Save The World - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 17 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 5
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 5.99 € / 5.99 $
Trophies: 16 (1P, 10G, 5S, 0B)
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4® version and the digital PS5® version of this game.
Ekiya is a young woman living in London who struggles with financial and romantic issues.
But soon her ordinary life circumstances suddenly become extraordinary when she is kidnapped by aliens. The alien leader, Xen, makes a shocking proclamation: every day a progressively increasing number of the wealthiest individuals on Earth would be killed!
As the conflict between humans and aliens ensues, you must influence both sides and determine the fate of the world.
* Visual novel gameplay
* Sci-fi art and setting
* 2 romantic interests
* 4 different endings
* Decide the fate of the world
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
World Saviour
Find everything there is to find about Ekiya's story.
Save The World is a visual novel game developed by Winter Wolves and published by Gamuzumi.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Before starting the game, go to preferences, select unseen text and after choices for skip option, and increase the speed to maximum for text speed and auto-forward time
Start a new game and press the R1 button to skip the text
Follow the walkthrough to choose the correct dialogue options and unlock the platinum
Walkthrough 1
1) Smell her armpit
1) Why did you capture me?
1) Where do you come from?
1) What are you?
1) You... speak my language?
2) That potential scenario you pitched is exactly what's happening
1) Kiss her back
1) They deserve it.
2) Disagree
1) Play along
1) Nature is beautiful
2) Give Away Everything
1) It's madness
1) Look at Castillo
1) Joke with her
1) Take hands
1) When will it end?
1) How do you know that you're right?
1) This won't work.
2) Confess curiosity
2) Scared
1) No, and you're the proof
1) Talk about their logic
2) They deserved it
2) Why did you come to my rescue then?
2) Thank you
1) Ask about her personal life
2) I'm intrigued. Make Save 1
2) Lie
1) Ignore the issue
1) We could get a prestigious degree
1) Laugh and agree
2) That would bring justice to a lot of people
Walkthrough 2
Load Save 1
1) Confess
2) Sad admission
2) We should travel the world
2) Be serious
2) That would bring justice to a lot of people Walkthrough 3
2) Be annoyed
1) Why did you capture me?
1) Where do you come from?
1) What are you?
1) You... speak my language?
Make Save 2
2) That potential scenario you pitched is exactly what's happening
2) Dismiss her worries
1) They deserve it.
2) Disagree
2) Scold Sarah
1) Nature is beautiful
1) Lose Enough Money
1) It's madness
2) Keep it professional
2) Remain serious
1) Take hands
1) When will it end?
1) How do you know that you're right?
1) This won't work.
2) Confess curiosity
1) Flattered
2) It's hard to deny it
2) Xen is the boss
2) They deserved it
2) Why did you come to my rescue then?
1) Were you following me?
2) Ask about her career
1) I'm sorry ...
Make Save 3
2) I feel attracted to you
2) That's a bad idea
2) I am happy to help
2) Try to insist.
2) Call out Xen
Walkthrough 4
Load Save 3
1) Do you enjoy my company?
1) That's a good idea
2) I am happy to help
1) Go back to the ship.
2) Call out Xen
Walkthrough 5
Load Save 2
1) But hey, now that you're here, you can fix it
2) Dismiss her worries
2) This isn't going to end well.
1) Agree
2) Scold Sarah
2) You can teleport?
2) Give Away Everything
1) It's madness
2) Keep it professional
2) Remain serious
2) Turn away
3) This won't work.
2) How do you know that you're right?
1) When will it end?
1) Ask them to stop
1) Flattered
2) It's hard to deny it
2) Xen is the boss
1) Why did you kill them?
1) It would also make the world boring
1) Were you following me?
2) Ask about her career
1) I'm sorry ...
Unlock Sarah's bad ending
Finally Free
Unlock Sarah's good ending
I'm Sorry
Unlock Xen's bad ending
Space Travelers
Unlock Xen's good ending
It Wasn't My Fault
Unlock alone ending
Aww Cute!
See Sarah and Mirtillo sleep scene
Pure Bliss
See Ekiya's floating scene
See Sarah's heart gesture scene
See Sarah's love scene
New Kind Of Love
See Xen's love scene
Indecent Proposal
Accept Castillo's offer
Sexy Agent
Unlock Castillo's Pinup
Unlock Ekiya's Pinup
More than just a friend
Unlock Sarah's Pinup
I come in peace
Unlock Xen's Pinup
Trophy Roadmap
Heart-Shaped - See Sarah's heart gesture scene
Sexy Agent - Unlock Castillo's Pinup
Aww Cute! - See Sarah and Mirtillo sleep scene
Indecent Proposal - Accept Castillo's offer
Bubble-bath - See Sarah's love scene
Jackpot! - Unlock Sarah's bad ending
More than just a friend - Unlock Sarah's Pinup
Finally Free - Unlock Sarah's good ending
New Kind Of Love - See Xen's love scene
Pure Bliss - See Ekiya's floating scene
I'm Sorry - Unlock Xen's bad ending
I come in peace - Unlock Xen's Pinup
Space Travelers - Unlock Xen's good ending
Ekiya - Unlock Ekiya's Pinup
It Wasn't My Fault - Unlock alone ending
World Saviour - Find everything there is to find about Ekiya's story.