Shmoupity Shmoup - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 19 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 15 games
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 2.49 € / 2.49 $
Trophies: 53 (1P, 3G, 3S, 46B)
Shmoupity Shmoup is like Shmoup, but Shmoupier, there is even a 2 player mode
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
The Shmoupiest
You've become Shmoupier than any Shmoup
Shmoupity Shmoup is an arcade game developed and published by y-zo studio.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 20 minutes:
Before getting into details, I need to specify that the game offers cross-save, but it is on the same platform. So, for example, if you achieve platinum trophy on the PS4 EU version, you can start the PS4 NA version and all the trophies will auto pop, but if you open the PS5 EU version, you will need to play from the beginning.
My advice is to start first with the Original Mode because you will earn some additional powerup points
Game 1 - Focus on reaching 530 points and surviving around 60 seconds, then you can die.
Game 2 to game 5 - Die quickly
Game 6 - focus on surviving around 60 seconds, then die
Game 7 - play until you reach the trophy for playing OG mode for 181 seconds in total
Go to upgrades and start using some of the points. Max out first the health, then fire rate, and lastly speed.
From now on you will play the new mode, and after each session, go to upgrades and use your points.
After maxing out health and fire rate, buy one speed upgrade, then sell it, and then you can start maxing out the speed also.
During the next games in the new mode, also make sure to use the missile attack 10 times. You can fire a missile with the L2 button.
Game 8 - Play on easy mode and focus on reaching 666 points and surviving at least 91 seconds, then you can die. During this session, you should also try to unlock these miscellaneous trophies
Shoot a blackhole with bullets and also with a missile
Enter and quickly exit from the blackhole
Get 1 damage from a celestial body (those meteors moving around)
Destroy a planet
Destroy the boss
After getting all those miscellaneous trophies, you can die.
Game 9 - Play on normal mode and focus on reaching 333 points and surviving at least 61 seconds, then you can die. During this session, you should try to also kill 5 enemies with 1 missile attack.
Game 10 - Play on hard mode and focus on reaching 110 points and surviving at least 31 seconds, then you can keep playing until you die.
From now on all the games should be played only on hard mode because you will earn more upgrade points.
Game 11 - Shoot a missile into some near enemies, so you can also kill yourselves.
Game 12 to game 15 - focus on surviving as much as possible so you can earn enough points to buy all the upgrades.
Play additional games if you still do not have enough points for all the upgrades.
The rest of the trophies not mentioned until now, will unlock naturally during your 15 games.
Easy Shmoup Check
You've started the game on Easy!
Normal Shmoup Check
You've started the game on Normal!
Hard Shmoup Check
You've started the game on Hard!
Too Easy
Finished you first game on Easy
Pretty Average
Finished your first game on Normal
Too Hard?
Finished your first game on Hard
That's a first
Finished your first game of the new mode
Shmoup Five O
Finished 5 games
Finished 10 games
It's okay now
Finished 15 games
The Cicada
Unlock your first upgrade
The Ant
Reach 100 Shmoup Points
Life Saver
Unlock the final Life Upgrade
The Machine Gunner
Unlock the final FireRate Upgrade
I Am Become Speed
Unlock the final Speed Upgrade
Too Fast?
Devolve one level of Speed Upgrade for the first time
After maxing out health and fire rate, buy one speed upgrade, then sell it, and then you can start maxing out the speed also.
This New Mode is fun
Finished 4 games of the New Mode
Oops, I dieded again
Die once
The Immortal
Die 5 times
The Shooter
Shot 66 bullets
The Real Shooter
Shot 367 bullets
The Missile
Shot 1 missile
Missile Impossible
Shot 5 missiles
Impossible Missile
Shot 10 missiles
During the next games in the new mode, also make sure to use the missile attack 10 times.
You can fire a missile with the L2 button.
