A Bibelot: Y-Type - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 27 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 21 games
Number of missable trophies: 0
Price: 2.49 € / 2.49 $
Trophies: 44 (1P, 3G, 8S, 32B)
1 Type
2 Players Co-op
3 Game Modes
4 Lines
It's all you need to understand the deep meaning lying behind this game
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
The Type
You've earned every trophy!
A Bibelot: Y-Type is a space shooting game developed and published by y-zo studio.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 30 minutes:
Play the standard mode on easy difficulty and focus on completing it in under 777 seconds
As soon as you start, go and hit enemies until you have 1 life left. Now start shooting enemies and loot a life powerup.
Always loot the powerups so you can restore health or shoot faster.
At the second boss, fly behind him, and then shoot him from behind by using the right stick to aim.
Complete this first session to unlock Boss Rush.
Start a standard mode on normal difficulty and die.
Start a standard mode on hard difficulty, then quit to main menu.
Start the boss rush mode on easy difficulty and focus on completing it in under 77 seconds. Always go under the bosses and shoot them from below.
Complete this session to unlock Endless mode.
Start the boss rush mode on normal difficulty and complete it without changing the aim direction with the right stick.
Start a boss rush mode on hard difficulty, then quit to main menu.
Start the endless mode on easy difficulty and play on it until you killed 777 enemies and completed stage 7.
Quit to main menu after you achieve those 2 objectives.
Start an endless mode on normal difficulty, then quit to main menu.
Start an endless mode on hard difficulty, then quit to main menu.
Start any mode on normal difficulty and quit to main menu, 3 more times.
Now keep on playing boss rush on easy difficulty, 7 more times, until you obtain the trophy for killing 77 bosses.
Start the endless mode on easy difficulty and play on it until you obtain the trophy for shooting 7777 times. Quit to main menu after you obtain this trophy.
Start any mode on any difficulty, then quit to main menu to play the last 21 game and obtain the platinum trophy.
Long Time
Start a game in any difficulty
No See?
Died once
Start a standard mode on normal difficulty and die.
Easy Check
Start the game on Easy
Normal Check
Start the game on Normal
Hard Check
Start the game on Hard
Boss Rush Easy
Start Boss Rush on Easy
Boss Rush Normal
Start Boss Rush on Normal
Boss Rush Hard
Start Boss Rush on Hard
Endless Easy
Start Endless on Easy
Endless Normal
Start Endless on Normal
Endless Hard
Start Endless on Hard
Easy 9
Play 9 times on Easy
Normal 6
Play 6 times on Normal
Hard 3
Play 3 times on Hard
21 Types
Play 21 times (you can rage quit)
The Focused
Killed the first enemy once
The Focused Shooter
Killed the second enemy once
The Zig Zag
Killed the third enemy once
The Not So Precise Shooter
Killed the fourth enemy once
The Sharp Shooter
Killed the fifth enemy once
The Cheater
Killed the sixth enemy once
The… What?
Killed the seventh enemy once
Killed the first Boss
Killed the second Boss
Killed the third Boss
Killed the fourth Boss
Killed the fifth Boss
Killed the sixth Boss
Killed the seventh Boss
First Aid Kit
Pick up a Life powerup
Fire Up
Pick up a Fire rate powerup
Life Critical
Pick up a Life powerup when you’re almost dead
As soon as you start, go and hit enemies until you have 1 life left.
Now start shooting enemies and loot a life powerup.
Fire at will
Maxed the fire rate of your ship
You sneaky…
Go behind a Boss (except Boss 1 & 3)
Always loot the powerups so you can restore health or shoot faster.
Killed a Boss 77 times
Now keep on playing boss rush on easy difficulty, 7 more times, until you obtain the trophy for killing 77 bosses.
Killed 777 enemies
Start the endless mode on easy difficulty and play on it until you killed 777 enemies and completed stage 7.
Shot 7777 times
Start the endless mode on easy difficulty and play on it until you obtain the trophy for shooting 7777 times.
PAR Time
Finished the game under 777 seconds
Play the standard mode on easy difficulty and focus on completing it in under 777 seconds
Boss Rush under PAR
Finished Boss Rush under 77 seconds
Start the boss rush mode on easy difficulty and focus on completing it in under 77 seconds.
Always go under the bosses and shoot them from below.
You're right
Finished Boss Rush in at least Normal difficulty while only aiming right
Start the boss rush mode on normal difficulty and complete it without changing the aim direction with the right stick.
It’s not over yet!
You’ve finished the game once, but there’s more to see!
Not yet! It’s not over yet!
You’ve finished Boss Rush once, but there is still more to see?!
Put an end to the infinite
Quit Endless mode after Stage 7
Trophy Roadmap
Easy Check - Start the game on Easy
Long Time - Start a game in any difficulty
The Focused - Killed the first enemy once
Fire Up - Pick up a Fire rate powerup
BOSS 1 - Killed the first Boss
The Focused Shooter - Killed the second enemy once
First Aid Kit - Pick up a Life powerup
Life Critical - Pick up a Life powerup when you’re almost dead
You sneaky… - Go behind a Boss (except Boss 1 & 3)
BOSS 2 - Killed the second Boss
The Zig Zag - Killed the third enemy once
Fire at will - Maxed the fire rate of your ship
BOSS 3 - Killed the third Boss
The Not So Precise Shooter - Killed the fourth enemy once
BOSS 4 - Killed the fourth Boss
The Sharp Shooter - Killed the fifth enemy once
BOSS 5 - Killed the fifth Boss
The Cheater - Killed the sixth enemy once
BOSS 6 - Killed the sixth Boss
The… What? - Killed the seventh enemy once
BOSS 7 - Killed the seventh Boss
It’s not over yet! - You’ve finished the game once, but there’s more to see!
PAR Time - Finished the game under 777 seconds
Normal Check - Start the game on Normal
No See? - Died once
Hard Check - Start the game on Hard
Boss Rush Easy - Start Boss Rush on Easy
Not yet! It’s not over yet! - You’ve finished Boss Rush once, but there is still more to see?!
Boss Rush under PAR - Finished Boss Rush under 77 seconds
Boss Rush Normal - Start Boss Rush on Normal
You're right - Finished Boss Rush in at least Normal difficulty while only aiming right
Boss Rush Hard - Start Boss Rush on Hard
Endless Easy - Start Endless on Easy
777 - Killed 777 enemies
Put an end to the infinite - Quit Endless mode after Stage 7
Endless Normal - Start Endless on Normal
Endless Hard - Start Endless on Hard
Hard 3 - Play 3 times on Hard
Normal 6 - Play 6 times on Normal
Easy 9 - Play 9 times on Easy
77 - Killed a Boss 77 times
7777 - Shot 7777 times
21 Types - Play 21 times (you can rage quit)
The Type - You've earned every trophy!