Embraced by Autumn - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 7 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 4
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 18.99 € / 18.99 $
Trophies: 21 (1P, 8G, 10S, 2B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum Autumn
Get all other trophies.
Embraced by Autumn is a visual novel game developed by ebi-hime and published by Ratalaika Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an extremely easy and fast game:
Before starting the game go to config and change transitions to all off, skip to all text, and increase the speed to maximum for text speed and auto delay.
Start a new game and press the R1 button to skip the text
When you reach the only choice of the game, save the game
Now choose one of Claudine, Luce, Mirabel, or Celine and finish the game
After finishing the game, press continue, load the save game and choose another girl
Repeat this 4 times, until you have completed the paths of all 4 girls
To Myennes
Marcel embarks on a journey.
Mirror, mirror
On the wall...
Centre of attention
All eyes are on Marcel.
Picking a partner
Marcel makes a decision.
What a mess!
Claudine and Marcel take a tumble.
An unexpected kiss
Marcel didn't even see it coming!
Cat got your tongue?
Marcel struggles for words.
Finish reading Claudine's route.
Sweeter than sugar
Luce enjoys a snack.
Out in the cold
Luce stands outside in disgrace.
Marcel comes to Luce's rescue.
Finish reading Luce's route.
Damp eyes
Mirabel confesses.
A shoulder to cry on
Marcel consoles Mirabel.
A touching reunion
Mirabel finds Marie-Noelle.
Finish reading Mirabel's route.
Marcel's first lesson
Celine starts to tutor Marcel.
Arm in arm
Celine and Marcel get closer.
Painful memories
Celine opens up about her past.
Finish reading Celine's route.
Trophy Roadmap
To Myennes - Marcel embarks on a journey.
Mirror, mirror - On the wall...
Centre of attention - All eyes are on Marcel.
Picking a partner - Marcel makes a decision.
What a mess! - Claudine and Marcel take a tumble.
An unexpected kiss - Marcel didn't even see it coming!
Cat got your tongue? - Marcel struggles for words.
Claudine - Finish reading Claudine's route.
Sweeter than sugar - Luce enjoys a snack.
Out in the cold - Luce stands outside in disgrace.
Reassurance - Marcel comes to Luce's rescue.
Luce - Finish reading Luce's route.
Damp eyes - Mirabel confesses.
A shoulder to cry on - Marcel consoles Mirabel.
A touching reunion - Mirabel finds Marie-Noelle.
Mirabel - Finish reading Mirabel's route.
Marcel's first lesson - Celine starts to tutor Marcel.
Arm in arm - Celine and Marcel get closer.
Painful memories - Celine opens up about her past.
Celine - Finish reading Celine's route.
Platinum Autumn - Get all other trophies.