Repentless 2 - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 11 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 6
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 1.75 € / 1.99 $
Trophies: 34 (1P, 5G, 12S, 16B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Inevitable end
And so, the pillars crumbled!
Repentless 2 is a text adventure game developed and published by Acyntha.
In terms of trophies, it is an extremely easy and fast game if you follow a guide:
You need 5 - 6 walkthroughs to achieve the platinum, depending on your luck with the questions from the Journalist
Be warned, the game might crash near the end, or will remain stuck instead of moving to the ghost or to the ending screen
Walkthrough 1
2) Hey... I know you! You worked for 'Radical Truth'!
1) Must be my imagination.
1) Let's not put it so radically. Truth is, I... Blah blah...
1) You're an envious soldout, am I to blame?
1) The list has sorted out freaks.
1) Why, I do, you are... Erm
2) Coercive? Were you trying to avoid the cooperation?
3) May you spare me the details? I don't feel well.
2) See how it's sad when someone dies in prison? I'll be missed too! Help me out!
1) Your friend had it coming.
1) Someone, get this man out of here! He's boring me to death!
1) I guess?
3) It's a large topic, and here I'm tied up, exhausted...
2) Equality is a myth
1) The priests aren't supposed to be violent!
2) A shrift? I'd like to repent!
1) Yes! Just set me free and I'll show you I'm a faithful good man!
1) You said I can answer your question and get some benefits?
2) What is it?
2) What's wrong about that?
2) I didn't say anything. Stop casting aspersions.
1) What gives? You't jail me the second time, and you can't hurt me either.
2) That doesn't matter anymore. I'm a failed leader now.
2) Wait. You were supposed to decline my self-deprecation.
2) They took me in my sleep, I had no chance.
2) You can help me become great again.
1) What... What is that thing you're holding?
1) What... NO!
1) Noooo!
Walkthrough 2
Choose only option 1 until you see the ghost
2) Never felt this painful.
2) Your own fault. You did something horrible, I bet.
1) Foreign countries have much worse policemen. 1) When people adored me.
1) They succumbed under my will. That's enough.
Walkthrough 3
Choose only option 2 until the end. If there is no option 2, choose option 1.
Walkthrough 4
Choose only option 1 until the end
Walkthrough 5
Choose only option 3 until the end. If there is no option 3, choose option 1.
Walkthrough 6
Choose only option 1 with the journalist hoping to get all the question.
If you reach the actress without the platinum, quit the game and try again.
Fourth Estate
Complete the Journalist dialogue
Creative class
Complete the Actress dialogue
Budget sucker
Complete the Professor dialogue
Bloom of the nation
Complete the Schoolgirl dialogue
Spiritual authority
Complete the Priest dialogue
Complete the Follower dialogue
Complete the Ghost dialogue
How could this happen?
Survive a bullet
Washing machine
Complete the game with any ending
Once a traitor, always a traitor
This new liberal journalist isn't actually new..
Why didn't it work out?
Get damaged
Hot-tempered male
Make your first visitor as angry as possible... and discover his story!
Can't be real
Discover the story behing Ghost's death
Worst student
Make the professor really angry
A friend of youth
Answer a schoolgirl's question
Being humane
Ask the schoolgirl for mercy. That's how the mighties fall.
What's up?
Complete the intro
Make an answer in Journalist dialogue
Measuring the talent
Make an answer in Actress dialogue
Make an answer in Schoolgirl dialogue. Cruel kids these days! It's probably videogames to blame!
Shadows on the wall
Make an answer in Priest dialogue
Finally, brother!
Make an answer in Follower dialogue
Make an answer in Ghost dialogue
Discover the names of heresies you've spilled while trying to look religious
Trick the priest into praying for you
So, equality is a myth?
But do you really like it this way?
Pillar 5: Multivectoral Propaganda
Creating fake opposition might look dangerous. It says bad things about the government, but... When the time comes, it will support your trends and narratives, spread its own set of
fakes and create a safe vector to release the steam.
Pillar 4: Negative selection
Also connected to the phenomenos called large poppy syndrome and kakistocraty. The dictatorship destroys the best members of the society or puts them under survelliance to use for the regime's benefit. So, the ruling clique stays the smartest, most powerful kids on the block. However, a rigid clique wouldn't recognise some talents and technologies as "high poppies". That's where changes may grow.
It was a boar, not a bear.
Get Q#1 from the Journalist
It gives me soothing and free-spirited vibes.
Get Q#2 from the Journalist
I made it for my dear guests.
Get Q#3 from the Journalist
It's a postironical statement.
Get Q#4 from the Journalist. But aren't they unspirited, those people? Aren't they so low on morals, unlike us? Think of it.
Still can go on
You have less than 10 hp.
Trophy Roadmap
What's up? - Complete the intro
Once a traitor, always a traitor - This new liberal journalist isn't actually new..
It gives me soothing and free-spirited vibes. - Get Q#2 from the Journalist
Why didn't it work out? - Get damaged
Fourth Estate - Complete the Journalist dialogue
Measuring the talent - Make an answer in Actress dialogue
Creative class - Complete the Actress dialogue
Pillar 4: Negative selection - Also connected to the phenomenos called large poppy syndrome and kakistocraty. The dictatorship destroys the best members of the society or puts them under survelliance to use for the regime's benefit. So, the ruling clique stays the smartest, most powerful kids on the block. However, a rigid clique wouldn't recognise some talents and technologies as "high poppies". That's where changes may grow.
Worst student - Make the professor really angry
Budget sucker - Complete the Professor dialogue
Swag! - Make an answer in Schoolgirl dialogue. Cruel kids these days! It's probably videogames to blame!
So, equality is a myth? - But do you really like it this way?
Still can go on - You have less than 10 hp.
Bloom of the nation - Complete the Schoolgirl dialogue
Shadows on the wall - Make an answer in Priest dialogue
Anathema! - Discover the names of heresies you've spilled while trying to look religious
Spiritual authority - Complete the Priest dialogue
Finally, brother! - Make an answer in Follower dialogue
Washing machine - Complete the game with any ending
Interview - Make an answer in Journalist dialogue
A friend of youth - Answer a schoolgirl's question
Underdog - Complete the Follower dialogue
Insanity - Make an answer in Ghost dialogue
How could this happen? - Survive a bullet
Can't be real - Discover the story behing Ghost's death
??? - Complete the Ghost dialogue
Pillar 5: Multivectoral Propaganda - Creating fake opposition might look dangerous. It says bad things about the government, but... When the time comes, it will support your trends and narratives, spread its own set of fakes and create a safe vector to release the steam.
Hot-tempered male - Make your first visitor as angry as possible... and discover his story!
Blessing - Trick the priest into praying for you
It's a postironical statement. - Get Q#4 from the Journalist. But aren't they unspirited, those people? Aren't they so low on morals, unlike us? Think of it.
I made it for my dear guests. - Get Q#3 from the Journalist
Being humane - Ask the schoolgirl for mercy. That's how the mighties fall.
It was a boar, not a bear. - Get Q#1 from the Journalist
Inevitable end - And so, the pillars crumbled!