Legions - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 6 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 9.99 € / 6.99 $
Trophies: 12 (1P, 11G, 0S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Legions master
Collect all trophies in game.
Legions is a ping pong game developed and published by Smobile.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Play level 1, and make sure to always hit the powerup before your opponent so you can get it for yourself, and of course make sure to win the level
Most of the trophies will come when collecting and using the powerups. Some powerups will be used automatically, some can be targeted and then shoot with the R1 button, or some can be activated dirrectly with the R1 button.
You need to defeat an enemy with the ball, axe, catapult, greek fire, morning star, linghtning strike and also an obstacle with any powerup
When you get the shield powerup, let the enemy to hit your shield
When you get the axe, throw it also in the enemy sword to damage it
And lastly, collect the powerup that resurects some of your soldiers back
Defeat with ball
Defeat an enemy with ball.
Defeat with axe
Defeat an enemy with axe.
Defeat with catapult
Defeat an enemy with catapult.
Defeat with greek fire
Defeat an enemy with greek fire.
Defeat with morning star
Defeat an enemy with morning star.
Defeat with lightning
Defeat an enemy with lightning strike.
Defend with shield
Defend army with shield.
Damage enemy sword
Damage enemy sword with power ups.
Destroy an obstacle
Destroy an obstacle with power ups.
Resurrect army
Resurrect one or more army men.
Win a battle
Win a battle against CPU.
Trophy Roadmap
Defeat with ball - Defeat an enemy with ball.
Defeat with lightning - Defeat an enemy with lightning strike.
Destroy an obstacle - Destroy an obstacle with power ups.
Defend with shield - Defend army with shield.
Defeat with greek fire - Defeat an enemy with greek fire.
Defeat with morning star - Defeat an enemy with morning star.
Defeat with catapult - Defeat an enemy with catapult.
Resurrect army - Resurrect one or more army men.
Damage enemy sword - Damage enemy sword with power ups.
Defeat with axe - Defeat an enemy with axe.
Win a battle - Win a battle against CPU.
Legions master - Collect all trophies in game.