The Forgotten Tribe - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 6 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 0.99 € / 0.99 $
Trophies: 12 (1P, 11G, 0S, 0B)
The Forgotten Tribe is a small arcade game with 9 levels to go through and get your fellow tribesmen back. Use a map to navigate the dungeon and successfully collect all of your tribe to unlock a happy ending!
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Achieve everything
Achieve everything
The Forgotten Tribe is an adventure game developed and published by Xeneder Team.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Complete all the 9 levels, but before going to the exit, make sure to gather the tribesman.
You need all 10 tribesmen with you so you can unlock the good ending. If you missed one, you would have to start and complete again the walkthrough
At any time during your game, press the R1 button twice to open and close the map.
First of Kin
Gather 1 fellow tribesman
Three Found, Six to Go
Gather 3 fellow tribesmen
Half the Tribe
Gather 5 fellow tribesmen
Almost There
Gather 7 tribesmen
Back to Former Glory
Gather all 9 tribesmen
Going Forward
Find an exit out of level
Show the Way
Open the level map
Going Up
Finish level 3
Higher and Higher
Finish level 6
Upper Level
Finish level 9
What Lies Ahead
See the good ending
Trophy Roadmap
Show the Way - Open the level map
First of Kin - Gather 1 fellow tribesman
Going Forward - Find an exit out of level
Three Found, Six to Go - Gather 3 fellow tribesmen
Going Up - Finish level 3
Half the Tribe - Gather 5 fellow tribesmen
Higher and Higher - Finish level 6
Almost There - Gather 7 tribesmen
Back to Former Glory - Gather all 9 tribesmen
Upper Level - Finish level 9
What Lies Ahead - See the good ending
Achieve everything - Achieve everything