Demon Hunter: New Chapter - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 1 hour
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 6
Price: 14.99 € / 14.99 $
Trophies: 14 (1P, 11G, 2S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Unlock every Trophy.
Demon Hunter: New Chapter, also known as Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter, is an adventure puzzle game developed by Brave Giant and published by Artifex Mundi.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game, much easier than typical Artifex Mundi games, which can be completed in around 1 hour:
You only need to play around 1 hour of the game, until you reach the swap minigame in the story during the hospital scenes
You need to complete 1 HOS without pressing the DPad Up button during it.
You need to complete 1 HOS without clicking on the wrong item, so I would recommend you quit to main menu before attempting that HOS so you can do a manual save game and then continue the story and attempt the HOS. In case you make a mistake, just quit the game from console menu, reenter the game and continue the save game which was made before the HOS and attempt to finish it again without a mistake.
You need to complete a minigame puzzle in less than 1 minute so I would recommend you try this in the minigame puzzle which requires that you open the gate to the house. The solution is simple: minus, square, plus, triangle, equal, circle.
Find 3 swords:
When you start in the garage, you will find a sword on the right side near the chair
After crashing with the helicopter, there is another sword on the left side
After reaching the gate to the house, there is another sword above the dog.
The rest of the trophies will unlock naturally as part of the story
Complete a Hidden Object Scene without a hint.
You need to complete 1 HOS without pressing the DPad Up button during it.
Complete a Hidden Object Scene without a mistake.
You need to complete 1 HOS without clicking on the wrong item, so I would recommend you quit to main menu before attempting that HOS so you can do a manual save game and then continue the story and attempt the HOS.
In case you make a mistake, just quit the game from console menu, reenter the game and continue the save game which was made before the HOS and attempt to finish it again without a mistake.
Complete a Minigame puzzle in less than a minute.
You need to complete a minigame puzzle in less than 1 minute so I would recommend you try this in the minigame puzzle which requires that you open the gate to the house.
The solution is simple: minus, square, plus, triangle, equal, circle.
Finish the swap Minigame.
Lucky Shot
Find 1 Collectable item.
When you start in the garage, you will find a sword on the right side near the chair
Eagle Eye
Find 2 Collectable items.
After crashing with the helicopter, there is another sword on the left side
The Collector
Find 3 Collectable items.
After reaching the gate to the house, there is another sword above the dog.
The Pilot
Finish the helicopter flight.
Definitely not a robber
Find your way into the mansion.
Hack the password.
Sorry kitty!
You scared the cat.
A human's best friend
Help the dog.
Finish the story from the TV Minigame.
Trophy Roadmap
Lucky Shot - Find 1 Collectable item.
The Pilot - Finish the helicopter flight.
Eagle Eye - Find 2 Collectable items.
Clicktastic! - Complete a Hidden Object Scene without a mistake.
Independent - Complete a Hidden Object Scene without a hint.
The Collector - Find 3 Collectable items.
Sorry kitty! - You scared the cat.
Brainiac - Complete a Minigame puzzle in less than a minute.
A human's best friend - Help the dog.
Storyteller - Finish the story from the TV Minigame.
Definitely not a robber - Find your way into the mansion.
Hackerman - Hack the password.
Coordinator - Finish the swap Minigame.
Platinum - Unlock every Trophy.