The Creepy Syndrome - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 2 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 2.25
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 3.99 € / 3.99 $
Trophies: 13 (1P, 11G, 1S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
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Complete all trophies
The Creepy Syndrome is a psychological horror adventure game developed by Boomfire Games and published by JanduSoft.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 2 hours:
You need to complete each mission with a bad and good ending
Note that the second mission, has an alternate ending, which still counts as bad ending
I would recommend playing the game like this:
Walkthrough 1: achieve bad ending for all stories, and also go for the additional alternate ending in the second story
Walkthrough 2: achieve good ending for all the stories
A Watchful Gaze:
Bad: Die - attack the monster, miss the horn minigame, let the monster kill you
Good: Survive - do not attack the monster, complete the horn minigame, kill the monster. You have 3 lives, so if you miss 1 minigame, you lose only 1 life.
Lord of the Road:
Bad: After obtaining the second key, do not explore the altar zone, go directly to middle house and sacrifice Martha
Alternate Bad: After obtaining the second key, explore the altar and the generator zone to obtain the artifact and to free the ghosts, then go to the middle house, get the dagger, and sacrifice Martha
Good: After obtaining the second key, explore the altar and the generator zone to obtain the artifact and to free the ghosts, then go to the middle house, get the dagger, and do not sacrifice Martha, open the altar and kill the demon heart
The Red Button:
Bad: In the end choose to push the red button
Good: In the end, instead of pushing the red button, go outside
Bad: At the end, decide to stay in bed to complete the ritual
Good: At the end, jump of out window
The Psychiatrist - You need to complete all 4 stories before unlocking a final ending
Bad: More than 3 bad endings
Intermediate: 2 bad and 2 good endings
Good: More than 3 good endings
The answer was in the back of your mind.
A Watchful Gaze: Complete the good ending.
Survive - do not attack the monster, complete the horn minigame, kill the monster.
You have 3 lives, so if you miss 1 minigame, you lose only 1 life.
You were swallowed up by your amnesia.
A Watchful Gaze: Complete the bad ending.
Die - attack the monster, miss the horn minigame, let the monster kill you
Does the end justify the means?
Lord of the Road: Complete the good ending.
After obtaining the second key, explore the altar and the generator zone to obtain the artifact and to free the ghosts, then go to the middle house, get the dagger, and do not sacrifice Martha, open the altar and kill the demon heart.
In the end, you lost your mind.
Lord of the Road: Complete the alternative ending.
This still counts as bad ending.
After obtaining the second key, explore the altar and the generator zone to obtain the artifact and to free the ghosts, then go to the middle house, get the dagger, and sacrifice Martha
The price to pay was too high.
Lord of the Road: Complete the bad ending.
After obtaining the second key, do not explore the altar zone, go directly to middle house and sacrifice Martha
Your humanity surpassed your madness.
The Red Button: Complete the good ending.
In the end, instead of pushing the red button, go outside
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
The Red Button: Complete the bad ending.
In the end choose to push the red button
Ran away and didn’t look back.
Nocturne: Complete the good ending.
At the end, jump of out window
You gave yourself over to "it."
Nocturne: Complete the bad ending.
At the end, decide to stay in bed to complete the ritual
Who am I?
The Psychiatrist: Complete the good ending.
You need to complete all 4 stories before unlocking a final ending
More than 3 good endings
Your demons overcame you.
The Psychiatrist: Complete the bad ending.
You need to complete all 4 stories before unlocking a final ending
More than 3 bad endings
I still don’t know myself well enough.
The Psychiatrist: Complete the intermediate ending.
You need to complete all 4 stories before unlocking a final ending
2 bad and 2 good endings
Trophy Roadmap
You were swallowed up by your amnesia. - A Watchful Gaze: Complete the bad ending.
The price to pay was too high. - Lord of the Road: Complete the bad ending.
In the end, you lost your mind. - Lord of the Road: Complete the alternative ending.
Some people just want to watch the world burn. - The Red Button: Complete the bad ending.
You gave yourself over to "it." - Nocturne: Complete the bad ending.
Your demons overcame you. - The Psychiatrist: Complete the bad ending.
The answer was in the back of your mind. - A Watchful Gaze: Complete the good ending.
Does the end justify the means? - Lord of the Road: Complete the good ending.
I still don’t know myself well enough. - The Psychiatrist: Complete the intermediate ending.
Your humanity surpassed your madness. - The Red Button: Complete the good ending.
Who am I? - The Psychiatrist: Complete the good ending.
Ran away and didn’t look back. - Nocturne: Complete the good ending.
Complete all trophies - Complete all trophies