Kovox Pitch - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 7 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 6.99 € / 6.99 $
Trophies: 26 (1P, 7G, 10S, 8B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Bat of the beat!
Unlock all trophies
Kovox Pitch is a music rhythm game published by Chilidog Interactive.
In terms of trophies, it is an extremely easy and fast game:
Because it is a Chilidog game, of course it has the classic Chilidog cheat code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Left, Right, Square
Pause the game after starting the story mode and input the cheat code
Choose God mode then input the cheat code and choose the skip level cheat
Now resume the game and press the L3 button every time you need to hit the baseballs
For the dialogue part, keep pressing the cross button to skip it
Complete 0.1 Autumn
Complete 1.1 Yunost'
Complete 1.2 Tanci
Gorod v okne
Complete 1.3 Gorod v okne
Uedu daleko
Complete 2.1 Uedu daleko
Complete 2.2 Zabiti
Net bolshe slez
Complete 2.3 Net bolshe slez
Chuvstvuyu sebya chuzhim
Complete 3.1 Chuvstvuyu sebya chuzhim
Mi vsegda naydem povod pogrustit'
Complete 3.2 Mi vsegda naydem povod pogrustit'
Razyedaesh mne nutro
Complete 3.3 Razyedaesh mne nutro
Complete 4.1 Nostalgia
Poslednie nadezhdi
Complete 4.2 Poslednie nadezhdi
Complete 4.3 Holoda
Mne nikogda ne bilo grustno bez tebya
Complete 5.1 Mne nikogda ne bilo grustno bez tebya
Deformaciya vospominaniy
Complete 5.2 Deformaciya vospominaniy
Complete 5.3 Osoznanie
Divniy mir
Complete 6.1 Divniy mir
Ni shagu nazad, ni shagu vpered
Complete 6.2 Ni shagu nazad ni shagu vpered
Kuda katitsya moya golova
Complete 6.3 Kuda katitsya moya golova
Zhdat' peremen
Complete 7.1 Zhdat' peremen
Vse eto zabit'
Complete 7.2 Vse eto zabit'
Deti nemoy strani
Complete 7.3 Deti nemoy strani
Shastye chto hochu nayti
Complete 8.1 Shastye chto hochu nayti
Complete 8.2 Proshai
Complete 8.3 Autumn
Trophy Roadmap
Autumn - Complete 0.1 Autumn
Yunost' - Complete 1.1 Yunost'
Tanci - Complete 1.2 Tanci
Gorod v okne - Complete 1.3 Gorod v okne
Uedu daleko - Complete 2.1 Uedu daleko
Zabiti - Complete 2.2 Zabiti
Net bolshe slez - Complete 2.3 Net bolshe slez
Chuvstvuyu sebya chuzhim - Complete 3.1 Chuvstvuyu sebya chuzhim
Mi vsegda naydem povod pogrustit' - Complete 3.2 Mi vsegda naydem povod pogrustit'
Razyedaesh mne nutro - Complete 3.3 Razyedaesh mne nutro
Nostalgia - Complete 4.1 Nostalgia
Poslednie nadezhdi - Complete 4.2 Poslednie nadezhdi
Holoda - Complete 4.3 Holoda
Mne nikogda ne bilo grustno bez tebya - Complete 5.1 Mne nikogda ne bilo grustno bez tebya
Deformaciya vospominaniy - Complete 5.2 Deformaciya vospominaniy
Osoznanie - Complete 5.3 Osoznanie
Divniy mir - Complete 6.1 Divniy mir
Ni shagu nazad, ni shagu vpered - Complete 6.2 Ni shagu nazad ni shagu vpered
Kuda katitsya moya golova - Complete 6.3 Kuda katitsya moya golova
Zhdat' peremen - Complete 7.1 Zhdat' peremen
Vse eto zabit' - Complete 7.2 Vse eto zabit'
Deti nemoy strani - Complete 7.3 Deti nemoy strani
Shastye chto hochu nayti - Complete 8.1 Shastye chto hochu nayti
Proshai - Complete 8.2 Proshai
Autumn - Complete 8.3 Autumn
Bat of the beat! - Unlock all trophies