Legend of Arcadieu Bundle - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 7 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 5
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 7.99 € / 7.99 $
Trophies: 27 (1P, 5G, 19S, 2B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Arcadieu Adventures
Experience everything on Legend of Arcadieu Bundle.
Legend of Arcadieu Bundle is a classic visual novel bundle game composed of 2 games published by Gamuzumi: The Legend of Arcadieu and The Legend of Arcadieu 2.
In terms of trophies, it is an extremely easy and fast game:
Before starting the game go to Settings and increase the message speed to maximum
Use the square button on the skip to skip the text. You need to skip after each choice.
To make a save game, press the L1 button then press the square button on the save
You can skip the credits with the circle button
Follow the walkthrough from below to complete the game in only 5 playthroughs.
Walkthrough 1
New Game - The Legend of Arcadieu Archer
Make Save 1 1. Fight with all my might!
1. Fight her like the monster she is!
1. The torch. 1. Surprise attack!
Walkthrough 2 Load Save 1
2. Spare the poor creature.
2. Tell her a joke?
2.. The rope.
Make Save 2
1. Surprise attack!
Walkthrough 3
Load Save 2
2. Talk her out of this.
3. Human!
2. The snow lady. 1. Accept her deal.
Walkthrough 4 New Game - The Legend of Arcadieu 2
1. Hit them with magic.
1. Use dual bows!
Make Save 5
1. Look for Sophie.
3. The Inklu Tribe
Walkthrough 5
Load Save 3
2. Look for Leslie.
Not another Isekai...
Enter the mysterious world of Arcadieu.
The chosen one
Actually choose the archer class.
My first win
Defeat the Slime monster.
Where’s the spare command?
Let the Slime monster live.
A magic potion?
Defeat Slimette and get the magic potion.
I’m not a bad Slime!
Spare Slimette and meet her family.
The cute sorceress
Kiss Sophie and gain her trust.
A tool to light the darkness
Buy a torch.
Rope connoisseur
Buy a rope.
The mystical sword
Defeat Succubus and find the Dreamslayer.
Common interests
Share something special with Succubus.
I’m asking you a question!
Answer all of Succubus’ trivia questions.
The beautiful warrior
Kiss Trish and open up to her.
The Demon Queen
Defeat Lady Alexandra.
Back to normal
Get the neutral ending.
Better than anime
Get the good ending.
Long live the king
Get the demon ending.
The hero returns
Choose to attack with your bows in the first fight.
Is she my girlfriend now?
Kiss Sophie after a tough battle.
One of many new characters
Meet Leslie, the mysterious thief.
Fight the new and improved Slimes.
Where’s Sophie?
Enter the Infernal Lair and look for Sophie.
I was listening! I swear!
Correctly answer the Succubus’ question.
The clever hacker
Kiss Leslie after a glorious victory.
The new Arcadieu
Start a -potentially- new adventure in a new version of the game!
Sequel bait
Start a -potentially- new adventure with Trish and search for Sophie!
Trophy Roadmap
The Legend of Arcadieu
Walkthrough 1
Not another Isekai... - Enter the mysterious world of Arcadieu.
The chosen one - Actually choose the archer class.
My first win - Defeat the Slime monster.
A magic potion? - Defeat Slimette and get the magic potion.
The cute sorceress - Kiss Sophie and gain her trust.
A tool to light the darkness - Buy a torch.
I’m asking you a question! - Answer all of Succubus’ trivia questions.
The mystical sword - Defeat Succubus and find the Dreamslayer.
The Demon Queen - Defeat Lady Alexandra.
Better than anime - Get the good ending.
Walkthrough 2
Where’s the spare command? - Let the Slime monster live.
I’m not a bad Slime! - Spare Slimette and meet her family.
Rope connoisseur - Buy a rope.
Common interests - Share something special with Succubus.
The beautiful warrior - Kiss Trish and open up to her.
Back to normal - Get the neutral ending.
Walkthrough 3
Long live the king - Get the demon ending.
The Legend of Arcadieu 2
Walkthrough 4
The hero returns - Choose to attack with your bows in the first fight.
Is she my girlfriend now? - Kiss Sophie after a tough battle.
One of many new characters - Meet Leslie, the mysterious thief.
TECHNO SLIMES! - Fight the new and improved Slimes.
Where’s Sophie? - Enter the Infernal Lair and look for Sophie.
I was listening! I swear! - Correctly answer the Succubus’ question.
The new Arcadieu - Start a -potentially- new adventure in a new version of the game!
Walkthrough 5
The clever hacker - Kiss Leslie after a glorious victory.
Sequel bait - Start a -potentially- new adventure with Trish and search for Sophie!
Arcadieu Adventures - Experience everything on Legend of Arcadieu Bundle.