Space Elite Force 2 in 1 - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes (1 hour for SEF and 2 hours 30 minutes for SEF2)
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 6 (3 for SEF: 1 hardcore mode, 1 level in normal mode, 1 infinity mode & 3 for SEF2: 2 elite modes and 1 boss rush)
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 4 (3 in SEF and 1 in SEF2)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum Spaceship
Unlock All Trophies
Space Elite Force is a really good retro shoot 'em up game and it features 2 games in a single collection.
Despite a very large number of trophies, the game is easy and straight forward:
For SEF:
Start directly on hardcore mode, the game is really short and easy, and you shouldn't die. Kill enemies, kill bosses, and upgrade your ship.
In the second level, destroy the car that you see as soon as the level starts.
Kill 400 enemies and reach x20 combo should come naturally.
Also focus on destroying the ship that gives you power ups and pick up a shield power up.
If you somehow managed to complete 1 level in hardcore mode without getting hit, then you are a pro at this game and ignore the next step. If you didn't manage to complete one like myself, start the game in normal mode and complete quickly the first level without getting hit.
After you finish with the campaign mode, start the infinity mode, and keep on playing. After you die, upgrade your ship, and play again, without quitting to the main menu. If you quit, you lose your save game. The goal is to get all the max upgrades that you didn't get while playing hardcore mode. Since the campaign is short, you can reach with around 1-2 weapons to maximum level in it.
For SEF2:
Directly start the campaign on elite difficulty but be careful not to skip the tutorial. Complete the tutorial.
Game is similar to SEF, kill enemies, kill bosses, and upgrade your ship.
After you complete the game once, you will have around half of upgrades. Continue playing the same save game so you can gather all the other upgrades. After you have all the upgrades, you can quit to the main menu.
Start boss rush mode and complete it.
Super Killing Machine - Story
Kill 200 enemies in S.E.F. 1!
This trophy should come naturally.
For me it unlocked in level 4.
Ultra Killing Machine - Story
Kill 400 enemies in S.E.F. 1!
This trophy should come naturally.
For me it unlocked in level 6.
Frigate - Story
Destroy the Frigate in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 1.
Cruiser - Story
Destroy the Cruiser in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 2.
Destroyer - Story
Destroy the Destroyer in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 3.
Heavy Frigate - Story
Destroy the Heavy Frigate in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 4.
Heavy Cruiser - Story
Destroy the Heavy Cruiser in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 5.
Heavy Destroyer - Story
Destroy the Heavy Destroyer in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 6.
Battle Cruiser - Story
Destroy the Battle Cruiser in S.E.F. 1
Boss from level 7.
The Invincible - Story
Complete the hardcore mode in S.E.F. 1!
Start directly on hardcore mode, the game is really short and easy, and you shouldn't die.
Kill enemies, kill bosses, and upgrade your ship.
Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Upgrade this main weapon to level 5.
Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Upgrade this main weapon to level 3.
Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Upgrade this main weapon to level 3.
Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Upgrade this secondary weapon to level 5.
Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Upgrade this secondary weapon to level 3.
Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Upgrade this secondary weapon to level 3.
Improve the ship's resistance in S.E.F. 1!
Improve the ship resistance.
Super Shield
Improve the Shield Item in S.E.F. 1!
Improve the ship shield.
Improve the HP of the ship in S.E.F. 1!
Improve the ship HP.
Super combo! - Story
Get 10x combo in S.E.F. 1!
This trophy should come naturally.
For me it unlocked in level 1.
Ultra combo! - Story
Get 20x combo in S.E.F. 1!
This trophy should come naturally.
For me it unlocked in level 5.
No scratches!
Complete a mission without taking damage in S.E.F. 1.
If you somehow managed to complete 1 level in hardcore mode without getting hit, then you are a pro at this game and ignore the next step.
If you didn't manage to complete one like myself, start the game in normal mode and complete quickly the first level without getting hit.
Space car
Someone sent a car into space, destroy it in S.E.F. 1!
In the second level, destroy the car that you see as soon as the level starts.
Collect Shield item in S.E.F. 1
Focus on destroying the ship that gives you power ups and pick up a shield power up.
Machinegun Level 3
Upgrade your Machinegun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 1.
Plasma Level 3
Upgrade your Plasmagun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 1.
Laser Level 3
Upgrade your Lasergun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 1.
Rifle Level 3
Upgrade your Riflegun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 1.
Missile Level 3
Upgrade your Missile to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 2.
Space Mine Level 3
Upgrade your Space Mine to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 2.
Laser Mine Level 3
Upgrade your Laser Mine to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 2.
Beebot Level 3
Upgrade your Beebot to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Gun 2.
Force field Level 3
Upgrade your Force field to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Special upgrades.
Super bomb Level 3
Upgrade your Super bomb to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Special upgrades.
Super laser Level 3
Upgrade your Super laser to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Special upgrades.
HP 20
Improve the HP of the ship to 20 in S.E.F. 2!
Can be found in Ship upgrades.
Upgrade the HP to level 3.
Resistance Level 2
Upgrade the Resistance to Level 2 in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Ship upgrades.
Enemy bullet slow
Slow down enemy bullet in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Ship upgrades.
Upgrade the Slow down enemy bullet to level 1.
Enemy laser resistance
Increase enemy laser resistance in S.E.F. 2
Can be found in Ship upgrades.
