The Letter: A Horror Visual Novel - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 23 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 2
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 19.99 € / 19.99 $
Trophies: 36 (1P, 5G, 10S, 20B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
The Letter
Collect all other trophies.
The Letter: A Horror Visual Novel is a classic visual novel game published by EastAsiaSoft.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Before starting the game go to options and for the skip stop at select all text, for skip mode select instant and increase the speed for text speed and auto play delay.
To skip the text, press right on the dpad and then the triangle button after each choice
1) I eat other things too!
1) Be brave and look up!
QTE 1 - Do not press anything and die
1) Be brave and look up!
QTE 1 - Smash the square button to complete it
1) We'll check with our supervisor
2) Don't show the letter
1) Change the subject
1) Stay for the movie
2) Meet with the professor
1) My instant noodle days are over!
1) I know you're trying to help
2) You can be nice when you're trying
2) Talk about her job
1) Go to work
QTE 2 - Stop the needle in the red zone, but be careful because it has a huge input delay so stop it way before the red zone
2) Defend myself
1) Free up my schedule
1) You'll be a great father
2) Stop it
2) I was tending the gardens
2) Call them out
2) Be honest with me
2) I need to work for my happy ending
QTE 3 - press the button show in the QTE, you can barely see it, but usually it is either square or triangle button.
2) Tell the truth
1) I cooked up a feast!
2) Show the photo to Ash
1) She's married to one now
2) It's really just a gig
1) We can still fix this
QTE 4 - Move the camera around until you see a silhouette of a woman and then press the cross button to take a picture of it
Go to options - gameplay and for quick time select skip QTE, then apply, then return to the game
1) Keep looking for Ash
1) This is Wrong
1) You have something to say?
2) Continue waiting
2) I just remembered something
1) Yes, it sounds fair
2) Check the first floor
2) You must've been quite the pair
1) Move on
2) Ask if he's alright
Make Save 1
2) I want to stay
Load Save 1
1) I need to move on
2) This cold caught up with me
2) Sorry for the trouble
1) Hit him where it hurts
1) Apologize to Luke
1) Is this why you didn't go home last night?
1) You're good at handling her
2) Okay, but only because Kylie asked
2) What right do you have?
2) I - I might've seen her
2) You should be with your wife
2) Care to explain your reasons?
1) Head for the door
2) Insist it's confidential
2) Tell me about him
1) Take her offer
2) You're---You're okay
1) Are you alright?
2) I'd feel better if I don't have to worry about you
1) Take Isabella's side
2) I can't let you do that
1) Beg him to listen
2) I'm just worried about the children
1) Give them to Hannah
1) Demand Hannah's release
2) Burn the mansion
This or That
Make your first decision.
Pass it on
Find the letter.
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Win a QTE.
Necrotic Paralysis
Lose a QTE.
Grasp the Nettle
Win a QTE without skipping.
D-List Horror Prop
Pass the letter to Hannah, Luke and Marianne.
Psychotherapy not Included
Consult with the professor about the mansion.
Employee of the Month
Be a good employee and go to work.
The Beginning
Unlock a memory fragment.
Weal and Woe
Start Chapter 2 with a good standing with Luke.
Monsieur le Photographe
Meet Zachary, the photographer (as Hannah).
Real Talk
Ask for Marianne's honest advice about marriage.
Meet an old friend at the housewarming party.
In Safe Hands
Resist the mansion's influence.
A Safe Haven
Let a friend stay over for the night.
Feels Like Yesterday
Share a painful memory to a friend.
A Hearty Meal
Have lunch with Ashton and Isabella.
Need Some Advice, Prof
Consult with the professor about the photographs.
Hello Mister!
Meet Kylie (as Zachary).
Nightly Visit
When nightmares just won't leave you alone...
Mind Your Own Business
Keep looking for Ashton.
Sing the Blues
The ghost of guilt and sorrow remembers who I am...
Behind Closed Doors
Explore the deepest corners of the mansion.
Grow Up, Kid
Give a piece of advice to the younger you.
Pop Quiz!
Meet a fellow nerd.
Remember Me?
Meet the ghost from your past.
Win 4 QTEs in Normal difficulty without skipping.
Buried History
Dig deeper into the Ermengarde Mansion's past.
Easy Way In
Find a way into BRC with the help of a friend.
Safe and Sound
Ensure that all your friends are safe and accounted for.
Swallow your Pride
There are more important things, no matter how much you hate his guts...
In Living Memory
Take a trip down the memory lane.
One, Big, Happy Family
I think mommy overdid the make-up.
Light it Up
Not only do I have trespassers in my property, they're also arsonists!
The REAL Letter
There's another one?!
Trophy Roadmap
This or That - Make your first decision.
Pass it on - Find the letter.
Necrotic Paralysis - Lose a QTE.
Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Win a QTE.
Grasp the Nettle - Win a QTE without skipping.
D-List Horror Prop - Pass the letter to Hannah, Luke and Marianne.
Psychotherapy not Included - Consult with the professor about the mansion.
Employee of the Month - Be a good employee and go to work.
Weal and Woe - Start Chapter 2 with a good standing with Luke.
Monsieur le Photographe - Meet Zachary, the photographer (as Hannah).
Real Talk - Ask for Marianne's honest advice about marriage.
Reunion - Meet an old friend at the housewarming party.
A Safe Haven - Let a friend stay over for the night.
In Safe Hands - Resist the mansion's influence.
Feels Like Yesterday - Share a painful memory to a friend.
A Hearty Meal - Have lunch with Ashton and Isabella.
Need Some Advice, Prof - Consult with the professor about the photographs.
Nightly Visit - When nightmares just won't leave you alone...
Hello Mister! - Meet Kylie (as Zachary).
Daredevil - Win 4 QTEs in Normal difficulty without skipping.
Mind Your Own Business - Keep looking for Ashton.
Sing the Blues - The ghost of guilt and sorrow remembers who I am...
Pop Quiz! - Meet a fellow nerd.
Grow Up, Kid - Give a piece of advice to the younger you.
Remember Me? - Meet the ghost from your past.
The Beginning - Unlock a memory fragment.
Behind Closed Doors - Explore the deepest corners of the mansion.
Buried History - Dig deeper into the Ermengarde Mansion's past.
Easy Way In - Find a way into BRC with the help of a friend.
Safe and Sound - Ensure that all your friends are safe and accounted for.
Swallow your Pride - There are more important things, no matter how much you hate his guts...
One, Big, Happy Family - I think mommy overdid the make-up.
In Living Memory - Take a trip down the memory lane.
Light it Up - Not only do I have trespassers in my property, they're also arsonists!
The REAL Letter - There's another one?!
The Letter - Collect all other trophies.