The Jumping Burger Rush - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 3 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 1.49 € / 1.49 $
Trophies: 71 (1P, 0G, 0S, 70B)
With the purchase of this bundle you will receive the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 version of the game.
Pick up playing on the PlayStation®5 exactly where you left off on the PlayStation®4 at any time by simply importing the save game from the PlayStation®4 version!
From the creative minds at The Jumping Food Games comes a fast-paced endless game that will put your reflexes to the test: "The Jumping Burger Rush". In this neon-colored adventure, you control a jumping burger through the vastness of the galaxy and try to push your high score higher and higher.
Adrenaline-pumping gameplay: Test your reflexes in a fast and challenging endless game in which you have to maneuver your burger through a dangerous, neon-lit galaxy.
Endless challenges: Dodge obstacles, overcome tricky passages and collect points to beat your own high score - over and over again!
Highscore hunt: Can you manage to break your personal record time and time again and dominate the leaderboard? Prove your skill and outdo yourself!
Jump, dodge and maneuver your burger through the infinite galaxy. Can you master the unstoppable pace and beat your high score?
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Now I'm hungry again!
Collect all other trophies.
The Jumping Burger Rush is a casual game developed and published by ThiGames.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Because it is a cross-buy and cross-save game, you should play first the PS4 version of it.
Before starting, go to options, and set the difficulty to very easy.
Start a new game, avoid an obstacle, and you will get enough points for the platinum.
After you obtain the platinum trophy on the PS4 version, quit the game, open the PS5 version of it, and import the PS4 save game data into it, to unlock a new platinum.
Burger Baron
Reach 100 points in total.
Cheese Champion
Reach 200 points in total.
Patty Prodigy
Reach 300 points in total.
Ultimate Burger Biter
Reach 400 points in total.
Grillmeister Gainer
Reach 500 points in total.
Beefy Boss
Reach 600 points in total.
Topping Titan
Reach 700 points in total.
Sauce Supreme
Reach 800 points in total.
Bun Baron
Reach 900 points in total.
Epic Eater
Reach 1.000 points in total.
Savory Scorer
Reach 1.100 points in total.
Flavorful Finisher
Reach 1.200 points in total.
Delicious Dominator
Reach 1.300 points in total.
Grill Guru
Reach 1.400 points in total.
Burger Bounty Hunter
Reach 1.500 points in total.
Culinary Conqueror
Reach 1.600 points in total.
Mighty Meat Master
Reach 1.700 points in total.
Perfect Patty Pursuer
Reach 1.800 points in total.
Bite Baron
Reach 1.900 points in total.
Burger Brawler
Reach 2.000 points in total.
Patty Pioneer
Reach 2.100 points in total.
Cheese Connoisseur
Reach 2.200 points in total.
Grill Gladiator
Reach 2.300 points in total.
Beef Brilliance
Reach 2.400 points in total.
Sauce Sizzler
Reach 2.500 points in total.
Topping Tactician
Reach 2.600 points in total.
Bun Boss
Reach 2.700 points in total.
Epic Edible Expert
Reach 2.800 points in total.
Savory Strategist
Reach 2.900 points in total.
Flavor Fanatic
Reach 3.000 points in total.
Delicious Deity
Reach 3.100 points in total.
Grill Genius
Reach 3.200 points in total.
Burger Beast
Reach 3.300 points in total.
Culinary King
Reach 3.400 points in total.
Meat Maestro
Reach 3.500 points in total.
Perfect Patty Partner
Reach 3.600 points in total.
Cheese Commander
Reach 3.700 points in total.
Grill God
Reach 3.800 points in total.
Beef Baron
Reach 3.900 points in total.
Sauce Sorcerer
Reach 4.000 points in total.
Topping Technician
Reach 4.100 points in total.
Bun Bandit
Reach 4.200 points in total.
Epic Eating Expert
Reach 4.300 points in total.
Savory Sage
Reach 4.400 points in total.
Flavor Fiend
Reach 4.500 points in total.
Delicious Dynamo
Reach 4.600 points in total.
Grill Grandmaster
Reach 4.700 points in total.
Burger Bossman
Reach 4.800 points in total.
Culinary Captain
Reach 4.900 points in total.
Meat Monarch
Reach 5.000 points in total.
Perfect Patty Performer
Reach 5.100 points in total.
Cheese Chief
Reach 5.200 points in total.
Grill Guardian
Reach 5.300 points in total.
Beef Benefactor
Reach 5.400 points in total.
Sauce Specialist
Reach 5.500 points in total.
Topping Boss
Reach 5.600 points in total.
