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Mr. Hibbl - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Writer: ScorpioOfShadowsScorpioOfShadows

Mr. Hibbl - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10

Duration: 40 minutes

Offline trophies: All

Online trophies: None

DLC: None

Minimum number of playthroughs: 27 levels

Number of missable trophies: 0

Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0

Price: 5.99 € / 5.99 $

Trophies: 29 (1P, 6G, 12S, 10B)


Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Master Hibbl

Collect all other Trophies

Mr. Hibbl is a platformer game published by ThiGames.

In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 40 minutes:

  • Complete level 27

  • Complete the first 5 levels with 5 stars: this means completing the level with 3 lives left and collect all the coins

  • Find the hidden treasure chamber in level 25 by going to the upper path and then swim through a tunnel to reach the chamber

  • You need to get hit by all the traps; this should come naturally.

  • You need to die in all ways. This should also come naturally, but you might end up missing dying by being hit with a spiked ball and die through drowning. Just load chapter 6 again after completing the game and die twice in each of the methods.

  • Collect 500 coins and jump 2222 times should come naturally

  • Levels 13 and 23 are the trickiest levels so completing those levels from the 5th try will trigger another trophy. In case you do not get this by the time you complete level 27, just load an easy level, and die 5 times, then finish it.

  • You must finish a level with 1 health left, might come naturally as well

  • You should jump into a mace, might come naturally as well

What should be has to be

Collect 3 purple coins.

Open Sesame

Collect 10 purple coins.

Purple is the new red

Collect 25 purple coins.

This will come naturally because you need to collect purple coins to complete the levels.

Hi Kirby

Collect three stars in one level.

Reached for the stars

Collect three stars in 3 levels.


Collect three stars in 5 levels.

Complete the first 5 levels with 5 stars: this means completing the level with 3 lives left and collect all the coins

It's a start

Complete your first level.

Not so bad at all

Complete level 5.

Keep it up!

Complete level 10.

Collected experience

Complete level 15.

Experienced a lot

Complete level 27.

My precious

Find the hidden tresure chamber.

Find the hidden treasure chamber in level 25 by going to the upper path and then swim through a tunnel to reach the chamber

Ouch that pricks

Get hit by a spiked ball.

You need to get hit by all the traps; this should come naturally.

Flat thing

Get hit by a mace.

Wet thing

Take damage through water.

Splatter! Not!

Take damage through a saw blade.

It still pricks

Die through a spiked ball.

You need to die in all ways.

This should also come naturally, but you might end up missing dying by being hit with a spiked ball and die through drowning.

Just load chapter 6 again after completing the game and die twice in each of the methods.

Flat as a Pancacke

Die through a mace.

I am not a swimmer! And I am Mr. Hibbl!

Die through water.

You need to die in all ways.

This should also come naturally, but you might end up missing dying by being hit with a spiked ball and die through drowning.

Just load chapter 6 again after completing the game and die twice in each of the methods.

The last thing I saw

Die through a saw blade.

I am overweight

Collect 500 coins.

This will come naturally.


Jump 2,222 times.

This will come naturally.

Try harder

Complete a level after trying it 5 times.

Levels 13 and 23 are the trickiest levels so completing those levels from the 5th try will trigger another trophy.

In case you do not get this by the time you complete level 27, just load an easy level, and die 5 times, then finish it.

The end is near

Complete a level with only one life left.

This should come naturally.


Get hit by a spike.

I love the pain

Die through a spike.

I belive I can die!

Jump into dead.

Let's see where it takes me

Jump on a mace.

Jump on a moving mace.


Trophy Roadmap

What should be has to be - Collect 3 purple coins.

It's a start - Complete your first level.

Hi Kirby - Collect three stars in one level.

Reached for the stars - Collect three stars in 3 levels.

Open Sesame - Collect 10 purple coins.

Flat thing - Get hit by a mace.

Not so bad at all - Complete level 5.

Perfectionist - Collect three stars in 5 levels.

Splatter! Not! - Take damage through a saw blade.

Prickly - Get hit by a spike.

Purple is the new red - Collect 25 purple coins.

The end is near - Complete a level with only one life left.

I belive I can die! - Jump into dead.

Keep it up! - Complete level 10.

Ouch that pricks - Get hit by a spiked ball.

I love the pain - Die through a spike.

The last thing I saw - Die through a saw blade.

I am overweight - Collect 500 coins.

Let's see where it takes me - Jump on a mace.

Collected experience - Complete level 15.

Flat as a Pancacke - Die through a mace.

Try harder - Complete a level after trying it 5 times.

Jumpman - Jump 2,222 times.

Wet thing - Take damage through water.

My precious - Find the hidden tresure chamber.

Experienced a lot - Complete level 27.

I am not a swimmer! And I am Mr. Hibbl! - Die through water.

It still pricks - Die through a spiked ball.

Master Hibbl - Collect all other Trophies


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