Let's compare the speed of our punches! - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 1 minute
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Price: 0.99 € / 0.99 $
Trophies: 12 (1P, 11G, 0S, 0B)
Show who punches the fastest!
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum experience
Get all other trophies
Let's compare the speed of our punches! is an arcade game developed and published by Enningture Game Temple.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Mash all 4 buttons at the same time: triangle, circle, cross, and square to defeat Pio 3 times.
Even after defeating him, keep pressing the buttons so you can also earn the trophy for pressing the square button 100 times
No one can just deflect emerald punch
Press the triangle button 10 times
Punch blue
Press the cross button 30 times
Crimson power
Press the circle button 60 times
Yare, yare, give the button a break
Press the square button 100 times
I have a dream
Reach medium punching speed
I can't beat you without moving faster
Reach fast punching speed
punchy, punchy, punchy
Reach ultra fast punching speed
Reach maximum punching speed
Defeat Pio 1 time
My next enemy is...
Defeat Pio 2 times
Kono panchi da!
Defeat Pio 3 times
Trophy Roadmap
I have a dream - Reach medium punching speed
punchy, punchy, punchy - Reach ultra fast punching speed
I can't beat you without moving faster - Reach fast punching speed
PUNCHYYYYYY - Reach maximum punching speed
No one can just deflect emerald punch - Press the triangle button 10 times
Arrividerci - Defeat Pio 1 time
Punch blue - Press the cross button 30 times
Crimson power - Press the circle button 60 times
My next enemy is... - Defeat Pio 2 times
Kono panchi da! - Defeat Pio 3 times
Yare, yare, give the button a break - Press the square button 100 times
Platinum experience - Get all other trophies
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