Skatemasta Tcheco - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 15 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 levels
Number of missable trophies: 1
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 2
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum trophy
Unlock all other trophies
Skatemasta Tcheco is an easy and short game in terms of trophies:
You need to play only 2 levels: Concrete Jungle and 1 more, but i recommend Da Mall since it is easier
There are some gameplay trophies: jump on an enemy (cross button), air dash an enemy (double cross button), collect a health pack
While playing you also need to focus on collecting the money because you need 50k dollars and also collect all the letters from the level 1
The hardest trophy in the game, would be to hit 3 enemies in a row without touching the ground. The best place for this is in level 1.
The missable trophy is after finishing level 1, you have a choice to save your game or not. Choose not to save it
Rest of the trophies will come naturally as part of the story
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained.
Ollie attack
Jump on an enemy
You jump by pressing the cross button.
Air dash an enemy
You air dash by pressing twice the cross button.
Safety first
Collect a health pack
You will find a lot of them during the 2 levels.
Collect $50,000
Focus on collecting the money bags through level 1 and 2.
A friend in need
Collect all friend name letters in any level
Collect all the letters from level 1 since there are few of them rather than level 2.
Fighter - Story
Defeat any in the game
Beat the first boss.
Livin' on the edge - Missable
Choose not to save your game when prompted
The missable trophy is after finishing level 1, you have a choice to save your game or not.
Choose not to save it.
Triple the fun
Defeat 3 or more enemies in a combo
The hardest trophy in the game, would be to hit 3 enemies in a row without touching the ground.
The best place for this is in level 1, immediately after the huge present.
Wild in the streets - Story
Finish the level "Concrete Jungle"
Level 1 of the game.
Skatemasta - Story
Finish any 2 levels in the game
I would recommend playing on Level 2, Da Mall since it is easier.
Little Moneybags
Collect $25,000
Focus on collecting the money bags through level 1 and 2.
Trophy Roadmap
Level 1 - Concrete Jungle
Ollie attack - Jump on an enemy
Safety first - Collect a health pack
Airstrike - Air dash an enemy
Triple the fun - Defeat 3 or more enemies in a combo
A friend in need - Collect all friend name letters in any level
Fighter - Defeat any in the game
Little Moneybags - Collect $25,000
Wild in the streets - Finish the level "Concrete Jungle"
Livin' on the edge - Choose not to save your game when prompted
Level 2 - Da Mall
Moneybags - Collect $50,000
Skatemasta - Finish any 2 levels in the game
Platinum trophy - Unlock all other trophies