Metaloid: Origin - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 7/10
Duration: 16 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 3 (1 needs to be on hard, the other 2 can be on normal)
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 11
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Catch Them all.
Collect all Trophies
Metaloid: Origin is a very hard game in terms of difficulty and trophies:
You need to beat the game 3 times, once with each character, and one of the walkthroughs needs to be on hard difficulty
You need to collect 5 big gems, from the first 6 levels
You need to collect each upgrade from the first 6 levels, with all 3 characters
You need to find Aeon as a secret boss in the 4th level, Desolation Desert, and the 6th level, Northern Base and defeat him
You need to buy all the upgrades and weapons for each of the 3 characters
During the 4th level, Desolation Desert, you need to press up and jump while on a bike to throw it into an enemy
During the 6th Level, Northern Base, you need to either lure Ice Trumper, the mid boss, to destroy the ice and fall or kill him before he destroys the ice
In the 7th level, Star Ladder, you need to defeat Aeon, the mid boss, with the dash attack in midair, but you need to make sure you have the flame kick upgrade on Erika before attempting this
In the 8th level, Space Fleet, you need to destroy the 4 reactors without using the big robot called Glora
In the 9th level, you need to defeat the Origin Titan, the last boss, without using the recovery power and the big robot Glora
Luckily, you have level select, but i would recommend you try to do all the trophies from first try so you can save some time
In terms of gameplay, this game is very hard, but here are some tips and tricks that might help you along the way:
Remap the controls, put the shooting on R2, dash on L2 and power on R1, change power on circle and change weapons on triangle and square
Collect all the big gems on all the walkthroughs because it will help you with the upgrade and weapon costs
If you do not have enough gems to buy everything when reaching the reactor room, then keep gathering all the gems from that room then die and do it again until you can buy everything
While using the motorbike, do not press jump and up, it will throw the bike away
While using the robot, Glora, and the spaceship, you cannot shoot and turn, so you need to stop shooting before facing the other way
While using the ship, you cannot shoot and use the special power at the same time
I would recommend using Neva for the hard walkthrough, because her Glora has an auto target
Tank Buster - Story
Defeat Heavy Gunner
Boss from 1st level, Meta Forest.
Where's my zombie? - Story
Defeat Bio Hazard
Boss from 2nd level, Toxin Swamp.
No more loot boxes! - Story
Defeat Magnetron Dyna
Boss from 3rd level, Captured Armory.
Road Warrior - Story
Defeat Grim Rush
Boss from 4th level, Desolation Desert.
We require more minerals! - Story
Defeat Molten Monger
Boss from 5th level, Volcanic Mine.
Checkmate! - Story/Choice
Defeat Ice Trumper in battle
Mid Boss from 6th level, Northern Base.
He sits on an ice platform that he destroys while jumping around.
You need to shoot and kill him before he falls.
Bye Bye! - Story/Choice
Lure Ice Trumper jump to the pit.
Mid Boss from 6th level, Northern Base.
He sits on an ice platform that he destroys while jumping around.
You need to keep moving on the platform making sure he jumps on area with little ice so he can fall.
Cryo Sleep - Story
Defeat Cryo Maniac
Boss from 6th level, Northern Base.
Metalodius - Story
Defeat Eradica Mk.II
Boss from 7th level, Star Ladder.
Reactor Breaker
Destroy All Reactor in fleet level without using Glora
In the 8th level, Space Fleet, you need to destroy the 4 reactors without using the big robot called Glora
There are 2 spots that Glora spawns in the room, do not jump in it all, else it will void the trophy.
You can use Glora in the previous room before the reactors room.
Nani!?!? (WTF) - Story
Defeat Ubermind
Boss from 8th level, Space Fleet, but there isn't any actual gameplay, just cinematic.
Fall of the Titan - Story
Defeat Origin Titan
Boss from the 9th level.
Glade to know this achivement really worked!
Defeat Origin Titan in hard difficult without using recovery power and Glora
In the 9th level, you need to defeat the Origin Titan, the last boss, without using the recovery power and the big robot Glora, which spawns when the boss is at 50% HP (the background will start flashing red).
Do not jump in the Glora at all, else it would void the trophy
Luckily, this trophy is bugged in a good way, and you can earn this trophy on normal difficulty.
Meta Arena?
Defeat Aeon in Sky ladder level with Erika Flame kick (Direct Hit)
In the 7th level, Star Ladder, you need to defeat Aeon, the mid boss, with the dash attack in midair, but you need to make sure you have the flame kick upgrade on Erika before attempting this
I remember that move!
