Through the Woods - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 3 hours and 20 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 19
Price: 19.99 € / 19.99 $
Trophies: 28 (1P, 7G, 7S, 13B)
Through the Woods is a third-person Norse horror adventure set in a forest on the western shores of Norway that tells the story of a mother and her missing son. Through reactive narration, the player experiences the mother’s re-telling of the events surrounding her son’s disappearance. Players follow the path of a terrified woman who has forced herself to enter this terrible place for the sole purpose of finding her son, in a setting heavily influenced by Norse mythology and Norwegian folk tales.
With Through the Woods, Antagonist have captured the feeling of the forest as they saw it as children, with all the fear and mystery that comes from roaming through it alone. This is coupled with a powerful story and high quality sound design, which in the darkness of the forest becomes a core mechanic. Through the Woods is a profound experience that directly delivers the feelings of loneliness and loss in a terrifying place...
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Completed all the things!
Through the Woods is an adventure game developed by Antagonist and published by Fulqrum Publishing.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 2 - 4 hours:
The goal of the game is simple, complete all chapters, die from all enemies, die 10 times, gather all collectibles, reach all dwarven gates and secret spots, open all the doors.
Luckily the map is not that big, but the fact the game happens mostly in the night, it is a bit hard to navigate through the woods
Actions to do in each chapter:
Chapter 0
Collectibles: 4
Doors: 1
Chapter 1
Collectibles: 5
Doors: 7
Dwarven Gates: 1
Chapter 2
Collectibles: 29
Doors: 16
Dwarven Gates: 8
Secret Places: 3 - Gathered Norway to One Kingdom (One was the king who won, two were defeated), Found Pesta, the plague maiden, Found the little heroes' toys
Enemies: 3 (Troll, Huldra, Særimne), I also suggest getting at Huldra the trophy for dying 10 times
Chapter 3
Collectibles: 1
Dwarven Gates: 4
Secret Places: 1 - Found the red hood
Enemies: 1 - The Brothers (The 2 wolves)
Chapter 4
Collectibles: 6
Doors: 2
Dwarven Gates: 1
Secret Places: 1 - Relieved Garm from his pain
Enemies: 1 - Draug
Chapter 5
Collectibles: 5
Secret Places: 1 - He Started It All (You need two to make a pact)
Shocking News
Completed chapter 0
There's No I in Denial
Completed chapter 1
Anger Management
Completed chapter 2
Fight Club
Completed Erik's cabin
It's a Bargain
Completed chapter 3
Hard Depression
Completed chapter 4
Job Accepted
Completed chapter 5
Through the Woods and Back Again
Completed the game!
Christian Blood
Killed by a troll
Can be found in chapter 2.
I Scream, You Scream
Killed by Huldra
Can be found in chapter 2.
Then I Took a Tusk to the Knee
Killed by Særimne
Can be found in chapter 2.
The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Killed by one of the brothers
Can be found in chapter 3.
I Didn't See Dead People
Killed by a draug
Can be found in chapter 4.
True Drifter
Found all collectibles
My Mom Is Smarter than Yours!
Read all texts
I'll Find the Full Story on the Internet
Found all folklore items
Left 4 Dead
Found all abandoned children
Gathered Norway to One Kingdom
One was the king who won, two were defeated
Can be found in chapter 2.
Red Raiding Hood
Found the red hood
Can be found in chapter 3.
He Started It All
You need two to make a pact
Can be found in chapter 5.
Toy Soldiers
Found the little heroes' toys
Can be found in chapter 2.
A Plague upon Both Your Houses!
Found Pesta, the plague maiden.
Can be found in chapter 2.
It Only Counts as One!
Found all dwarven gates
Found all reflectors
Knock Knock!
Opened all doors
Good Dog
Relieved Garm from his pain
Can be found in chapter 3.
Among the Sleep
I live, I die, I live again
I getting at Huldra the trophy for dying 10 times
Trophy Roadmap
Shocking News - Completed chapter 0
There's No I in Denial - Completed chapter 1
Gathered Norway to One Kingdom - One was the king who won, two were defeated
Christian Blood - Killed by a troll
Breadcrumbs - Found all reflectors
I Scream, You Scream - Killed by Huldra
Among the Sleep - I live, I die, I live again
A Plague upon Both Your Houses! - Found Pesta, the plague maiden.
Then I Took a Tusk to the Knee - Killed by Særimne
Anger Management - Completed chapter 2
Toy Soldiers - Found the little heroes' toys
Fight Club - Completed Erik's cabin
The Girl Who Cried Wolf - Killed by one of the brothers
Red Raiding Hood - Found the red hood
It's a Bargain - Completed chapter 3
It Only Counts as One! - Found all dwarven gates
I Didn't See Dead People - Killed by a draug
Knock Knock! - Opened all doors
Left 4 Dead - Found all abandoned children
Good Dog - Relieved Garm from his pain
Hard Depression - Completed chapter 4
My Mom Is Smarter than Yours! - Read all texts
He Started It All - You need two to make a pact
Job Accepted - Completed chapter 5
Through the Woods and Back Again - Completed the game!
I'll Find the Full Story on the Internet - Found all folklore items
True Drifter - Found all collectibles
Supermom! - Completed all the things!