inFamous First Light - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Part 1 - Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide + Trophy Roadmap

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 10 hours Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: None
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Noble Achievement Collect all Trophies inFamous First Light is an easy game in terms of trophies and difficulty, but slightly difficult than inFamous Second Son:
The game is split into 2 gameplay worlds: the map with the missions and the Arenas
You need to complete all the story missions while gathering all the collectibles and completing all the side activities from the map
The game has a list of challenges that you need to complete, some of them are in free roam, but most of them are related to the arenas
For the Arenas you need to achieve a score of 500k in each of them, earn a total score of 10M points and fully upgrade your powers
Of course, there are some gameplay trophies related to the arenas: Overload 25 Turrets, 50 Hostage Saves, Defeat 100 Enemies with a Neon Singularity, Defeat 20 Enemies in a row with Homing Missiles, 25 Stasis + Weakpoint Kills
Lost - Story
Suffer a Loss
Complete mission Prologue
Cracked - Story
Endure a Deception
Complete mission Assault the Motherland.
Betrayed - Story
Experience a Double-cross
Awarded after completing mission Kingpin of Seattle.
She's Ready - Story
Complete the story of inFAMOUS First Light™
Complete mission The Hunt.
Collect all Neon Lumens
There are 72 Neon Lumens scattered around the map, they are marked, and they look like in the video from below.
Destroy all Police Drones
There are 7 Police Drones scattered around the map and they are marked.
Lickety Pronto
Complete all Lumen Races
There are 17 Lumen Races scattered around the map and they are marked.
That's So Fetch
Complete all Neon Graffiti
There are 7 Neon Graffiti scattered around the map and they are marked.
Purchase every Upgrade
After completing all the challenges and arenas you will have enough points for all upgrades.
Complete 25% of all Challenges
After completing the story, work on the challenges.
They are quite easy and some of them require free roam, but most of them can be easily done in the Arenas.
I have completed 25% while still doing the Alpha Rescue Arena.
Complete 50% of all Challenges
After completing the story, work on the challenges.
They are quite easy and some of them require free roam, but most of them can be easily done in the Arenas.
I got the trophy while working on the Beta Survival Arena
Complete 75% of all Challenges
After completing the story, work on the challenges.
They are quite easy and some of them require free roam, but most of them can be easily done in the Arenas.
I got this trophy while working for the Gamma Survival Arena.
Complete all of the Challenges in the Game
After completing the story, work on the challenges.
They are quite easy and some of them require free roam, but most of them can be easily done in the Arenas.
I completed all the remaining challenges while in Gamma Survival Arena.
Alpha Rescue Diamond
Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Description is quite self-explanatory.
Check the video below for a full walkthrough on how to achieve above 500000 points.
Alpha Survival Diamond
Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Description is quite self-explanatory.
Check the video below for a full walkthrough on how to achieve above 500000 points.
Beta Rescue Diamond
Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Description is quite self-explanatory.
Check the video below for a full walkthrough on how to achieve above 500000 points.
Beta Survival Diamond
Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Description is quite self-explanatory.
Check the video below for a full walkthrough on how to achieve above 500000 points.
Gamma Survival Diamond
Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Description is quite self-explanatory.
Check the video below for a full walkthrough on how to achieve above 500000 points.
Turret Syndrome
Overload 25 Turrets
Can be grinded in Beta Survival Arena.
Great Responsibility
50 Hostage Saves
Keep playing Alpha Rescue or Beta Rescue Arenas, until you get this trophy
Top of the Class
Earn a total of 10,000,000 points
Keep replaying Arenas until you get 10M points.
Event Horizon
Defeat 100 Enemies with a Neon Singularity
This is cumulative.
When you fill the bar, you can press the Dpad Down for Neon Singularity.
Can easily be done in Arenas.
…Bada Boom!
Defeat 20 Enemies in a row with Homing Missiles
Use R1 to fire homing missiles
Fish in a Barrel
25 Stasis + Weakpoint Kills
Use L1 for Stasis Blast
Use L2 for Laser Focus and highlight a weakpoint.
While holding down L2 use R2 to shoot and kill.
Trophy Roadmap
Lost - Suffer a Loss
Curdun Cay Arena Alpha
Free the Neon That's So Fetch - Complete all Neon Graffiti Lickety Pronto - Complete all Lumen Races
Illuminated - Collect all Neon Lumens
Stealing from the Enemy
Violence in Seattle
Tracking the Trafficker
Akurans Strike Back
Assault the Motherland Cracked - Endure a Deception
Curden Cay Arena Beta
Conduit Consequences
Surveillance Blackout Blackout - Destroy all Police Drones
Price of Redemption
Kingpin of Seattle
Betrayed - Experience a Double-cross
Curdun Cay Arena Gamma
Drug Dealer Trucks
Storm the Castle
The Hunt
She's Ready - Complete the story of inFAMOUS First Light™
Free Roam after Story Complete Fish in a Barrel - 25 Stasis + Weakpoint Kills
Alpha Rescue Arena Novice - Complete 25% of all Challenges Alpha Rescue Diamond - Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Alpha Survival Arena Event Horizon - Defeat 100 Enemies with a Neon Singularity Alpha Survival Diamond - Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Beta Survival Arena Professional - Complete 50% of all Challenges Beta Survival Diamond - Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Turret Syndrome - Overload 25 Turrets
Beta Rescue Arena Beta Rescue Diamond - Achieve a score of 500,000 points
Great Responsibility - 50 Hostage Saves
Gamma Survival Arena Expert - Complete 75% of all Challenges Gamma Survival Diamond - Achieve a score of 500,000 points …Bada Boom! - Defeat 20 Enemies in a row with Homing Missiles Top of the Class - Earn a total of 10,000,000 points Perfectionist - Complete all of the Challenges in the Game Unleashed - Purchase every Upgrade Noble Achievement - Collect all Trophies