Kauil's Treasure - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 5/10 (the difficulty is because of all the glitched trophies which doesn't unlock when they should)
Duration: 1 hour Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 (but 2 for me because the find all secrets trophy didn't unlock for me) Number of missable trophies: 3 (+1 for the kills which didn't unlock for me and i had to play the whole game again)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
This is history
Unlock all achievements
Kauil's Treasure is not a hard game in terms of trophies or gameplay, but it is a very glitchy game and i ended up playing it for 2 times:
It has 6 levels and each level contain a secret at the start of it
Complete the game without dying, this is the hardest trophy from the game, so what i did was to back-up my save game after each level
The kill 3 enemies trophy glitched for me and i had to play the game again to obtain it
Collect all the secret trophy also glitched, so i had to play the game again to collect them and it worked for the 2nd time
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the secrets collected.
The unknown - Story
Complete level 1
The gardens - Story
Complete level 2
The catacombs - Story
Complete level 3
The bridge - Story
Complete level 4
The cave - Story
Complete level 5
The biggest treasure - Story
Complete the game
So strong! - Story
Push 5 different rocks
You will obtain it during level 3.
This is lit! - Story
Light your first torch
You will obtain it during level 5.
I believe I can fly - Story
Use the whip for the first time
You will obtain it during level 1.
What a headache - Story
Grab your first skull
You will obtain it during level 2.
So shiny - Story
Grab your first gem
You will obtain it during level 1.
I hate those things - Story | Glitched
Kill 3 enemies
You will obtain it during level 4.
For me, this trophy glitched and i had to play the game again.
Making a mess - Story
Break 5 vases
You will obtain it during level 6 if you do not break any extra vases.
Bridge down! - Story
Drop the bridge
You will obtain it during level 4.
Our little secret - Missable
Get your first secret
You will obtain it during level 1 if you break one of the vases that you first encounter and loot the compass.
Treasure hunter - Missable | Glitched
Get all the secrets
There are 6 levels, and each level contains a secret at the start of the level.
For me, this trophy glitched and i had to play the game again, collecting all the secrets for the 2nd time.
Zero deaths - Missable
Complete the game without deaths
The hardest trophy from the game.
At the start of each level, i had quit to main menu, close the game, and then back up my save game.
In case i died during a level, i just quit the game and use my back-up save to replace my console save, then i start the game and select continue from main menu.
Trophy Roadmap
Level 1
I believe I can fly - Use the whip for the first time
Our little secret - Get your first secret
So shiny - Grab your first gem
The unknown - Complete level 1
Level 2
What a headache - Grab your first skull
The gardens - Complete level 2
Level 3
Making a mess - Break 5 vases
So strong! - Push 5 different rocks
The catacombs - Complete level 3
Level 4
Bridge down! - Drop the bridge
I hate those things - Kill 3 enemies
The bridge - Complete level 4
Level 5
This is lit! - Light your first torch
The cave - Complete level 5
Level 6
Treasure hunter - Get all the secrets
Zero deaths - Complete the game without deaths
The biggest treasure - Complete the game
This is history - Unlock all achievements