The Killer
Killed 50 enemies
The Real Killer
Killed 250 enemies
The Real Real Killer
Killed 500 enemies
OG Enjoyer
Played Original Mode for 181 seconds or more
New Mode Enjoyer
Played New Mode for 181 seconds or more
Shmoupity Enjoyer
Played the game for 311 seconds or more
OG Survivalist
Best Survival time for OG Mode is 31 seconds or more
EASY Mode Survivalist
Best Survival time for New Mode on EASY is 91 seconds or more
NORMAL Mode Survivalist
Best Survival time for New Mode on NORMAL is 61 seconds or more
HARD Mode Survivalist
Best Survival time for New Mode on HARD is 31 seconds or more
OG HighScore Enjoyer
Your HighScore in OG Mode is 530 or more
EASY HighScore Enjoyer
Your HighScore in EASY for New Mode is 666 or more
NORMAL HighScore Enjoyer
Your HighScore in NORMAL for New Mode is 333 or more
HARD HighScore Enjoyer
Your HighScore in HARD for New Mode is 110 or more
Tried to shoot at a Black Hole
Poor Thing
Witness a enemy be swallowed by a Black Hole
The New Boss
Kill a Boss
Managed to destroy your ship with a missile
Shoot a missile into some near enemies, so you can also kill yourselves.
Kill 5 enemies with a single missile
Radical Solution
Tried to end the Black Hole with a missile
Escape a Black Hole
Enter and quickly exit from the blackhole
It’s a Trap!
Feel the crushing power of a celestial body
Get 1 damage from a celestial body (those meteors moving around)
I Am Become Death
Destroy a Planet
The beginning of times
Witness the birth of a Black Hole
They’ve got what they deserve
Witness a celestial body crush an enemy ship
The OG
Finished your first game of the Original Mode
The Real OG
Finished 3 games of the Original Mode
The OG Real OG
Finished 7 games of the Original Mode
Trophy Roadmap
The Shooter - Shot 66 bullets
The Killer - Killed 50 enemies
The OG - Finished your first game of the Original Mode
OG HighScore Enjoyer - Your HighScore in OG Mode is 530 or more
OG Survivalist - Best Survival time for OG Mode is 31 seconds or more
Oops, I dieded again - Die once
The Real OG - Finished 3 games of the Original Mode
The Immortal - Die 5 times
Shmoup Five O - Finished 5 games
The Real Shooter - Shot 367 bullets
The OG Real OG - Finished 7 games of the Original Mode
The Ant - Reach 100 Shmoup Points
OG Enjoyer - Played Original Mode for 181 seconds or more
The Cicada - Unlock your first upgrade
Life Saver - Unlock the final Life Upgrade
Easy Shmoup Check - You've started the game on Easy!
I Am Become Death - Destroy a Planet
The Real Killer - Killed 250 enemies
It’s a Trap! - Feel the crushing power of a celestial body
Poor Thing - Witness a enemy be swallowed by a Black Hole
Radical Solution - Tried to end the Black Hole with a missile
The Missile - Shot 1 missile
The beginning of times - Witness the birth of a Black Hole
Meaningless - Tried to shoot at a Black Hole
Phewww - Escape a Black Hole
They’ve got what they deserve - Witness a celestial body crush an enemy ship
That's a first - Finished your first game of the new mode
Too Easy - Finished you first game on Easy
EASY HighScore Enjoyer - Your HighScore in EASY for New Mode is 666 or more
EASY Mode Survivalist - Best Survival time for New Mode on EASY is 91 seconds or more
Normal Shmoup Check - You've started the game on Normal!
Shmoupity Enjoyer - Played the game for 311 seconds or more
Strike! - Kill 5 enemies with a single missile
Shmoupiten - Finished 10 games
Pretty Average - Finished your first game on Normal
NORMAL HighScore Enjoyer - Your HighScore in NORMAL for New Mode is 333 or more
NORMAL Mode Survivalist - Best Survival time for New Mode on NORMAL is 61 seconds or more
Hard Shmoup Check - You've started the game on Hard!
New Mode Enjoyer - Played New Mode for 181 seconds or more
The Real Real Killer - Killed 500 enemies
The New Boss - Kill a Boss
HARD HighScore Enjoyer - Your HighScore in HARD for New Mode is 110 or more
HARD Mode Survivalist - Best Survival time for New Mode on HARD is 31 seconds or more
Too Hard? - Finished your first game on Hard
The Machine Gunner - Unlock the final FireRate Upgrade
Too Fast? - Devolve one level of Speed Upgrade for the first time
Missile Impossible - Shot 5 missiles
This New Mode is fun - Finished 4 games of the New Mode
WHOOPS - Managed to destroy your ship with a missile
Impossible Missile - Shot 10 missiles
It's okay now - Finished 15 games
I Am Become Speed - Unlock the final Speed Upgrade
The Shmoupiest - You've become Shmoupier than any Shmoup