Bun Buff
Reach 5.700 points in total.
Epic Eater Extraordinaire
Reach 5.800 points in total.
Savory Superstar
Reach 5.900 points in total.
Flavor Freak
Reach 6.000 points in total.
Delicious Devotee
Reach 6.100 points in total.
Grill Boss
Reach 6.200 points in total.
Burger Bravado
Reach 6.300 points in total.
Culinary Champ
Reach 6.400 points in total.
Meat Mastermind
Reach 6.500 points in total.
Perfect Patty Pro
Reach 6.600 points in total.
Cheese Czar
Reach 6.700 points in total.
Grill General
Reach 6.800 points in total.
Beef Boss
Reach 6.900 points in total.
Sauce Savior
Reach 7.000 points in total.
Trophy Roadmap
Patty Prodigy - Reach 300 points in total.
Cheese Champion - Reach 200 points in total.
Burger Baron - Reach 100 points in total.
Grillmeister Gainer - Reach 500 points in total.
Ultimate Burger Biter - Reach 400 points in total.
Epic Eater - Reach 1.000 points in total.
Bun Baron - Reach 900 points in total.
Sauce Supreme - Reach 800 points in total.
Topping Titan - Reach 700 points in total.
Beefy Boss - Reach 600 points in total.
Grill Guru - Reach 1.400 points in total.
Delicious Dominator - Reach 1.300 points in total.
Flavorful Finisher - Reach 1.200 points in total.
Savory Scorer - Reach 1.100 points in total.
Culinary Conqueror - Reach 1.600 points in total.
Burger Bounty Hunter - Reach 1.500 points in total.
Burger Brawler - Reach 2.000 points in total.
Bite Baron - Reach 1.900 points in total.
Perfect Patty Pursuer - Reach 1.800 points in total.
Mighty Meat Master - Reach 1.700 points in total.
Cheese Connoisseur - Reach 2.200 points in total.
Patty Pioneer - Reach 2.100 points in total.
Beef Brilliance - Reach 2.400 points in total.
Grill Gladiator - Reach 2.300 points in total.
Topping Tactician - Reach 2.600 points in total.
Sauce Sizzler - Reach 2.500 points in total.
Epic Edible Expert - Reach 2.800 points in total.
Bun Boss - Reach 2.700 points in total.
Savory Strategist - Reach 2.900 points in total.
Flavor Fanatic - Reach 3.000 points in total.
Delicious Deity - Reach 3.100 points in total.
Culinary King - Reach 3.400 points in total.
Burger Beast - Reach 3.300 points in total.
Grill Genius - Reach 3.200 points in total.
Cheese Commander - Reach 3.700 points in total.
Perfect Patty Partner - Reach 3.600 points in total.
Meat Maestro - Reach 3.500 points in total.
Beef Baron - Reach 3.900 points in total.
Grill God - Reach 3.800 points in total.
Savory Sage - Reach 4.400 points in total.
Epic Eating Expert - Reach 4.300 points in total.
Bun Bandit - Reach 4.200 points in total.
Topping Technician - Reach 4.100 points in total.
Sauce Sorcerer - Reach 4.000 points in total.
Delicious Dynamo - Reach 4.600 points in total.
Flavor Fiend - Reach 4.500 points in total.
Grill Grandmaster - Reach 4.700 points in total.
Cheese Chief - Reach 5.200 points in total.
Perfect Patty Performer - Reach 5.100 points in total.
Meat Monarch - Reach 5.000 points in total.
Culinary Captain - Reach 4.900 points in total.
Burger Bossman - Reach 4.800 points in total.
Beef Benefactor - Reach 5.400 points in total.
Grill Guardian - Reach 5.300 points in total.
Savory Superstar - Reach 5.900 points in total.
Epic Eater Extraordinaire - Reach 5.800 points in total.
Bun Buff - Reach 5.700 points in total.
Topping Boss - Reach 5.600 points in total.
Sauce Specialist - Reach 5.500 points in total.
Meat Mastermind - Reach 6.500 points in total.
Culinary Champ - Reach 6.400 points in total.
Burger Bravado - Reach 6.300 points in total.
Grill Boss - Reach 6.200 points in total.
Delicious Devotee - Reach 6.100 points in total.
Flavor Freak - Reach 6.000 points in total.
Beef Boss - Reach 6.900 points in total.
Grill General - Reach 6.800 points in total.
Cheese Czar - Reach 6.700 points in total.
Perfect Patty Pro - Reach 6.600 points in total.
Sauce Savior - Reach 7.000 points in total.
Now I'm hungry again! - Collect all other trophies.