Trigger Witch - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 9 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 2
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 7
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Trigger Witch
Unlocked all other Relics!
Trigger Witch is a really nice indie game, very easy in terms of trophies, but quite long when it comes to the story duration. The good part is that the game is good an enjoyable so those 8-9 hours will pass fast:
Play the game on normal difficulty and only change to very easy for bosses, time trial and arena sections
Get your weapon and shoot into the Ordnance Rift
Stock Gauntlet
Have confetti mode on and laser sight off for your first 25 kills so you can get these trophies out of the way fast, then you can enable again the gore and put the laser sight on
Teleport 10 times, after you unlock the second teleporter
Collect the Battle Blaster
Collect the weapon part and the map
Beat the time trial with more than 15 seconds left on the time
Complete the Stock Gauntlet and use the wayfarer's stone to return home
Ozryn Village
Shoot your weapon inside your house
Read the story from the church
Talk with everyone in the village
Firearm Foundry
Travel 500 meters by conveyor belt, when you find the one that loops into a square
Collect the weapon part and the map
Complete the dungeon
Ozryn Village
Buy the health upgrades
Shimmer Lode Mine
On the way to it, or inside, shoot the crystals so that the bullets will be deflected and kill 10 enemies
Collect the Uzzi, the 2 weapon parts and the map
Complete the dungeon
Ozryn Village
Go near the shop where you upgrade your weapon and empty a full clip of Uzzi near the 2 practice targets
Snapfrost Dungeon
Use the fire traps to kill 5 enemies
After you get the fire lance, use it to spread fire between 20 enemies
Collect the weapon part and the map
Complete the dungeon
When you have around 4000 gems, go to the casino, the southeast part of the map and get all 3 rewards
Ozryn Village
Buy the maps
Nuxvarr Village
Buy the full map of Evertonia
Kill 4 enemies with 4 different weapons in 10 seconds
Collect the 27 weapon parts from open world
Get the heavy blaster
Ozryn Village
Upgrade the starting pistol and the heavy blaster
Score above 10000 in arena and also play few seconds the endless broom section
Floating Pavilion
Make 10 enemies fall using the wind enemies or the wind traps
Find the Telescopic and kill 3 enemies at once
Collect the 2 weapon parts and the map
Complete the dungeon
Old Nux Castle
Kill 10 enemies hidden in the dark
Find the Thunderer
Collect the 2 weapon parts and the map
Complete the dungeon
Ozryn Village
Upgrade 2 more weapons
Nuxvarr Village
Buy the remaining maps
Varrian Ruins
Collect the mysterious weapon
Complete the game
After the credits, visit all your friends and talk with them
Top of The Stock - Story
Beat the Stock Gauntlet and join The Clip
Hot Wings - Story
Complete the Firearm Foundry
Unaccompanied Miners - Story
Complete the Shimmer Lode Mine
Ice to See You - Story
Complete the Snapfrost Dungeon
Potent Potable - Story
Receive the Norsou Potion
Some Birds Aren't Meant To Be Caged - Story
Escape the Nuxvarr cell
Sacred Symbols - Story
Complete the Floating Pavilion
The Tragedy of the Goblin Prince - Story
Complete the Old Nux Castle
The Power of Friendship - Story
Embrace the power of magic
To the Moon and Back - Story
Defeat the Man in Black
Evertonian Legend - Story
Finish the game
Colette the Courageous - Story
Catch up with all your old friends and acquaintances
Glockamole - Story
Receive your first weapon from the Ordnance Rift
Going Fully Auto!
Unlocked the Battle Blaster
You can find this weapon in the Stock Gauntlet.
Boom! Shake The Room - Story
Unlock the Mortar Launcher
You will find this weapon in the Firearm Foundry.
Uzi Does It
Unlocked the Dual Mini Blasters
You can find this weapon in the Shimmer Lode Mine.
Cooking With Gas - Story
Unlocked the Fire Lance
You will find this weapon in the Snapfrost Dungeon.
This Ain't Light
Unlock the Heavy Blaster
You can find this weapon in the Arena.
.50 Caliber Love Letter - Story
Unlock the Telescopic Shooter
You will find this weapon in the Floating Pavilion.
Two Barrels Is Better Than One
Unlock the Thunderer
You can find this weapon in the Old Nux Castle.
Shout-Out To Nikola - Missable
Unlock the mysterious firearm
You can find this weapon in the ???
Guns. Lots of Guns - Missable
Complete your firearm collection
There are 9 weapons that you need to collect:
4 weapons will be given as part of the story
4 weapons can be found at any time during these dungeons: Stock Gauntlet, Shimmer Lode Mine, Arena and Old Nux Castle
1 weapon is missable and can eb found in the ??? level
Population Control - Story
Defeat 500 enemies
This will come naturally
Uzi On The Eyes
Empty a full clip of the dual mini blasters without missing an enemy
In the Ozryn Village, go near the shop where you upgrade your weapons and find the 2 practice targets.
Empty a full clip next to them.
Ring of Fire
Spread fire between 20 enemies with the fire-lance
After you get the Fire Lance in the Snapfrost Dungeon use it on the enemies.
