Bunny Factory - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 3 hours and 15 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 9.99 € / 9.99 $
Trophies: 15 (1P, 10G, 2S, 2B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Best worker!
Bunny Factory is a puzzle game published by DillyFrame Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game if you follow a guide, which can be completed in around 3 - 4 hours:
Complete the first 54 puzzles from the main game
Kick any block with the R2 button in the puzzle room
After completing puzzle 13, you will unlock the first teleport cabin. Enter in it.
After completing puzzle 54, collect all 8 items that are scattered around the map
1st scheme
Complete 1st level
5th scheme
Complete 5th level
10th scheme
Complete 10th level
15th scheme
Complete 15th level
20th scheme
Complete 20th level
25th scheme
Complete 25th level
30th scheme
Complete 30th level
35th scheme
Complete 35th level
40th scheme
Complete 40th level
45th scheme
Complete 45th level
It's working!
Complete 49th level
I know another way
Kick any block
Kick any block with the R2 button in the puzzle room
Teleport me!
Teleport yourself using teleport cabin
After completing puzzle 13, you will unlock the first teleport cabin.
Enter in it.
My collection
Gather all collectibles
After completing puzzle 54, collect all 8 items that are scattered around the map
Trophy Roadmap
1st scheme - Complete 1st level
I know another way - Kick any block
5th scheme - Complete 5th level
10th scheme - Complete 10th level
Teleport me! - Teleport yourself using teleport cabin
15th scheme - Complete 15th level
20th scheme - Complete 20th level
25th scheme - Complete 25th level
30th scheme - Complete 30th level
35th scheme - Complete 35th level
40th scheme - Complete 40th level
45th scheme - Complete 45th level
It's working! - Complete 49th level
My collection - Gather all collectibles
Platinum - Best worker!