Raging Loop - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 20 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: None
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Rise Not! Thud! Obtained all trophies. Raging Loop is a very easy game because it has an option to unlock the whole game from beginning:
In order to unlock all trophies as fast as possible unlock from options menu the last option called Forced Unlock - Use - 5-7 - 7.Myth
After every trophy just press square to return to the scenario chart.
Lost - Story
Reached "Dense Mist."
Obtained after reaching 2. Dense Mist - 5/11 Don't Remember
Dawn - Story
Reached "Yomi."
Obtained after reaching 3. Yomi - 5/13 Light and Darkness
Tragic Memories - Story
Reached "Infiltration."
Obtained after reaching 4. Infiltration - 5/11 Night Before Tragedy
New Possibility - Story
Reached "Wit."
Obtained after reaching 5. Wit - 5/12 Twilights
All Possibilities - Story
Reached "Darkness."
Obtained after reaching 6. Darkness - 5/12 Essential
A Single Possibility - Story
Reached "Myth."
Obtained after reaching 7. Myth - 5/10 Escaping the Den
Homecoming - Story
Solved the mystery and returned home.
Obtained after completing 7.Myth - One Day... Raid
Pew Pew
Found "All-Night Betrayal."
Obtained after completing 6. Darkness - 5/20 Q. Despair?
Found "Primeval Dance."
Obtained after completing 6. Darkness - 5/18 Q. Answer God
Did You Find It?
Found the hidden "hint" and watched it.
After completing all the stories marked with a red cross you can go to album and select entry 27.
Cold Sake and Water
Obtained Key "True Evil."
Obtained after completing 2. Dense Mist - 5/12 Traitor
Obtained Key "Werewolf & Resurrection."
Obtained after completing 2. Dense Mist - 5/12 The Feast Begins
Mind Games Obtained Key "Distant Light." Obtained after completing 2. Dense Mist - 5/11 Last Promise Don't Look Reached Ending No.1 and obtained Key "Sink Into Nirvana." Obtained after completing 3. Yomi - 5/16 Miasma Driven Out Obtained Key "Nice Officer." Obtained after completing 4. Infiltration - 5/11 Nice Officer Shut Out Obtained Key "Taboo Name." Obtained after completing 4. Infiltration - 5/11 Taboo Name Shot Out Obtained Key "Berserk." Obtained after completing 4. Infiltration - 5/11 Berserk Nut Talk 1 Obtained Key "Will of the Crow." Obtained after completing 4. Infiltration - 5/12 Eye of the Snake Nut Talk 2 Obtained Key "Myth & Archetype." Obtained after completing 5. Wit - 5/13 Occult Talk Takumi-nii is Clean Obtained Key "Truth of the Young Leader." During 5. Wit - 5/14 Q. Investigation 2 choose to Investigate Takumi Blockhead is Clean Obtained Key "Truth of the Doctor." During 5. Wit - 5/14 Q. Investigation 2 choose to Investigate Kiyonosuke Journalist is Dirty Obtained Key "Truth of the Journalist." During 5. Wit - 5/14 Q. Investigation 2 choose to Investigate Hisako Walking Disaster is Dirty Obtained Key "Truth of the Genius." During 5. Wit - 5/14 Q. Investigation 2 choose to Investigate Chikamochi Sullen Girl is Clean Obtained Key "Truth of the Girl." During 5. Wit - 5/14 Q. Investigation 2 choose to Investigate Haru Chiemi is Dirty Obtained Key "Raging Loup." Obtained after completing 5. Wit - 5/16 Raging Loop Unbelievable Massacre Reached Ending No.2 and obtained Key "Raising Loop." Obtained after completing 5. Wit - 5/16 Unbelievable Massacre Walking Disaster is Dirty Obtained Key "Truth of the Genius." Obtained after completing 6. Darkness - 5/13 Insane Maternity Granddaughters are Strong Obtained Key "Irrational Purge." Obtained after completing 6. Darkness - 5/13 Righteousness Grandpas are Weak Obtained Key "Hunter's Confession." Obtained after completing 6. Darkness - 5/14 Eight Years Ago Deus ex Machina Reached Ending No.3 and obtained Key "Ending Loop and Giant Monster." Obtained after completing 6. Darkness - 5/20 Final Warning
In order to unlock all trophies as fast as possible unlock from options menu the last option called Forced Unlock - Use - 5-7 - 7.Myth
After every trophy just press square to return to the scenario chart.
Trophy Roadmap
Homecoming - Solved the mystery and returned home.
Mind Games - Obtained Key "Distant Light."
Example - Obtained Key "Werewolf & Resurrection."
Cold Sake and Water - Obtained Key "True Evil."
Don't Look - Reached Ending No.1 and obtained Key "Sink Into Nirvana."
Driven Out - Obtained Key "Nice Officer."
Shut Out - Obtained Key "Taboo Name."
Shot Out - Obtained Key "Berserk."
Nut Talk 1 - Obtained Key "Will of the Crow."
Nut Talk 2 - Obtained Key "Myth & Archetype."
Chiemi is Dirty - Obtained Key "Raging Loup."
Unbelievable Massacre - Reached Ending No.2 and obtained Key "Raising Loop."
Walking Disaster is Dirty - Obtained Key "Truth of the Genius."
Granddaughters are Strong - Obtained Key "Irrational Purge."
Grandpas are Weak - Obtained Key "Hunter's Confession."
Deus ex Machina - Reached Ending No.3 and obtained Key "Ending Loop and Giant Monster."
Did You Find It? - Found the hidden "hint" and watched it.
Takumi-nii is Clean - Obtained Key "Truth of the Young Leader."
Blockhead is Clean - Obtained Key "Truth of the Doctor."
Journalist is Dirty - Obtained Key "Truth of the Journalist."
Walking Disaster is Dirty - Obtained Key "Truth of the Genius."
Sullen Girl is Clean - Obtained Key "Truth of the Girl."
Lost - Reached "Dense Mist."
Dawn - Reached "Yomi."
Tragic Memories - Reached "Infiltration."
New Possibility - Reached "Wit."
All Possibilities - Reached "Darkness."
A Single Possibility - Reached "Myth."
Happyappya - Found "Primeval Dance."
Pew Pew - Found "All-Night Betrayal."
Rise Not! Thud! - Obtained all trophies.