Murder Is Game Over - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 54 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 10
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 4.99 € / 4.99 $
Trophies: 13 (1P, 11G, 1S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum Detective
Get all other trophies.
Murder Is Game Over is an adventure game developed by HitherYon Games and published by Ratalaika Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in under 1 hour:
This is a classic adventure game, in which you need to find clues, collectibles, and find the murderer
Play all the time as Cleo so you can find the doggie bags and the clues. Switch to Guy, only when you want to talk with someone, but afterwards switch back to Cleo. The game is quite linear so you shouldn't have any problem getting the 30 dog bags, the treasure, and completing the game.
Keep an eye out for these missable trophies.
On the ground floor, enter the room on the left and play the pipe organ with Cleo
On the first floor, enter the middle room and play the arcade game. Always use bite and slap as attacks on the boss.
On the first floor, on the hallway, pet the cat.
In the basement, stay still near the stairs and some debris should fall near you.
From the roof, open the door leading to the second floor.
When you start exploring the surroundings, find the fireman on the most right-side part of the map and speak to him
Find the bear in the woods
Collect the 30 dog bags.
Start the treasure hunt from the building from cemetery. Make sure to find the treasure before ending the game.
Pet the cat
Pet the cat, either as Cleo or Guy.
On the first floor, in the hallway, pet the cat.
Beat the arcade game boss
Play the arcade mini-game and beat the boss monster.
On the first floor, enter the middle room and play the arcade game.
Always use bite and slap as attacks on the boss.
Bear encounter
Approach the bear in the woods.
Find the bear in the woods
Play the organ
Cleo plays a song on the pipe organ.
On the ground floor, enter the room on the left and play the pipe organ with Cleo
Unsafe basement
void getting hit by falling debris in the castle basement.
In the basement, stay still near the stairs and some debris should fall near you.
Meet the gaming club member
Speak to the community college gaming club member in the cemetery.
Part of the story.
Open roof door
Open the door leading to the roof, which was forced shut.
From the roof, open the door leading to the second floor.
Press barricade
Speak to the fireman who is barricading the press from the crime scene, on the mountain road.
When you start exploring the surroundings, find the fireman on the most right-side part of the map and speak to him
Find 30 doggie bags (ending)
Get the good ending where you find 30 doggie bags.
Always use Cleo when walking around to find the dog bags.
I found 31 bags during my walkthrough.
The last bag you will find it inside a structure from where you will start the treasure hunt.
Find the castle treasure (ending)
Get the good ending where you find Herr Ludwig's treasure.
Start the treasure hunt from the building from cemetery.
Make sure to find the treasure before ending the game.
Armor mouse
Find the little mouse that is responsible for the moving armor.
Part of the treasure hunt.
You will obtain this trophy before finding the treasure.
Identify the guilty (ending)
Identify the guilty during the denouement
Complete the game.
Trophy Roadmap
Play the organ - Cleo plays a song on the pipe organ.
Beat the arcade game boss - Play the arcade mini-game and beat the boss monster.
Pet the cat - Pet the cat, either as Cleo or Guy.
Unsafe basement - void getting hit by falling debris in the castle basement.
Open roof door - Open the door leading to the roof, which was forced shut.
Press barricade - Speak to the fireman who is barricading the press from the crime scene, on the mountain road.
Meet the gaming club member - Speak to the community college gaming club member in the cemetery.
Bear encounter - Approach the bear in the woods.
Armor mouse - Find the little mouse that is responsible for the moving armor.
Identify the guilty (ending) - Identify the guilty during the denouement
Find 30 doggie bags (ending) - Get the good ending where you find 30 doggie bags.
Find the castle treasure (ending) - Get the good ending where you find Herr Ludwig's treasure.
Platinum Detective - Get all other trophies.