Arcade Archives: Ninja-Kid - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 15 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 0
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid is an easy game in terms of trophies:
Reach more than 20000, die, then upload the score online
Enter in all menu options
Settings can be accessed from here.
Option menu opened.
Press touchpad to open the options menu.
Optimal display settings
Display settings opened.
Open the display settings from the options menu.
Customize game settings
Game settings opened.
Open the game settings from the options menu.
Set button configuration
Button settings opened.
Open the button settings from the options menu.
The manual has been read.
All of the manual has been read.
Open the manual from the options menu and scroll until the end of it.
Aim to be the best!
Online rankings opened.
Open the online rankings from the options menu.
Game Reset
The game has been reset.
Reset the game from the options menu.
Record score
The score has been posted to the online rankings.
After reaching over 20000 high score and dying you will have the option to upload the score on the online rankings.
Select yes to upload them.
Mark high score
High score has been updated.
Reach over 20000 high score.
- collect around 3-5 scrolls per level, but not more so you won't lose them
- collect the glowing balls, so after 3 balls you will access the bonus stage
- jump and hit fast the enemies
- you can increase your lives from 3 to 5 in the options menu if you struggle
Trophy Roadmap
Stages - 20000 High Score
Mark high score - High score has been updated.
Record score - The score has been posted to the online rankings.
Options menu
Settings can be accessed from here. - Option menu opened.
Optimal display settings - Display settings opened.
Customize game settings - Game settings opened.
Set button configuration - Button settings opened.
The manual has been read. - All of the manual has been read.
Aim to be the best! - Online rankings opened.
Game Reset - The game has been reset.