Monopoly Plus - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 3 hours Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: Multiple games Number of missable trophies: None
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Monopoly Plus is quite easy game because you can use your controller to play with all 6 opponents and win the game as best as possible:
Use 1 controller to control all 6 players
Enable 1 house rule
Win while completing all the other monopoly specific trophies along the way
Some trophies will be luck based so this is the only reason i consider this to be a 2/10 difficulty game
Good Start
Own your first property
Buy your first property.
Build your first house
Press R1 on a land from a set you own to build a house.
Build your first hotel
Press R1 on a land from a set you own to build a house.
You need to build 4 houses until you are able to exchange them for a hotel.
Pole Position
Be the first player to start
Just exit and start a new game until you roll the highest number so you can start first.
Bargain Master
Get a property for at least 10% less than its original price (Auction)
Land on a property and select to buy it through auction.
Bid the least amount with your player, then withdraw with the others.
Collect a rent during your first turn
Play with maximum player so that it increases the chances someone lands on your property.
Buy all the properties available through auction so you spend as less as possible.
Business Master
Complete two color sets in one trade
Play with maximum number of players so it increases the chances for this trophy.
Make sure you auction all properties, and you buy them with the least amount, while you withdraw with the rest of the players.
With just 1 player make sure to get 2 other properties.
When this happens, initiate a trade by pressing triangle button with your player and exchange 1 dolar for those 2 properties so that you can make 2 sets.
Lucky Draw
Get more than M100 thanks to a card
Luck based trophy. You need to keep playing until you reach a community chest, and you pull a card which awards you dollars.
Out of Stock
See the bank run out of houses
Press R1 on a land from a set you own to build a house.
Build enough houses so that you can see the bank running out of them.
Get one property of each color
Play with maximum number of players so it increases the chances for this trophy.
Make sure you auction all properties, and you buy them with the least amount, while you withdraw with the rest of the players.
Great Income
Collect a rent payment of more than M700
Make sure you build houses and hotels on your property to increase the value of the rent.
Now We Can Play
Build an hotel on each property of at least 2 color sets during the same game
Press R1 on a land from a set you own to build a house.
You need to build 4 houses until you are able to exchange them for a hotel.
For this trophy you need to build hotels on all properties from 2 different color sets.
Your Way
Win a game using one “House Rule”
Before you start the game, go to house rules, and enable any of the special rules from there and then win the game.
Win a 6-player game (in local multiplayer)
The Master
Win a game
Trophy Roadmap
Pole Position - Be the first player to start
Bargain Master - Get a property for at least 10% less than its original price (Auction)
Good Start - Own your first property
Precocious - Collect a rent during your first turn
Collector - Get one property of each color
Business Master - Complete two color sets in one trade
Investor - Build your first house
VIP - Build your first hotel
Great Income - Collect a rent payment of more than M700
Now We Can Play - Build an hotel on each property of at least 2 color sets during the same game
Lucky Draw - Get more than M100 thanks to a card
The Master - Win a game
Your Way - Win a game using one “House Rule”
Champion - Win a 6-player game (in local multiplayer)
Out of Stock - See the bank run out of houses