Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Part 5 - Walkthrough: Emerald Graves, Lost Temple of Dirthamen, The Western Approach

Difficulty: 5/10
Duration: 75-100 hours main game + 10 hours for Jaws of Hakkon + 5 hours for The Descent + 25 hours for Trespasser Offline trophies: 51 + 4 + 4 + 11 Online trophies: None
DLC: 3 (2/10 difficulty - Jaws of Hakkon, 3/10 difficulty - The Descent, 5/10 difficulty - Trespasser) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 on Nightmare for main game + another 1 started for some Trials in the Trespasser DLC Number of missable trophies: 6 + 1 + 0 + 8
Emerald Graves
Watcher's Reach Refugees
The Freemen of the Dales
A Fallen Sister
Not Everyone's Free
A Vicious Thug
A Deluded Chevalier
Noble Deeds, Noble Heart
A Lover's Promise
Observing the Menace
Last Wishes
Map of Watcher's Pass
Motherly Encouragement
A Corrupt General
Safe Keeping
Victims of War
A Puppet Master
A Bear to Cross
Map of Elgar'nan's Bastion
Chateau d'Onterre
The Tiniest Cave
The Knights' Tomb
Lost Temple of Dirthamen
God of Secrets
Runes in the Lost Temple
The Western Approach
The Venatori
On the Chantry Trail
Frederic's Livelihood
Hunting Patterns
How to Lure a Dragon
Sharper White Claws
A Tevinter Relic Hunt
The Heart of the Still Ruins
A Stranger Rift in the Ruins
A Manuscript of Some Authority
Assault on Griffon Wing Keep
This Water Tastes Funny
The Trouble with Darkspawn
Fortress Squatters