Three For One
Kill 3 enemies at once with the telescopic shooter
After you get the Telescopic Shooter in the Floating Pavilion, lure 3 enemies of a thigh space or on a bridge and shoot them in a straight line.
They Drew First Blood
Kill 10 enemies with a single clip from the Heavy Blaster
After you get the Heavy Blaster from the arena, i would recommend you upgrade it a bit, with damage or clip size and then start an Arena game and kill 10 enemies with a single clip.
Blink And You're Dead
Kill 4 enemies with 4 different weapons in 10 seconds
Map 4 weapons on the dpad. To map them, press L1, the select the weapon with the R stick and press the dpad button you wish to map them to.
Find a group of enemies that you can kill easy and switch weapons quickly with the dpad.
Need For Speed
Beat the Stock Gauntlet time trial with more than 15 seconds left
In the stock gauntlet you can easily complete the time trial on very easy difficulty because this way you will have more time on the clock.
Why Run When You Can Stand Still?
Travel 500 metres by conveyor belt
In the Firearm Foundry there is a belt that loops into a square, so jump on it and stay idle to get this trophy.
Sergeant Angle
Kill 10 enemies by wall bouncing
On the way to Shimmer Lode Mine or inside of it, shoot your guns into the crystals so that the bullets will be deflected into enemies.
Friendly Fire
Make 5 enemies die from fire traps
In the Snapfrost Dungeon lure 5 enemies into the fire traps.
Safety Hazard
Make 10 enemies fall to their death
In Floating Pavilion kill 10 enemies using the wind enemies or using the wind traps.
Who's Afraid Of The Dark?
Kill 10 enemies hidden by darkness in Old Nux Castle
In the Old Nux Castle shoot a lot into the dark so you can kill enemies while you do not see them.
Are You Not Entertained? - Story
Attempt the Arena Challenge
Don't Call Me "Sabrina"
Score above 5,000 in the Arena Challenge
Wicked Witch
Score above 10,000 in the Arena Challenge
I would recommend before trying this trophy to do the following:
Get an extra health vial from the Gambler
Have the starting pistol fully upgraded
Have another weapon at least half upgraded, i choose heavy blaster
Collect 10,000 gems
It is recommended to play on normal difficulty so you can get gems at a fast rate.
Ri¢hie Wit¢h
Spend 10,000 gems
It is recommended to play on normal difficulty so you can get gems at a fast rate.
What's This Doing Here?
Collect your first weapon part
You can find the first weapon part in the Stock Gauntlet.
The Power Is Yours
Collect all weapon parts
Buy the maps from the 2 shop keepers from Ozryn and Nuxvarr Villages so you can have the weapon parts marked on the map.
There are 37 weapon parts but only 36 counts for this trophy:
27 weapon parts in Evertonia. If you see one of the chests in a secluded area, then you have to find a cave entrance that will lead you eventually to the chest
1 weapon part in each of these dungeons: Stock Gauntlet, Firearm Foundry and Snapfrost Dungeon
2 weapon parts in each of these dungeons: Shimmer Lode Mine, Floating Pavilion and Old Nux Castle
There is an extra weapon part at the Gambler
As Good As It Gets
Fully upgrade a weapon
Upped Your Arsenal
Fully upgrade 4 weapons
You can upgrade weapon at the shop from Ozryn Village.
I would recommend you upgrade the starting pistol and the heavy blaster + 2 more weapons of your choice.
Triggernometry 101
Read the full history of the Great Trigger in The Chamber
You can find the book inside the church in the Ozryn Village.
There's No Place Like Home
Use the Wayfarer's Stone
After you finish the Stock Gauntlet and exit to Evertonia, press touch pad then square button to use the Wayfarer's Stone.
Supporting Small Business
Talked to every business owner
There are 5 shop keepers:
2 in Ozryn Village
1 in each of Nuxvarr Village, Casino (southeast of Ozryn Village) and Arena (northwest of Nuxvarr Village)
Word On The Street
Talk to villagers 10 times
After you complete the Stock Gauntlet talk with everyone inside the Ozryn Village
How Do You Fold These Things?
Collect every map
There are 14 maps in the game:
5 maps at the shop in Ozryn Village
3 maps at the shop in Nuxvarr Village
1 map inside of each of the 6 dungeons in a small chest: Stock Gauntlet, Firearm Foundry, Shimmer Lode Mine, Snapfrost Dungeon, Floating Pavilion, Old Nux Castle
Every Witch Way
Uncovered every area in Evertonia
If you gathered everything you should receive this trophy when you reach the Varrian Ruins
Beam Me Up
Use teleporters 10 times
After you unlock the 2nd teleporter inside the Stock Gauntlet, you can teleport 10 times between the 2nd and the 1st teleporter until you get this trophy.
Clean Sweep
Complete each broom section
There are 4 broom sections in the game:
3 sections are as part of the story and can be found in: Firearm Foundry, Floating Pavilion and ???
