Sonar Beat - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 6/10
Duration: 4 hours and 30 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 12 songs + 1 replay of a completed song + 5 replays of the same song
Number of missable trophies: 1
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 6
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Obtain all trophies
Sonar Beat is a music rhythm game quite challenging in terms of gameplay but with a straightforward trophy list:
First of all, game is controlled using cross and square, which makes this game quite hard to finish. I would advise you assign cross button to R1 button and square button to either L1 or R2 (i preferred L1) from the console menu, then start the game (with the R1 button). Thank you Smashero for this suggestion.
After too many retries (around 5), the game will remain stuck on the loading screen. Close it and try to reopen it. If you get a black screen, then restart the console and open the game 2 more times (the first time after restarting you will get again black screen). I wasted a lot of time restarting the console and trying to enter in the game. Sometimes it took even 3 or 4 consoles restarts.
First of all, play the tutorial from the options menu to understand how to play the game, else you will die a lot. A small tip, reaching a streak of 100 will give you another shield.
You have to complete 12 songs, each 4 songs they increase in difficulty.
There is a missable trophy, to finish 2 songs with a single life, I would recommend you try this with the first 4 songs. I got it with High Tide and As the Crow Flies songs.
Another hard trophy is to finish a level without getting hit. I got this in Bale Out song.
The trophies which require to beat a specific number of enemies will come naturally until you reach the middle of the game, since at the beginning you will die a lot.
The trophies which require to die, will also come naturally. You might also get replay a song 5 times naturally since you will die a lot during songs.
Do not also forget to replay a song that you already completed. I had troubles unlocking this trophy. I replayed High Tide, As the Crow Flies and Bale Out and it didn't give it to me until i replayed Adrift.
For reaching a streak of 300, I used the song As the Crow Flies. While going for 300 streak you will also get the multiplier trophies. Thank you Getsuoni and Smashero for recommending me this song.
There is one more specific trophy, to don't attack until the first enemy reaches the inner circle. I tried this trophy on As the Crow Flies, and it didn't unlock. Again, I was able to unlock it on the Adrift song.
Stairway To Heaven
Reach a multiplier of x4
This might come naturally while playing songs.
You need to reach streak 100.
I unlocked this during song High Tide.
Rolling In The Deep
Reach a streak of 300
I kept replaying the song As the Crow Flies until i got to streak 300.
Good Vibrations
Destroy 100 enemy pairs
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song High Tide.
Too Close
Playing any song, don't attack until the first enemy reaches the inner circle
I tried this trophy on As the Crow Flies, and it didn't unlock.
I was able to unlock it on the Adrift song.
Not Enough - Story
Play in "Game+" mode
After finishing the song Eternal Beat, you will be thrown directly into Game+
You will unlock this trophy after dying and returning to the main menu.
The Twist - Story
Unlock "Game+" mode
After finishing the song Eternal Beat, you will be thrown directly into Game+
You will unlock this trophy after dying and returning to the main menu.
It's All In The Game
Beat 1000 enemies
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Afternoon Watch.
Beat 3000 enemies
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Afternoon Watch.
Eternal Beat - Story
Beat "Eternal Beat"
After finishing the song Eternal Beat, you will be thrown directly into Game+
You will unlock this trophy after dying.
Beat 2112 enemies
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Bale Out.
99 Problems
Beat 99 enemies
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Adrift.
Another One Bites The Dust
Beat 500 enemies
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song High Tide.
Boom Boom Pow
Destroy 1500 blue enemies
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Bale Out.
Great Balls Of Fire
Destroy 20 pink enemies completely
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song As the Crow Flies.
I Walk The Line
Destroy 20 green enemies completely
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song High Tide.
Replay any song 5 times
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song High Tide.
What's Going On
Die 10 times
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Bale Out.
Ring Of Fire
Detonate 10 shock waves
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Bale Out.
That's All Right
Reach a multiplier of x3
This might come naturally while playing songs.
You need to reach streak 50.
I unlocked this during song High Tide.
Truly Madly Deeply
Reach a streak of 200
I kept replaying the song As the Crow Flies until i got to streak 300.
It Takes Two
Destroy 10 enemy pairs
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Adrift.
