Super Star Blast - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10 OR 10/10 if the game crashes on you and corrupts your save game
Duration: 4 hours OR 6 hours if you get crashes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: Around 150 Levels Number of missable trophies: 1
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Mission Completed
Super Star Blast is an easy game in terms of trophies.
The difficulty comes from the fact that the game crashes and when it does, it corrupts your save game, so my advice is to do back up saves quite regularly to avoid redoing too many of the levels.
The trophy roadmap:
Play through the levels
Upgrade half of the shield
Fully upgrade the power
If you haven't done until now the 30s completion trophy, then after having full power and you get a level with few enemies swarming at you, then finish them off quickly
Fully upgrade the shield
Fully upgrade the agility
You will play around 150 levels for all the upgrades
Some notes about the gameplay:
If you die, you lose all the coins
When you see a red enemy on radar, quickly charge and kill it, then quickly gather all the coins. These are the only coins that carry over even if you die
Do not buy more than 1 ship upgrade, is useless, if you die you continue from same level
Check the video from below for a walkthrough of 100+ levels and all upgrades.
Power Trader
First power upgrade purchased
It costs 40k coins.
Max Power
Maximum power expansion stage reached
it costs 600k coins.
Rowdy - Story
5,000 bullets fired
It will come naturally.
Gun Man - Story
10,000 bullets fired
It will come naturally.
Lost 10 lives
It will come naturally.
Lost 20 lives
It will come naturally.
Hitman - Story
100 enemies killed
It will come naturally.
Hero - Story
500 enemies killed
It will come naturally.
100,000 credits spent
It will come naturally.
500,000 credits spent
It will come naturally.
Keeper - Story
100,000 credits earned
It will come naturally.
Millionaire - Story
1,000,000 credits earned
It will come naturally.
Rookie - Story
Level 5 finished
Soldier - Story
Level 20 finished
Sergeant - Story
Level 30 finished
General - Story
Level 50 finished
Speedy - Missable
Level within 30 seconds finished
You either complete it in the first levels or you do it after you have full power upgrades and there are a lot of enemies charging you, around levels 50 to 60.
Collector - Story
10,000 bonus earned
It will come naturally.
Treasure Hunter - Story
15,000 bonus earned
It will come naturally.
Shield Trader
First shield upgrade purchased
It costs 25k coins.
Ship Trader
First ship purchased
It costs 10k coins.
Agility Trader
First agility upgrade purchased
It costs 50k coins.
Max Shield
Maximum shield expansion stage reached
It costs 375k coins.
Max Agility
Maximum agility expansion stage reached
It costs 750k coins.
Trophy Roadmap
Collector - 10,000 bonus earned
Treasure Hunter - 15,000 bonus earned
Shield Trader - First shield upgrade purchased
Ship Trader - First ship purchased
Rookie - Level 5 finished
Hitman - 100 enemies killed
Power Trader - First power upgrade purchased
Keeper - 100,000 credits earned
Economical - 100,000 credits spent
Rowdy - 5,000 bullets fired
Soldier - Level 20 finished
Hero - 500 enemies killed
Gun Man - 10,000 bullets fired
Sergeant - Level 30 finished
General - Level 50 finished
Investor - 500,000 credits spent
Speedy - Level within 30 seconds finished
Returner - Lost 10 lives
Max Power - Maximum power expansion stage reached
Millionaire - 1,000,000 credits earned
Max Shield - Maximum shield expansion stage reached
Agility Trader - First agility upgrade purchased
Immortal - Lost 20 lives
Max Agility - Maximum agility expansion stage reached
Victory - Mission Completed