Orbibot - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 18 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 4 levels
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 2
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum Orbibot
Get all other trophies.
Orbibot is an indie arcade ball rolling game published by Ratalaika Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Complete the first 3 levels
In level 1 push 5 boxes and 5 barrels from the platform out of the level
Push the sphere into the sky from each level. You need 5 different spheres, there is 1 sphere in the first 3 levels and in level 4 there are 2 spheres
Collect the plastic cat from the first 3 levels
Accidents happen
Push 1 barrel from the level into the sky.
In the middle
Push 3 different barrels from the level into the sky.
Barrel hater
Push 5 different barrels from the level into the sky.
There are more than enough barrels in level 1.
Push 1 box from the level into the sky.
Push 3 different boxes from the level into the sky.
Box hater
Push 5 different boxes from the level into the sky.
There are more than enough boxes in level 1.
There can be only one
Push 1 sphere from the level into the sky.
Push 3 different spheres from the level into the sky.
I will prevail
Push 5 different spheres from the level into the sky.
Push the sphere into the sky from each level.
You need 5 different spheres, there is 1 sphere in the first 3 levels and in level 4 there are 2 spheres
First cat
Get 1 plastic cat on a level.
Cat collector
Get 3 different cats.
Collect the plastic cat from the first 3 levels
Start - Story
Complete 1 level.
Doors - Story
Complete 2 levels.
321 - Story
Complete 3 levels.
Trophy Roadmap
Level 1
Un-Boxing - Push 1 box from the level into the sky.
Accidents happen - Push 1 barrel from the level into the sky.
In the middle - Push 3 different barrels from the level into the sky.
Coincidence? - Push 3 different boxes from the level into the sky.
Box hater - Push 5 different boxes from the level into the sky.
Barrel hater - Push 5 different barrels from the level into the sky.
There can be only one - Push 1 sphere from the level into the sky.
First cat - Get 1 plastic cat on a level.
Start - Complete 1 level.
Level 2
Doors - Complete 2 levels.
Level 3
Cat collector - Get 3 different cats.
Imposters - Push 3 different spheres from the level into the sky.
321 - Complete 3 levels.
Level 4
I will prevail - Push 5 different spheres from the level into the sky.
Platinum Orbibot - Get all other trophies.