your average old school shmup - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 16 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 5 games
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 1.99 € / 1.99 $
Trophies: 27 (1P, 7G, 8S, 11B)
An old school and simple shoot 'em up with an adaptative difficulty
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Full Loop
The first is finally over
Your average old school shmup is a space shooting game developed and published by y-zo studio.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Start a game on Easy and focus on completing the following objectives:
Kill 256 enemies in total
Reach a score of at least 50000
Reach a multiplier of at least 25. Be careful the multiplier reset every time you take damage, or you let an enemy pass.
Kill the boss 3 times
Shot 1000 times
Reach wave 3, and kill all 3 types of enemies
Fully upgrade speed, health, damage, and firerate. Be careful because the upgrades reset every time you take damage.
The only trophy that will require some attention is the one for not missing a shot ten times in a row. To attempt this trophy, do not take the bullet upgrades, and hit 10 enemies in a row with a single bullet.
After earning all these trophies on your first game, you can die.
Now start 4 more games and quickly die. One of these games needs to be on normal difficulty, and another on hard difficulty. The other 2, it doesn't matter.
Easy Check Again
Start a game on Easy
First time?
Finished your first game
Killed the first enemy
Multi One
Reach a multiplier of at least 5
Reach a score of at least 10 000
Killed 25 enemies total
Killed 100 enemies total
Killed 256 enemies total
Shot 1 000 times
Sharp Shooter
Don’t miss a shot ten times in a row
To attempt this trophy, do not take the bullet upgrades, and hit 10 enemies in a row with a single bullet.
This is my cat
Killed the boss once
Normal Check Again
Start a game on Normal
Actually no
Finished your third game
They shoot now?
Killed the second enemy
Real slowpoke
Killed the third enemy
Reach wave 3, and kill all 3 types of enemies
Reach a multiplier of at least 10
Reach a multiplier of at least 25
Be careful the multiplier reset every time you take damage, or you let an enemy pass.
Big Scorer
Reach a score of at least 25 000
High Score
Reach a score of at least 50 000
Hard Check Again
Start a game on Hard
I’m getting used to it by now
Finished your fifth game
Maximum Speed
Reach the last Speed upgrade
Be careful because the upgrades reset every time you take damage.
Maximum Health
Reach the last Health upgrade
Maximum Damage
Reach the last Damage upgrade
Maximum Fire
Reach the last Firerate upgrade
You don’t like him?
Killed the boss 3 times
Trophy Roadmap
Easy Check Again - Start a game on Easy
Slowpoke - Killed the first enemy
Quarter - Killed 25 enemies total
Scorer - Reach a score of at least 10 000
Multi One - Reach a multiplier of at least 5
Multitude - Reach a multiplier of at least 10
Big Scorer - Reach a score of at least 25 000
This is my cat - Killed the boss once
They shoot now? - Killed the second enemy
High Score - Reach a score of at least 50 000
Centennial - Killed 100 enemies total
Maximum Speed - Reach the last Speed upgrade
Maximum Health - Reach the last Health upgrade
Maximum Damage - Reach the last Damage upgrade
Sharp Shooter - Don’t miss a shot ten times in a row
Real slowpoke - Killed the third enemy
256 - Killed 256 enemies total
Shooter - Shot 1 000 times
You don’t like him? - Killed the boss 3 times
Multipass - Reach a multiplier of at least 25
Maximum Fire - Reach the last Firerate upgrade
First time? - Finished your first game
Normal Check Again - Start a game on Normal
Hard Check Again - Start a game on Hard
Actually no - Finished your third game
I’m getting used to it by now - Finished your fifth game
Full Loop - The first is finally over