Upgrade the increase enemy laser resistance to level 1.
Warship - Story
Defeat Warship in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 1.
Battleship - Story
Defeat Battleship in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 2.
Destroyer - Story
Defeat Destroyer in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 3.
Heavy Warship - Story
Defeat Heavy Warship in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 4.
Station Commander 1 - Story
Defeat Station Commander 1 in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 5.
Heavy Battleship - Story
Defeat Heavy Battleship in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 6.
Heavy Destroyer - Story
Defeat Heavy Destroyer in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 7.
War Machine - Story
Defeat War Machine in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 8.
Little Frigate - Story
Defeat Little Frigate in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 9.
Station Commander 2 - Story
Defeat Station Commander 2 in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 10.
Super Warship - Story
Defeat Super Warship in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 11.
Heavy Frigate - Story
Defeat Heavy Frigate in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 12.
Heavy War Machine - Story
Defeat Heavy War Machine in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 13.
Mothership - Story
Defeat Mothership in S.E.F. 2
Boss from level 14.
Finish tutorial in S.E.F. 2
Directly start the campaign on elite difficulty but be careful not to skip the tutorial.
Complete the tutorial.
Golden spaceship - Story
Finish Boss Rush Mode in S.E.F. 2
It is a quick game mode in which you fight all 14 bosses, one by one.
Elite Force! - Story
Finish the campaign mode on Elite difficulty in S.E.F. 2!
Directly start the campaign on elite difficulty because the game is similar to SEF, kill enemies, kill bosses, and upgrade your ship.
Trophy Roadmap
Space Elite Force
Hardcore Mode
Super combo! - Get 10x combo in S.E.F. 1!
Frigate - Destroy the Frigate in S.E.F. 1
Space car - Someone sent a car into space, destroy it in S.E.F. 1!
Cruiser - Destroy the Cruiser in S.E.F. 1
Destroyer - Destroy the Destroyer in S.E.F. 1
Super Killing Machine - Kill 200 enemies in S.E.F. 1!
Heavy Frigate - Destroy the Heavy Frigate in S.E.F. 1
Ultra combo! - Get 20x combo in S.E.F. 1!
Heavy Cruiser - Destroy the Heavy Cruiser in S.E.F. 1
Machinegun - Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Ultra Killing Machine - Kill 400 enemies in S.E.F. 1!
Shield - Collect Shield item in S.E.F. 1
Heavy Destroyer - Destroy the Heavy Destroyer in S.E.F. 1
Battle Cruiser - Destroy the Battle Cruiser in S.E.F. 1
The Invincible - Complete the hardcore mode in S.E.F. 1!
Normal Mode
No scratches! - Complete a mission without taking damage in S.E.F. 1.
Infinity Mode
Missile - Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Resistance - Improve the ship's resistance in S.E.F. 1!
Super Shield - Improve the Shield Item in S.E.F. 1!
MAX HP! - Improve the HP of the ship in S.E.F. 1!
Snipergun - Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Plasmagun - Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Beebot - Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Laserbot - Reach the maximum level in S.E.F. 1!
Space Elite Force 2
Campaign - Elite - 1st walkthrough
Tutorial - Finish tutorial in S.E.F. 2
Warship - Defeat Warship in S.E.F. 2
Battleship - Defeat Battleship in S.E.F. 2
Destroyer - Defeat Destroyer in S.E.F. 2
Missile Level 3 - Upgrade your Missile to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Heavy Warship - Defeat Heavy Warship in S.E.F. 2
Station Commander 1 - Defeat Station Commander 1 in S.E.F. 2
Heavy Battleship - Defeat Heavy Battleship in S.E.F. 2
Heavy Destroyer - Defeat Heavy Destroyer in S.E.F. 2
War Machine - Defeat War Machine in S.E.F. 2
HP 20 - Improve the HP of the ship to 20 in S.E.F. 2!
Little Frigate - Defeat Little Frigate in S.E.F. 2
Resistance Level 2 - Upgrade the Resistance to Level 2 in S.E.F. 2
Enemy bullet slow - Slow down enemy bullet in S.E.F. 2
Station Commander 2 - Defeat Station Commander 2 in S.E.F. 2
Enemy laser resistance - Increase enemy laser resistance in S.E.F. 2
Super Warship - Defeat Super Warship in S.E.F. 2
Super bomb Level 3 - Upgrade your Super bomb to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Heavy Frigate - Defeat Heavy Frigate in S.E.F. 2
Machinegun Level 3 - Upgrade your Machinegun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Heavy War Machine - Defeat Heavy War Machine in S.E.F. 2
Mothership - Defeat Mothership in S.E.F. 2
Elite Force! - Finish the campaign mode on Elite difficulty in S.E.F. 2!
Campaign - Elite - 2nd walkthrough
Rifle Level 3 - Upgrade your Riflegun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Plasma Level 3 - Upgrade your Plasmagun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Laser Level 3 - Upgrade your Lasergun to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Super laser Level 3 - Upgrade your Super laser to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Force field Level 3 - Upgrade your Force field to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Beebot Level 3 - Upgrade your Beebot to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Space Mine Level 3 - Upgrade your Space Mine to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Laser Mine Level 3 - Upgrade your Laser Mine to level 3 in S.E.F. 2
Boss Rush
Golden spaceship - Finish Boss Rush Mode in S.E.F. 2
Platinum Spaceship - Unlock All Trophies