Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Part 6 - Walkthrough: Emprise du Lion, Cradle of Sulevin, Hissing Wastes, Crestwood, Fade, Winter Palace, High Dragons

Difficulty: 5/10
Duration: 75-100 hours main game + 10 hours for Jaws of Hakkon + 5 hours for The Descent + 25 hours for Trespasser Offline trophies: 51 + 4 + 4 + 11 Online trophies: None
DLC: 3 (2/10 difficulty - Jaws of Hakkon, 3/10 difficulty - The Descent, 5/10 difficulty - Trespasser) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 on Nightmare for main game + another 1 started for some Trials in the Trespasser DLC Number of missable trophies: 6 + 1 + 0 + 8
Emprise du Lion
The Corruption of Sahrnia
Valeska's Watch
Take Back the Lion
Mama's Ring
Turning the Tables
Rocky Rescue
Red Captors
Quarry Quandary
Caged Confession
Words not Hollow
Capturing Suledin Keep
Call Me Imshael
They Shall Not Pass
Sifting Through Rubble
Securing Safe Passage
Breeding Grounds
Cradle of Sulevin
Ruined Blade
Hissing Wastes
Field of Bones
Let's Slay the Beast
Sand and Ruin
The Tomb of Fairel
Notes on the Wastes
Capturing Caer Bronach
Still Waters
Burdens of Command
Weeding Out Bandits
The Naturalist
High Stakes
Wyrm Hole
Fears of the Dreamers
Broken Window
Winter Palace
Red Jenny's Stashes
Herd of Stone Halla
Throwing Away Money
The Great Blackmail Hunt
High Dragons
The Hinterlands - Fereldan Frostback
Exalted Plains - Gamordan Stormrider
Emerald Graves - Greater Mistral
Crestwood - Northern Hunter
The Storm Coast - Vinsomer
Hissing Wastes - Sandy Howler
Emprise du Lion - Hivernal
Emprise du Lion - Kaltenzahn
Emprise du Lion - Highland Ravager