Jazzpunk - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 2 hours Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 0 because of the chapter select
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
The End
Now go outside
Jazzpunk is an easy game in terms of trophies:
Most of the trophies requires to do an action outside of the main path
All the trophies are missable
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained.
Exume To Consume
Discovered all of the artifacts buried in sand
Chapter 4: Kai Tak Resort
From where you spawn, go back and to the beach and use the metal detector to find 6 items hidden in the sand.
Data mole
Smuggle a carrier pigeon into the next level
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
This is probably one of the longest trophies in the game and requires a set of actions:
From the starting point go over the green staircases and talk with a guy in an alley
Go to the mailbox near the frog and get a package
Deliver the package to a guy on the bench in the park
Go again over the green staircases and find the newspaper stand
Listen to the knocks, for me it was 5 knocks pause 2 knocks
Go to Raytheon Motel and do the knock sequence on the door
Pick up the pigeon
Finish the level
Saliva Surrogate
Assist a saliva deficient individual by fulfilling their stationary needs
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
Go over the blue staircase and find the frog
Help the frog cross the road and pick up the googles then return
Use the googles and before you hit all the IP elements, make sure you also hit the postal envelope behind you
Essense of Pigeon
Spray 3 people with pheromones
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate - this needs to be done after you are doing Serious Degaussing Skills
Hit a pigeon with the degauss tool
Pick up the perfume
Hit someone with the perfume
Repeat 2 more time
Talk to 3 inanimate cardboard boxes
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
The 3 boxes are located in these places:
After passing the blue stairs, near the cinema door
Near circumflex apartments
Near a shop next to the red staircase
Serious Degaussing Skills
Degauss 4 undercover agents in the park
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
Pass the red staircase and find a man in an alleyway
Take the degausser from him
Go back into the park
Move around till you see people in trench coat peeping from behind trees
Hit them with the degausser
Long Distance Charges
Explore the rotary phone menu options
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
After unlocking the phone in the simulation, dial these numbers:
Verbal Morality Statute
Dial various four letter words into the Nippon Telnet phone terminal
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
Next to the consulate there is a phone terminal.
Dial these phone numbers:
9265 (i got the trophy at this number)
Face Infectors
Defeat a microscopic squadron of bacteriophage
Chapter 1: Soviet Consulate
After infiltrating the consulate through the window, look at the 1st microscope from the left side and play the space invader game
Insurance Premiums Increase
Shatter all vases in the shop
Chapter 2: Ikayaki Alley
At the first road fork in the road go left and talk with the lady in purple. Go inside her shop and hit all the vases.
Spongliform Encephalopathy
Consume one brain steeped sandwich
Chapter 2: Ikayaki Alley
Near the sushi restaurant there is a man with huge ears. Use the tool next to him and extract the sandwich and then eat it.
Above And Beyond The Spider of Duty
Collect all 8 spiders in the restaurant
Chapter 2: Ikayaki Alley
Enter the sushi restaurant and collect all 8 spiders (do not stop at 5).
Around The World In 80 Puns
Visit all travel destinations in the world
Chapter 3: The Expedition
Check all the white dots from the map. Be careful there are 3 dots in the south in Antarctica.
Hasselhoff In A Pinch
Rescue the drowning man in the swimming pool
Chapter 4: Kai Tak Resort
Go to the swimming pool, rescue the drowning man from the pool and bring him back to his girlfriend.
Heroine Chic
Apply lipstick VERY generously to your face
Chapter 4: Kai Tak Resort
After you enter your room and you need to disguise yourself into a woman, apply lipstick over your face and not on lips.
Jacques Voyeur: Room Explorer
Explore other guest rooms at the resort
Chapter 4: Kai Tak Resort
Go to second floor and steal the master key from the nearby patrolling man
Use the master key to enter the rooms from the 2nd floor
Don't Get Involved
Kiss 3 people while wearing lipstick
Chapter 4: Kai Tak Resort
After you put lipstick on your lips go outside, get close to people and kiss them. I had to kiss a lot of people, way more than 3 until i got the trophy.
But She Can Fly...
Win a round of pillow fight
Chapter 5: Penthouse
After you enter the penthouse, go right and open the nose door, then play a game of pillow fight with the girl on the bed.
Bloody Mary On The Rocks
Serve a bloody mary
Chapter 5: Penthouse
At the tenis court, go inside the building and select the liquify option for the people staying inside the jacuzzi.
Use the nearby glass, fill it in the bathtub and then use it on the nearby lady.
Breaking The Mold
Consume vast quantities of jelly to fulfill ethical responsibilities
Chapter 5: Penthouse
After defeating the editor and crossing the words bridge, save the secretary by using the nearby spoon and use it on the jelly.
Clean As A Whistle
Find and utilize a bidet
Chapter 5: Penthouse
After entering the penthouse go to the right inside the bathroom and use the bidet.
Land awkwardly while diving at the pool
Chapter 4: Kai Tak Resort
Go to the pool and use the trampoline then make sure you land on the concrete and not in water.
A Kissenger For All Seasons
Get kissed by an unhygienic individual on two separate occasions
Chapter 5: Penthouse
After entering the penthouse go downstairs and make a save.
Play the drinking game with the girl and after you get kissed, reload the save game and do it again.
DJ Polyblank
Scratch two compact disc records
Chapter 5: Penthouse
After entering the penthouse, go to the right to the living room and pick up the disc near the girl, then use it on the nearby machine.
Scratch the disc that is already there, then also scratch the disc you bring.
Trophy Roadmap
Soviet Consulate
Verbal Morality Statute - Dial various four letter words into the Nippon Telnet phone terminal
Saliva Surrogate - Assist a saliva deficient individual by fulfilling their stationary needs
Conversationalist - Talk to 3 inanimate cardboard boxes
Serious Degaussing Skills - Degauss 4 undercover agents in the park
Essense of Pigeon - Spray 3 people with pheromones
Face Infectors - Defeat a microscopic squadron of bacteriophage
Long Distance Charges - Explore the rotary phone menu options
Data mole - Smuggle a carrier pigeon into the next level
Ikayaki Alley
Insurance Premiums Increase - Shatter all vases in the shop
Spongliform Encephalopathy - Consume one brain steeped sandwich
Above And Beyond The Spider of Duty - Collect all 8 spiders in the restaurant
The Expedition
Around The World In 80 Puns - Visit all travel destinations in the world
Kai Tak Resort
Hasselhoff In A Pinch - Rescue the drowning man in the swimming pool
Polyplegic - Land awkwardly while diving at the pool
Exume To Consume - Discovered all of the artifacts buried in sand
Jacques Voyeur: Room Explorer - Explore other guest rooms at the resort
Heroine Chic - Apply lipstick VERY generously to your face
Don't Get Involved - Kiss 3 people while wearing lipstick
But She Can Fly... - Win a round of pillow fight
DJ Polyblank - Scratch two compact disc records
Clean As A Whistle - Find and utilize a bidet
A Kissenger For All Seasons - Get kissed by an unhygienic individual on two separate occasions
Bloody Mary On The Rocks - Serve a bloody mary
Breaking The Mold - Consume vast quantities of jelly to fulfill ethical responsibilities
The End - Now go outside