Shaman's Mask of the Rune Magic - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 5 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 2
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 2.99 € / 2.99 $
Trophies: 12 (1P, 11G, 0S, 0B)
Non-linear platformer action game about a shaman and his mask.
- Minimalistic melee combat system with evasion mechanics
- Different spells (runes) to choose from
- Enemies and bosses with different abilities and attacking style
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
The Shaman
Get all the trophies
Shaman's Mask of the Rune Magic is an action game developed and published by Xitilon.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Start a new game and make sure to perform all the basic actions in the first screen: jump, attack, dodge
In the second screen, deflect an arrow with your attack
After completing the second screen, you will have to choose between 2 runes: fire and lightning.
Choose the fire rune, and cast a fireball, and a fire wall
Quit to main menu, start a new game, and complete again the first 2 screens.
Now choose the lightning rune and cast a lightning ball and a lightning strike.
Begin the journey
Start a new game and make sure to perform all the basic actions in the first screen: jump, attack, dodge
A big jump
Jump for the first time
Chop chop
Strike with a saber for the first time
Dodge for the first time
Deflect an arrow
In the second screen, deflect an arrow with your attack
Fire mage
Choose the fire rune
After completing the second screen, you will have to choose between 2 runes: fire and lightning.
Choose the fire rune, and cast a fireball, and a fire wall
Cast a fireball
Let them burn
Cast a fire wall
Master of the Storm
Choose the lightning rune
Quit to main menu, start a new game, and complete again the first 2 screens.
Now choose the lightning rune and cast a lightning ball and a lightning strike.
Ball lightning
Cast a lightning ball.
Cast a lightning strike
Trophy Roadmap
Adventurer - Begin the journey
A big jump - Jump for the first time
Chop chop - Strike with a saber for the first time
Evade - Dodge for the first time
Reflex - Deflect an arrow
Fire mage - Choose the fire rune
Firecaster - Cast a fireball
Let them burn - Cast a fire wall
Master of the Storm - Choose the lightning rune
Ball lightning - Cast a lightning ball.
Thunder - Cast a lightning strike
The Shaman - Get all the trophies