1 section is endless and can be found in the Arena, and you only have to play it until you die once
Sweet, Tasty, Life Essence
Consume 25 healing potions
You can use a healing potion with the triangle button.
To refill it, you need to have it empty and to kill enemies.
This Feels Familiar
Impress The Gambler
Gambler can be found in the southeast of Ozryn Village.
He has 3 rewards:
weapon part: 250 tokens
familiar: 500 tokens
health vial: 750 tokens
For this trophy you only need to buy the familiar, but the health vial reward is very useful too.
You need to play a minigame which costs 20 gems. Technically if you are very lucky you can easily convert 20 gems to 20 tokens, but realistic you will convert around 60 gems to 20 tokens.
Did You Expect Cake?
Shoot into the Ordnance Rift
As soon as you get your 1st weapon as part of the story, shoot the big portal that gave it to you.
Firearm Safety 101 - Failed
Shoot your firearm inside your house
After you teleport inside your house after the Stock Gauntlet, shoot your weapon inside your house.
Confetti Explosion
Kill 25 enemies with gore mode off
You can enable the confetti mode from the options menu.
Hunting Blind
Kill 25 enemies without the laser sight
You can disable the laser sight from the options menu.
Trophy Roadmap
Glockamole - Receive your first weapon from the Ordnance Rift
Did You Expect Cake? - Shoot into the Ordnance Rift
Stock Gauntlet
Hunting Blind - Kill 25 enemies without the laser sight
Confetti Explosion - Kill 25 enemies with gore mode off
Beam Me Up - Use teleporters 10 times
Going Fully Auto! - Unlocked the Battle Blaster
What's This Doing Here? - Collect your first weapon part
Need For Speed - Beat the Stock Gauntlet time trial with more than 15 seconds left
Top of The Stock - Beat the Stock Gauntlet and join The Clip
There's No Place Like Home - Use the Wayfarer's Stone
Ozryn Village
Firearm Safety 101 - Failed - Shoot your firearm inside your house
Triggernometry 101 - Read the full history of the Great Trigger in The Chamber
Word On The Street - Talk to villagers 10 times
Firearm Foundry
Why Run When You Can Stand Still? - Travel 500 metres by conveyor belt
Population Control - Defeat 500 enemies
Sweet, Tasty, Life Essence - Consume 25 healing potions
Boom! Shake The Room - Unlock the Mortar Launcher
Hot Wings - Complete the Firearm Foundry
Shimmer Lode Mine
Sergeant Angle - Kill 10 enemies by wall bouncing
Uzi Does It - Unlocked the Dual Mini Blasters
Unaccompanied Miners - Complete the Shimmer Lode Mine
Ozryn Village
Uzi On The Eyes - Empty a full clip of the dual mini blasters without missing an enemy
Snapfrost Dungeon
Friendly Fire - Make 5 enemies die from fire traps
Cooking With Gas - Unlocked the Fire Lance
Ring of Fire - Spread fire between 20 enemies with the fire-lance
Ice to See You - Complete the Snapfrost Dungeon
This Feels Familiar - Impress The Gambler
Ozryn Village
Potent Potable - Receive the Norsou Potion
Nuxvarr Village
Are You Not Entertained? - Attempt the Arena Challenge
Gemologist - Collect 10,000 gems
Don't Call Me "Sabrina" - Score above 5,000 in the Arena Challenge
Some Birds Aren't Meant To Be Caged - Escape the Nuxvarr cell
Ri¢hie Wit¢h - Spend 10,000 gems
Blink And You're Dead - Kill 4 enemies with 4 different weapons in 10 seconds
This Ain't Light - Unlock the Heavy Blaster
Supporting Small Business - Talked to every business owner
Ozryn Village
As Good As It Gets - Fully upgrade a weapon
They Drew First Blood - Kill 10 enemies with a single clip from the Heavy Blaster
Wicked Witch - Score above 10,000 in the Arena Challenge
Floating Pavilion
Safety Hazard - Make 10 enemies fall to their death
.50 Caliber Love Letter - Unlock the Telescopic Shooter
Three For One - Kill 3 enemies at once with the telescopic shooter
Sacred Symbols - Complete the Floating Pavilion
Old Nux Castle
Who's Afraid Of The Dark? - Kill 10 enemies hidden by darkness in Old Nux Castle
Two Barrels Is Better Than One - Unlock the Thunderer
The Power Is Yours - Collect all weapon parts
The Tragedy of the Goblin Prince - Complete the Old Nux Castle
Ozryn Village
Upped Your Arsenal - Fully upgrade 4 weapons
Nuxvarr Village
How Do You Fold These Things? - Collect every map
Varrian Ruins
The Power of Friendship - Embrace the power of magic
Every Witch Way - Uncovered every area in Evertonia
Guns. Lots of Guns - Complete your firearm collection
Shout-Out To Nikola - Unlock the mysterious firearm
Clean Sweep - Complete each broom section
To the Moon and Back - Defeat the Man in Black
Evertonian Legend - Finish the game
Colette the Courageous - Catch up with all your old friends and acquaintances
Trigger Witch - Unlocked all other Relics!