Round Invaders Rush 2 - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 22 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 - 2 games
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 1
Price: 1.75 € / 1.99 $
Trophies: 28 (1P, 7G, 8S, 12B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Three-chambered heart
Melt the heart of the alien prince with all his favourite treats!
Round Invaders Rush 2 is an arcade game published by Acyntha.
It is a medium difficulty game, which can be completed in under 20 minutes, depending on skill:
You move with the DPad, you can jump with the cross button, and you can roll with the L1/R1 buttons if you have enough mana
The goal would be to reach 1500 points and most of the trophies should come naturally
Make sure that you gather at least 1 of each ice cream flavors, and 2 bowls of icecream
Jump 20 times
Roll at least once to either left or right
In case you are too skilled and manage to get 1500 points from the first time, just do not quit the game yet remember to also die, because there is a trophy related to losing 2 lives.
Grab your basic icecream cone
Grab the big bowl of 3 flavours
Earn 20 points
Earn 90 points
Earn 150 points
Earn 200 points
Earn 300 points
Creme de la creme
Earn 350 points
Staying fit
Move your body!
Rolling around
Don't be lazy, stroll and roll!
Royal dinner
Grab at least 15 cones
Royal delights
Grab at least 30 cones and 2 bowls
Lost your cool
This is inevitable with so many treats flowing past your mouth...
Lose 1 life.
Another one?
Grab another basic icecream cone
Lost your cool again
You should stay calm, or no more icecream!
Lose 2 lives.
Keep the change
Raise your score
One-two! Left, right!
Three-four! Right, left!
Royal lunch
Grab at least 5 cones
Thick and velvety
Earn 1000 points
Full Cream
Earn 1500 points
Choco Cherry
When vanilla doesn't cut it anymore
Northern Bilberry Cheesecake cone
Grab the rare shiny cone
Use your energy to Rush left or right. How comes you're so agile, blobby?
Press either the L1 or R1 buttons when you have mana.
This plumpy blob is able to go UP... what else we don't know of alien prince?
Grab the icecream block in waffles, an iconic treat from a certain part of Earth
Burn those calories!
Jump 20 times
You jump using the cross button.
Trophy Roadmap
Jump! - This plumpy blob is able to go UP... what else we don't know of alien prince?
Keep the change - Raise your score
Vanilla - Grab your basic icecream cone
Another one? - Grab another basic icecream cone
Sweet - Earn 20 points
Fitness - One-two! Left, right!
Royal lunch - Grab at least 5 cones
Staying fit - Move your body!
Burn those calories! - Jump 20 times
Aerobics - Three-four! Right, left!
Cold - Earn 90 points
Northern Bilberry Cheesecake cone - Grab the rare shiny cone
Smooth - Earn 150 points
Rolling around - Don't be lazy, stroll and roll!
Creamy - Earn 200 points
Royal dinner - Grab at least 15 cones
Choco Cherry - When vanilla doesn't cut it anymore
Exceptional - Earn 300 points
Rush!!! - Use your energy to Rush left or right. How comes you're so agile, blobby?
Lost your cool - This is inevitable with so many treats flowing past your mouth...
Creme de la creme - Earn 350 points
Plombiere - Grab the icecream block in waffles, an iconic treat from a certain part of Earth
Spumoni - Grab the big bowl of 3 flavours
Royal delights - Grab at least 30 cones and 2 bowls
Thick and velvety - Earn 1000 points
Lost your cool again - You should stay calm, or no more icecream!
Full Cream - Earn 1500 points
Three-chambered heart - Melt the heart of the alien prince with all his favourite treats!