Find and defeat Aeon 4 times in different levels
You can find Aeon in 4 locations, 2 times as a mid-boss which you need to fight as part of the story and 2 times as a hidden boss:
Level 1, Meta Forrest - Mid Boss
Level 4, Desolation Desert - Hidden Boss, while riding the bike in the dark, take the upper path
Level 6, Northern Base - Hidden Boss, first room after the mid boss, while going down, you will see a cave on the left side around middle of the way
Level 7, Star Ladder - Mid Boss
Each time you defeat him, he will drop some upgrades.
Pro Gamer - Story
Complete game as Erika
Operation Successful! - Story
Complete game as Zeta
Nothing I can't fix! - Story
Complete game as Neva
Who's next!? - Story
Complete game with all characters
This trophy is bugged in a good way.
You will earn it after you finish the walkthrough with any of the characters.
GGEZ - Story
Complete game on Hard difficult
I would recommend using Neva for the hard walkthrough, because her Glora has an auto target.
Nerf This!
Collect and unlock all upgrade as Erika
You need to:
buy 3 weapons
buy 4 upgrades, you unlock them by defeating Aeon
buy 3 powers, you unlock them by defeating Aeon
find 6 perks, you will find one in each of the first 6 levels.
Weather control device detected!
Collect and unlock all upgrade as Zeta
You need to:
buy 3 weapons
buy 4 upgrades, you unlock them by defeating Aeon
buy 3 powers, you unlock them by defeating Aeon
find 6 perks, you will find one in each of the first 6 levels.
Deus ex Machina
Collect and unlock all upgrade as Neva
You need to:
buy 3 weapons
buy 4 upgrades, you unlock them by defeating Aeon
buy 3 powers, you unlock them by defeating Aeon
find 6 perks, you will find one in each of the first 6 levels.
My precious!
Collect all big gem in the game
You need to use either Erika or Zeta and get the air dash upgrade as soon as possible because you will need it to reach some gems.
With Neva, 1 gem from 3rd level, Captured Armory is not accesible because her air dash is actually and air glide, but later, you can unlock for her free air movement, but this will mean replaying the 3rd level for the last gem.
Each of the first 6 levels contains 5 big gems.
Road Rage!
Kill enemy with bike kamikaze
During the 4th level, Desolation Desert, you need to press up and jump while on a bike to throw it into an enemy.
Trophy Roadmap
Walkthrough 1 - Erika - Normal
Meta Forest
Tank Buster - Defeat Heavy Gunner
Toxin Swamp
Where's my zombie? - Defeat Bio Hazard
Captured Armory
No more loot boxes! - Defeat Magnetron Dyna
Desolation Desert
Road Rage! - Kill enemy with bike kamikaze
Road Warrior - Defeat Grim Rush
Volcanic Mine
We require more minerals! - Defeat Molten Monger
Northern Base
Bye Bye! - Lure Ice Trumper jump to the pit.
My precious! - Collect all big gem in the game
Cryo Sleep - Defeat Cryo Maniac
Star Ladder
Meta Arena? - Defeat Aeon in Sky ladder level with Erika Flame kick (Direct Hit)
I remember that move! - Find and defeat Aeon 4 times in different levels
Metalodius - Defeat Eradica Mk.II
Space Fleet
Reactor Breaker - Destroy All Reactor in fleet level without using Glora
Nani!?!? (WTF) - Defeat Ubermind
Nerf This! - Collect and unlock all upgrade as Erika
Fall of the Titan - Defeat Origin Titan
Glade to know this achivement really worked! - Defeat Origin Titan in hard difficult without using recovery power and Glora
Who's next!? - Complete game with all characters
Pro Gamer - Complete game as Erika
Walkthrough 2 - Zeta - Normal
Northern Base
Checkmate! - Defeat Ice Trumper in battle
Space Fleet
Weather control device detected! - Collect and unlock all upgrade as Zeta
Operation Successful! - Complete game as Zeta
Walkthrough 3 - Neva - Hard
Space Fleet
Deus ex Machina - Collect and unlock all upgrade as Neva
GGEZ - Complete game on Hard difficult
Nothing I can't fix! - Complete game as Neva
Catch Them all. - Collect all Trophies
Meta Forest
Gem 1 - 2nd room in the top left
Gem 2 - 4th room on the main path, you cannot miss it
Mid Boss - Aeon
Gem 3 - 3rd room after mid boss, a room with lots of waterfalls, keep following the upper path to the right
Gem 4 - same room, but this time go to lower left side, and you will enter another room
Energy Recycle - 5th room after the mid boss, there is a small room with some water at the bottom. Climb up in this room and go left to another room
Gem 5 - 6th room after the mid boss, near the end of the room, when you reach the 2 enemies with shield, before them is a ladder going down. Go down this ladder, then go to the right
Toxin Swamp
Gem 1 - Room 2, follow the lower path and you will find it in the mud
Gem 2 - Room 4, push the first blue crate across the gap and use it to climb to the upper path
Gem 3 - Room 5, after you fight the last helicopter near the room exit, go to upper left using the platform and continue the left upper path
Gem 4 - Room 6, you cannot miss it, it is on your path, again hidden in the mud
Mid Boss
Gem 5 - Room 3 after mid boss, gem is on lower floor, behind a toxic wall. Go to the second floor and solve the puzzle, then go back and collect the gem
Ogre Drive - Same room as the last gem, go up in the room as much as possible and exit the room on the left side instead of the right side. Follow this room so you can collect the upgrade
Captured Armory
Nano Armor - Room 1, go inside the warehouse and fall. Go to the right and collect the upgrade.
