Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 5 hours Offline trophies: 10 Online trophies: 0 Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 0
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix is an easy DLC in terms of trophies and a fun game to play:
Dominatrix DLC: Complete all quest
Dominatrix DLC Gameplay: Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in 'Save the Planet', Complete 'Meet the Dominatrix' without dying, Destroy all the rival pony carts in 'At the Races', Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in 'Pop His Top'.
Dominatrix DLC Kill Trophies: Get 250 kills with the Minigun, 100 kills with the Flamethrower, 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher.
Dominatrix DLC Time Trophies: Spend 30 minutes with Raptor Ned as your homie.
All Too Easy
Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in 'Save the Planet'.
Technically this is a missable trophy if by any chance you stay more than 5 minutes.
But it shouldn't happen since you can kill him in 10 seconds maximum.
Complete 'Meet the Dominatrix' without dying.
It is an easy trophy especially if you are fully upgraded.
You shouldn't die in it.
Rigging the Race
Destroy all the rival pony carts in 'At the Races'.
In case you miss someone, just restart the checkpoint, and try again.
Health Inspector
Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in 'Pop His Top'.
In case you miss a green polyp just restart the checkpoint and try again.
Bow to the Boss! - Story
Kill the Dominatrix in 'Escape the Dominatrix'.
Complete the quest Escape The Dominatrix.
Friend of the Raptors - Story
Complete all five missions.
Obtained after the quest Escape The Dominatrix.
Hello Little Friend
Get 250 kills with the Minigun.
All weapons will be unlocked after you finish the DLC.
Keep replaying the second mission Meet the Dominatrix, because it can spawn endless waves of enemies.
Get 100 kills with the Flamethrower.
All weapons will be unlocked after you finish the DLC.
Keep replaying the second mission Meet the Dominatrix, because it can spawn endless waves of enemies.
Ultimate Hot Potato
Get 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher.
All weapons will be unlocked after you finish the DLC.
Keep replaying the second mission Meet the Dominatrix, because it can spawn endless waves of enemies.
Walking the Dinosaur
Spend 30 minutes with Raptor Ned as your homie.
After you complete the DLC, you will be able to call Ned as your homie.
Trophy Roadmap
Save The Planet
All Too Easy - Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in 'Save the Planet'.
Meet The Dominatrix
Indomitable - Complete 'Meet the Dominatrix' without dying.
At The Races
Rigging the Race - Destroy all the rival pony carts in 'At the Races'.
Pop His Top
Health Inspector - Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in 'Pop His Top'.
Escape The Dominatrix
Bow to the Boss! - Kill the Dominatrix in 'Escape the Dominatrix'.
Friend of the Raptors - Complete all five missions.
Walking the Dinosaur - Spend 30 minutes with Raptor Ned as your homie.
Hello Little Friend - Get 250 kills with the Minigun.
OMGWTFBBQ - Get 100 kills with the Flamethrower.
Ultimate Hot Potato - Get 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher.
Save The Planet
Meet The Dominatrix
At The Races
Pop His Top
Escape The Dominatrix