Barbie Project Friendship - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 8 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Price: 39.99 € / 39.99 $
Trophies: 28 (1P, 6G, 7S, 14B)
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4® version and the digital PS5® version of this game.
Get ready for the ultimate Barbie™ gaming adventure as Barbie and Barbie work together to save a beloved Malibu landmark, the Malibu Waves Community Center!
Join them and their friends on a fun adventure to transform six spaces into fabulous spots like the Pet Salon, Campsite, Tech Lab, and more.
Dreaming of becoming a pet groomer, technical taskmaster or working with an ocean view? In the World of Barbie, there are so many activities to try out.
Complete fun quests, unlock exciting minigames, and earn valuable community points to give outfits and spaces a stylish upgrade.
PLAY AS BARBIE – Play as Barbie and Barbie as you work together with friends and family to complete challenges and quests to help the community.
EXPLORE MALIBU – Discover up to 6 new spaces and help restore the beloved community center.
TRY FUN ACTIVITIES – Complete tasks in the Pet Salon, Skate Park, Tech Lab and more.
EARN REWARDS – Collect community points and use them to unlock awesome outfits and items to upgrade the Malibu Waves Community Center.
TEAM UP IN MINIGAMES – Play solo or team-up in local co-op.
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Pinker than ever
Unlock all other trophies
Barbie Project Friendship is a family adventure game developed by Xaloc Studios and Casual Brothers Games and published by Outright Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which will take around 7 - 8 hours to be completed:
Before starting the game, go to options, accessibility, and enable easy interactions and auto-win minigames.
Play and complete all the main and side quests from the game.
There are 2 trophies related to minigames. You need to obtain 4 stars and 3 stars during any minigame. You obtain 4 stars when you have 3 stars and fill fully the bar below them.
The game has also 39 collectables, but because the game will take you all around the map, they are extremely easy to spot.
Try to perform very good during minigames, so you can earn more community points. You will also earn community points after completing quests and after performing various reparations around the Community Center.
You need to hold 1000 community points before you start spending them.
You will have to buy all 15 outfits which unlock gradually after missions. The last outfit unlocks after completing the game.
There is a trophy for buying all the office items, but luckily that trophy is bugged, but in a good way. You will not have to buy all the items; you only need to buy 70.
The only trophy which is not story related is to pet the dog from the first floor of Animal Aid Center.
The Malibu Waves Community Center
Complete introductory quest
DIY Dreams
Complete the first quest in the Workshop
Unexpected News
Complete the restoration of the Workshop
Fun at the Beach!
Complete the first quest at the Beach
Improving Together
Complete the restoration of the Beach
Scavenger Hunt
Complete the first quest at the Camping Area
Becoming Jr Rangers
Complete the restoration of the Camping Area
A home for all animals
Complete the first quest in the Animal Aid Center
A Wild Pursuit
Complete the restoration of the Animal Aid Center
Back to the 80s
Complete the first quest in the Tech Lab
May the best gamers win
Complete the restoration of the Tech Lab
Sewing Experts
Complete the first quest in the Amphitheater
Looking for Inspiration
Complete the restoration of the Amphitheater
Saving the Malibu Waves
Complete the final fair at the Amphitheater
Project Friendship: Complete!
Complete all main and secondary quests
First Steps
Complete the first minigame
Get 3 stars in a minigame
Playful Star
Get 4 stars in a minigame
There are 2 trophies related to minigames.
You need to obtain 4 stars and 3 stars during any minigame.
You obtain 4 stars when you have 3 stars and fill fully the bar below them.
Treasure Hunter
Get your first collectable
Memories worth a lifetime
Get all the collectables
The game has also 39 collectables, but because the game will take you all around the map, they are extremely easy to spot:
Malibu Waves - 9
Office - 2
Workshop - 5
Beach - 5
Camping Area - 5
Animal Aid Center - 4
Tech Lab - 4
Amphitheater - 5
Office Makeover
Unlock all the Office items
There is a trophy for buying all the office items, but luckily that trophy is bugged, but in a good way.
You will not have to buy all the items; you only need to buy 70.
Fashion Fun!
Unlock all the outfits
You will have to buy all 15 outfits which unlock gradually after missions.
The last outfit unlocks after completing the game.
Malibu Waves Tour
Visit all the spaces
Building a Community
Have 500 Community Points
Heart of the Community
Have 1000 Community Points
You need to hold 1000 community points before you start spending them.
Treat Yourself
Spend 175 Community Points on an item
You Can Pet the Dog
Pet a dog
The only trophy which is not story related is to pet the dog from the first floor of Animal Aid Center.
Trophy Roadmap
The Malibu Waves Community Center
Malibu Waves - Collectable 1
Treasure Hunter - Get your first collectable
Malibu Waves - Collectables 2 - 4
Office - Collectables 1 - 2
The Malibu Waves Community Center - Complete introductory quest
DIY Dreams
Malibu Waves - Collectables 5 - 9
Workshop - Collectables 1 - 2
First Steps - Complete the first minigame
Playful Star - Get 4 stars in a minigame
DIY Dreams - Complete the first quest in the Workshop
Building a Community - Have 500 Community Points
Fun at the Beach
Beach - Collectables 1 - 2
Barbie-style - Get 3 stars in a minigame
Beach - Collectables 3 - 5
Fun at the Beach! - Complete the first quest at the Beach
Heart of the Community - Have 1000 Community Points
Surfing Superhero
Unexpected News
Unexpected News - Complete the restoration of the Workshop
Workshop - Collectables 3 - 5
Improving Together
Improving Together - Complete the restoration of the Beach
Treat Yourself - Spend 175 Community Points on an item
Learning is Fun
Scavenger Hunt
Camping Area - Collectables 1 - 5
Scavenger Hunt - Complete the first quest at the Camping Area
What a Scoop!
Becoming Jr Rangers
Becoming Jr Rangers - Complete the restoration of the Camping Area
A home for all animals
Animal Aid Center - Collectable 1
A home for all animals - Complete the first quest in the Animal Aid Center
Gathering the Herd
Animal Aid Center - Collectable 2
You Can Pet the Dog - Pet a dog
Animal Aid Center - Collectables 3 - 4
A Wild Pursuit
A Wild Pursuit - Complete the restoration of the Animal Aid Center
Jackalope in its Natural Habitat
Back to the 80s
Tech Lab - Collectables 1 - 3
Back to the 80s - Complete the first quest in the Tech Lab
Generational Clash
May the best gamer win
Tech Lab - Collectable 4
May the best gamers win - Complete the restoration of the Tech Lab
Best Drone Ever? Watch Now!
Sewing Experts
Malibu Waves Tour - Visit all the spaces
Amphitheater - Collectables 1 - 5
Memories worth a lifetime - Get all the collectables
Sewing Experts - Complete the first quest in the Amphitheater
Looking for Inspiration
Looking for Inspiration - Complete the restoration of the Amphitheater
Office Makeover - Unlock all the Office items
Saving Malibu Waves
Saving the Malibu Waves - Complete the final fair at the Amphitheater
Project Friendship: Complete! - Complete all main and secondary quests
Fashion Fun! - Unlock all the outfits
Pinker than ever - Unlock all other trophies