Gem 1 - same room as the Nano Armor, but this time go to the right
Gem 2 - Room 3, where you are climbing the floors of conveyor belts, you have to reach the top of that building and the gem is on the left side
Gem 3 - Room 4, he is on the main path, but you need an air dash for Erika and Zeta. You cannot take this gem as Neva when you play the walkthrough for the first time. You can return and replay this level after you have free air movement for Neva
Mid Boss
Gem 4 - Room 2 after mid boss, you need to exit the room through the upper path, not the lower one. In Room 3 after mid boss, in the upper part of the level, you can exit to the left (continue to room 4 after mid boss) or go to the right. On the right side you will find this room with the gem.
Gem 5 - Room 4 after mid boss, at the end of the room press the conveyor belt switch so you can move the box from the gem
Desolation Desert
Gem 1 - Room 2, the first platforms that you see, there is a box above of them that you can push to reveal the gem
Gem 2 - Room 5, when you ride the bike for the 2nd time, instead of jumping over the big pit, run at full speed and you will land in a cave where you can find the gem
Gem 3 - From the previous gem, make your way back up, and try to go on the upper path so you can find another gem
Mid Boss
Soulrium Safe - Room 1 after mid boss, you will see 3 blades and 2 exploding barrel on the right side. Go to them and enter a hidden room with the upgrade
Gem 4 - Room 3 after the mid boss, you will find a place with 5 rotating blades next to each other. Go to the upper right side to find the gem
Gem 5 - Room 5 after the mid boss, where you ride the bike in the dark, go to the upper path and you will see the gem in a pit
Aeon - Hidden Boss - near the end of the same room, go to the upper path to find a hidden room with Aeon inside of it
Volcanic Mine
Gem 1 - Room 2, in your way, cannot be missed
Gem 2 - Room 5, there is a place with 2 boxes stacked near a ladder going up. Push them and go up the ladder and on the right side
Mid Boss
Pick Axe - Room 4 after the mid boss, ride the cart on the upper right part of the room that leads into a dark room. In this dark room climb up, ride the cart, and jump on the upper left, then continue until you find the upgrade
Gem 3 - Same dark room, return to the ladder that you jump into and fall, then shoot the crystals on your left side revealing another gem
Gem 4 - Room 5 after mid boss, shoot the missile into the ceiling revealing another gem
Gem 5 - Room 6 after mid boss, use the carts again to reach the upper right part of the room
Northern Base
Gem 1 - Room 2, go to the right side and you will find a floor of ice and a gem under it. Use the robot that jumps around to break the ice and collect the gem
Gem 2 - Same room, return and continue down and down right into the room until you reach the slope leading to the exit that also has a platform allowing you to do down. Go down and collect this gem.
Gem 3 - Room 4, beat the AT-AT Walker from Star Wars and collect the gem behind him
Mid Boos
Aeon - Hidden Boss - Room 1 after the mid boss, it is a room that you need to fall into it. Instead of going fully down, try to land on edges and lifts and enter the secret room on the left side around the middle of the way
Gem 4 - Room 2 after the mid boss, at the start choose to go to the upper path and collect the gem
Fusion Battery - Room 3 after the mid boss, you can choose to go down into the water or on the right side. Go to the right side to collect this upgrade.
Gem 5 - Room 5 after the mid boss, the second room underwater, when you reach the section with the platform acting as a lift, going up and down, use them to go up and on the left side to collect the final gem
Star Ladder
Mid Boss - Aeon