Salamander County Public Television - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 22 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 7.99 € / 7.99 $
Trophies: 14 (1P, 11G, 2S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Number One Employee
Unlock all other trophies
Salamander County Public Television is a collection of minigames developed by Tinzone Games and published by Penguin Pop Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in under 20 minutes:
Each day represent a new minigame, so all the trophies are story related
In order to skip the chat before each of the minigame, press the options button
The goal is to get at least bronze medal so you can progress to the next day
In case you fail a minigame, then keep holding down the triangle button on the fail screen so you can move to the next day anyway
Luckily, you only need to complete 13 days of work
Orange Thrower
Play Orange You Glad I Didn't Throw Banana?
Package Opener
Play The Dog with the Strongest Tongue
Whiteboard Cleaner
Play Introducing the Anti-Eraser
Mouse Manipulator
Play Cheese Eater
Hoop Shooter
Play Shooting Hoops
Balloon Animal Inflater
Play Properly Inflating Balloon Animals 101
Ornament Attacher
Play Christmas in July
Plug Plugger
Play The Joy of Plugging It In
Water Balloon Player
Play Brevoortia Water Balloon
Pro Bowler
Play Mitosis Bowling
Hamburger Constructor
Play Burger Building Bonanza
Donut Producer
Play Donut Production Line
Pineapple Vacuumer
Play Pineapples Suck
Trophy Roadmap
Orange Thrower - Play Orange You Glad I Didn't Throw Banana?
Package Opener - Play The Dog with the Strongest Tongue
Whiteboard Cleaner - Play Introducing the Anti-Eraser
Mouse Manipulator - Play Cheese Eater
Hoop Shooter - Play Shooting Hoops
Balloon Animal Inflater - Play Properly Inflating Balloon Animals 101
Ornament Attacher - Play Christmas in July
Plug Plugger - Play The Joy of Plugging It In
Water Balloon Player - Play Brevoortia Water Balloon
Pro Bowler - Play Mitosis Bowling
Hamburger Constructor - Play Burger Building Bonanza
Donut Producer - Play Donut Production Line
Pineapple Vacuumer - Play Pineapples Suck
Number One Employee - Unlock all other trophies