystal Commander
Reach 1.160 points in total.
Frosty Defender
Reach 1.180 points in total.
Frozen Flash
Reach 1.200 points in total.
Chill Captain
Reach 1.220 points in total.
Arctic Adventurer
Reach 1.240 points in total.
Icy Illuminator
Reach 1.260 points in total.
Frosty Founder
Reach 1.280 points in total.
Glacial Guardian
Reach 1.300 points in total.
Ice Cube Hero
Reach 1.320 points in total.
Polar Protector
Reach 1.340 points in total.
Snowflake Seeker
Reach 1.360 points in total.
Iceed Champion
Reach 1.380 points in total.
Frozen Fanatic
Reach 1.500 points in total.
Trophy Roadmap
Frosty Finisher - Reach 60 points in total.
Chill Champion - Reach 40 points in total.
Ice Cube King - Reach 20 points in total.
Arctic Ace - Reach 160 points in total.
Cool Conqueror - Reach 140 points in total.
Iceberg Invader - Reach 120 points in total.
Glacial Guru - Reach 100 points in total.
Frozen Fiend - Reach 80 points in total.
Snowflake Sage - Reach 240 points in total.
Polar Prodigy - Reach 220 points in total.
Frost Master - Reach 200 points in total.
Icy Innovator - Reach 180 points in total.
Cool Cube Commander - Reach 260 points in total.
Frozen Fortune Finder - Reach 340 points in total.
Frostbite Finisher - Reach 320 points in total.
Glacier Gladiator - Reach 300 points in total.
Ice Crystal Crusader - Reach 280 points in total.
Arctic Achiever - Reach 380 points in total.
Chill Chaser - Reach 360 points in total.
Glacial Giant - Reach 440 points in total.
Frosty Fanatic - Reach 420 points in total.
Icy Idol - Reach 400 points in total.
Polar Pioneer - Reach 480 points in total.
Ice Cube Connoisseur - Reach 460 points in total.
Frozen Finesse - Reach 540 points in total.
Chill Collector - Reach 520 points in total.
Snowbound Scorer - Reach 500 points in total.
Glacier Guardian - Reach 600 points in total.
Ice Crystal Keeper - Reach 580 points in total.
Cool Cube Champion - Reach 560 points in total.
Frostbite Fighter - Reach 620 points in total.
Frozen Fervor - Reach 640 points in total.
Chill Chieftain - Reach 660 points in total.
Icy Icon - Reach 700 points in total.
Arctic Advocate - Reach 680 points in total.
Chill Contender - Reach 800 points in total.
Snowflake Specialist - Reach 780 points in total.
Polar Performer - Reach 760 points in total.
Ice Cube Curator - Reach 740 points in total.
Frosty Front-runner - Reach 720 points in total.
Frozen Fortune Hunter - Reach 920 points in total.
Frostbite Fanatic - Reach 900 points in total.
Glacial Guide - Reach 880 points in total.
Ice Crystal Contender - Reach 860 points in total.
Cool Cube Czar - Reach 840 points in total.
Frozen Force - Reach 820 points in total.
Chill Chief - Reach 940 points in total.
Icy Giant - Reach 1.020 points in total.
Frosty Figure - Reach 1.000 points in total.
Icy Inspirer - Reach 980 points in total.
Arctic Artist - Reach 960 points in total.
Polar Powerhouse - Reach 1.060 points in total.
Ice Cube Enthusiast - Reach 1.040 points in total.
Cool Cube Collector - Reach 1.140 points in total.
Frozen Flame - Reach 1.120 points in total.
Chill Connoisseur - Reach 1.100 points in total.
Snowflake Superstar - Reach 1.080 points in total.
Arctic Adventurer - Reach 1.240 points in total.
Chill Captain - Reach 1.220 points in total.
Frozen Flash - Reach 1.200 points in total.
Frosty Defender - Reach 1.180 points in total.
Ice Crystal Commander - Reach 1.160 points in total.
Snowflake Seeker - Reach 1.360 points in total.
Polar Protector - Reach 1.340 points in total.
Ice Cube Hero - Reach 1.320 points in total.
Glacial Guardian - Reach 1.300 points in total.
Frosty Founder - Reach 1.280 points in total.
Icy Illuminator - Reach 1.260 points in total.
Frozen Fanatic - Reach 1.500 points in total.
Iceed Champion - Reach 1.380 points in total.
Cold as ice - Collect all other trophies.