Mimi the Cat: Mimi's Scratcher - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 9 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 15 levels
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 4.99 € / 4.99 $
Trophies: 18 (1P, 9G, 8S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
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Mimi the Cat: Mimi's Scratcher also known as Cats and Sokoban - Mimi's Scratcher is a sokoban game developed by Wise Box Studios and published by Afil Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Complete the first 15 levels and most of the trophies will come naturally
Although you start to stack boxes from level 13, it seems it doesn't count and the first time when stacking a box counts toward the trophy will be in level 16. So, when you reach level 16, stack 2 boxes, then press the triangle button to restart the level. Do this 25 times to get the last trophies and the platinum.
Whisker Wizard
Clear Level 1
Feline Phenom
Clear Level 5
Purrfect Puzzler
Clear Level 10
Meowster Solver
Clear Level 15
Box Hopper
Jump on Top of a Box
Leapin' kitty
Jump on 5 Boxes
Pawsome Acrobat
Jump on 10 Boxes
Airborne Whiskers
Jump on 15 Boxes
Second Chances
Restart Level 1x
Resilient Kitty
Restart Level 5x
Persistente Pouncer
Restart Level 10x
Never Give Up, Meow!
Restart Level 15x
Master Of The Retry
Restart Level 25x
Box Stacker Extraordinaire
Stack a Box
Although you start to stack boxes from level 13, it seems it doesn't count and the first time when stacking a box counts toward the trophy will be in level 16.
So, when you reach level 16, stack 2 boxes, then press the triangle button to restart the level.
Do this 25 times to get the last trophies and the platinum.
Towering Feline Architect
Stack 5 Boxes
Box Castle Creator
Stack 15 Boxes
Box Mountain Conqueror
Stack 25 Boxes
Trophy Roadmap
Whisker Wizard - Clear Level 1
Box Hopper - Jump on Top of a Box
Leapin' kitty - Jump on 5 Boxes
Pawsome Acrobat - Jump on 10 Boxes
Feline Phenom - Clear Level 5
Airborne Whiskers - Jump on 15 Boxes
Purrfect Puzzler - Clear Level 10
Meowster Solver - Clear Level 15
Box Stacker Extraordinaire - Stack a Box
Second Chances - Restart Level 1x
Towering Feline Architect - Stack 5 Boxes
Resilient Kitty - Restart Level 5x
Persistente Pouncer - Restart Level 10x
Box Castle Creator - Stack 15 Boxes
Never Give Up, Meow! - Restart Level 15x
Box Mountain Conqueror - Stack 25 Boxes
Master Of The Retry - Restart Level 25x
CATastrophe - Unlock all trophies