Destroy 50 enemy pairs
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song High Tide.
Complete any level without taking damage
I unlocked it during the song Bale Out.
Stayin' Alive - Missable
Complete two consecutive levels in the same run
This is a missable trophy, to finish 2 songs with a single life.
I would recommend you try this with the first 4 songs.
I got it with High Tide and As the Crow Flies songs.
Let's Get It On - Story
Calibrated for the first time
You will get this as soon as you press play, or if you go to options and select calibrate from there.
Born To Run
Reach a multiplier of x2
This might come naturally while playing songs.
You need to reach streak 25.
I unlocked this during song High Tide.
Tossin' And Turnin'
Reach a streak of 100
This trophy is bugged.
It unlocks when you reach 150 streak.
I kept replaying the song As the Crow Flies until i got to streak 300.
Blurred Lines
Hit two green enemies at once
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song High Tide.
Reach your first Game Over
This will come naturally while playing songs.
I unlocked it during the song Adrift.
One More Time
Play a song that you have already finished
I had troubles unlocking this trophy.
I replayed High Tide, As the Crow Flies and Bale Out and it didn't give it to me until i replayed Adrift.
Adrift - Story
Beat "Adrift"
Afternoon Watch - Story
Beat "Afternoon Watch"
As the Crow Flies - Story
Beat "As the Crow Flies"
Bale Out - Story
Beat "Bale Out"
Cut And Run - Story
Beat "Cut And Run"
Cruising Speed - Story
Beat "Cruising Speed"
Davy Jones’ Locker - Story
Beat "Davy Jones’ Locker"
Deep Six - Story
Beat "Deep Six"
Feeling Blue - Story
Beat "Feeling Blue"
High Tide - Story
Beat "High Tide"
Sea Breeze - Story
Beat "Sea Breeze"
Trophy Roadmap
Let's Get It On - Calibrated for the first time
Help! - Reach your first Game Over
99 Problems - Beat 99 enemies
It Takes Two - Destroy 10 enemy pairs
Adrift - Beat "Adrift"
High Tide
Blurred Lines - Hit two green enemies at once
Physical - Destroy 50 enemy pairs
I Walk The Line - Destroy 20 green enemies completely
Born To Run - Reach a multiplier of x2
That's All Right - Reach a multiplier of x3
Good Vibrations - Destroy 100 enemy pairs
Stairway To Heaven - Reach a multiplier of x4
Another One Bites The Dust - Beat 500 enemies
High Tide - Beat "High Tide"
Closer - Replay any song 5 times
As the Crow Flies
Great Balls Of Fire - Destroy 20 pink enemies completely
As the Crow Flies - Beat "As the Crow Flies"
Stayin' Alive - Complete two consecutive levels in the same run
Bale Out
Boom Boom Pow - Destroy 1500 blue enemies
Ring Of Fire - Detonate 10 shock waves
2112 - Beat 2112 enemies
What's Going On - Die 10 times
Bale Out - Beat "Bale Out"
Smooth - Complete any level without taking damage
Afternoon Watch
It's All In The Game - Beat 1000 enemies
Crazy - Beat 3000 enemies
Adrift - Replay
One More Time - Play a song that you have already finished
As the Crow Flies - Replay
Tossin' And Turnin' - Reach a streak of 100
Truly Madly Deeply - Reach a streak of 200
Rolling In The Deep - Reach a streak of 300
Adrift - Replay
Too Close - Playing any song, don't attack until the first enemy reaches the inner circle
Afternoon Watch
Afternoon Watch - Beat "Afternoon Watch"
Cut and Run
Cut And Run - Beat "Cut And Run"
Deep Six
Deep Six - Beat "Deep Six"
Cruising Speed
Cruising Speed - Beat "Cruising Speed"
Feeling Blue
Feeling Blue - Beat "Feeling Blue"
Davy Jones' Locker
Davy Jones’ Locker - Beat "Davy Jones’ Locker"
Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze - Beat "Sea Breeze"
Eternal Beat
Eternal Beat - Beat "Eternal Beat"
Not Enough - Play in "Game+" mode
The Twist - Unlock "Game+" mode
Respect - Obtain all trophies