Hero Survival - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 9 hours and 19 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 4.99 € / 4.99 $
Trophies: 24 (1P, 7G, 11S, 5B)
Hero Survival is a roguelite game in which you will slay hordes of enemies from classic horror movies by enhancing your character, learning different skills and matching your play style with equipment.
Choose a unique way for your character. Want to freeze your enemies? That's the cryomancer's way for you! Or would you rather play the role of a bomber who blows things up? Or maybe you're ready to rely only on your trusty weapon? Then you are a natural born gunslinger!
Spend the coins earned in each run to unlock new characters. Get stronger, destroy thousands of enemies, survive wave after wave and try not to upset the Mad Time God!
- Fast-paced runs
- Vampires, werewolves, mummies and other monsters from classic horror movies
- Hundreds of item and skills combinations to enhance your character
- A lot of weapons. Guns? Revolvers? Shotguns? Sniper rifles? Grenade launchers? Automatic rifles? Machine guns? We have them all!
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Hero Survival Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!
Hero Survival is a run and gun game developed by Pigeon Dev Games and published by Sometimes You.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game, but a long and repetitive one, you are looking at around 10 hours of gameplay:
The goal of the game is simple: complete all 4 maps, unlock all 5 characters, unlock all 13 weapons, and slay 20k enemies in a single session
You need 75k coins for all characters and 117k coins for all weapons
I would suggest you play with Jake until you get 25k coins so you can buy Stoker
At level 1 on each map, you can choose a specialization between Bomber, Gunslinger and Cryomancer. Then with each level you will get to choose between 3 skills. Always choose the skill tied to the specialization, do not choose skills which are valid only 1 level. Of course, keep an eye for HP and choose health if you need it. After you finish with all the specialization skills, you can take skills which are valid only 1 level. I would prioritize them in this order: coins, damage, crit, speed. As always, choose health whenever you feel it is necessary.
Bomber is good for high damage output, reaching 20k kills and gathering around 20k coins per run. It works good with Stoker.
Gunslinger is useless.
Cryomancer is good for crowd control and can be used when you have a character like Jack with low damage, so you can survive.
I played with Jake as cryomancer, and I managed to finish the first 3 maps with him and get 25k coins for Stoker.
Now the weapons and items. At the end of every wave, you get to choose between 4 items or weapons. Each map has 10 waves. You can reroll for free once in your game, then you need to pay coins, which I suggest to not do it. Always try to get 4 weapons, then you can choose better weapons or items in case you do not need weapons. Weapons and items come in 5 rarities, so the higher the rarity the better the stats, except for weapons. For weapons always choose the automatic weapons like: Minigun, AR, SMG, 9MM SMG. Second best option would be Grenade Launcher, Bazooka, Shotgun. The rest of the weapons are quite bad, but still a bad weapon is better than none. Except for double barreled which is bugged and after few shots doesn't reload anymore, leaving you without a weapon. To better understand this, an automatic weapon at rank 2, let's say would be much better than a single shot weapon at rank 5.
After unlocking Stoker, go and complete the last map as well.
Now the not so fun part, keep on playing the last map with Stoker as Bomber, make sure you reach 20k kills in a run (which is at around level 50), and grind your way for the rest of 167k coins. One run takes around 28 minutes, and you can make on average 20k coins. So, you need almost 9 more runs.
First blood
Unlock John
Honest Guy
Unlock Abe
Where is my hat?
Unlock Ford
For the high purpose!
Unlock Torquemada
Endless night
Unlock Stoker
Unlock all characters
You need 75k coins for all characters and 117k coins for all weapons
Beat the devil at 1 arena
I played with Jake as cryomancer, and I managed to finish the first 3 maps with him and get 25k coins for Stoker.
Graveyard Keeper
Beat the devil at 2 arena
Beat the devil at 3 arena
Sand Serpent
Beat the devil at 4 arena
After unlocking Stoker, go and complete the last map as well.
Gunslinger King
Unlock all weapons
You need 75k coins for all characters and 117k coins for all weapons
Slay 100 enemies
Slay 250 enemies
Slay 500 enemies
Slay 1000 enemies
Serial Killer
Slay 2500 enemies
Slay 5000 enemies
Slay 10000 enemies
Slay 20000 enemies
Play the last map with Stoker as Bomber, make sure you reach 20k kills in a run (which is at around level 50).
Get level 10
Get level 20
Get level 25
Get level 30
Trophy Roadmap
Newbie - Slay 100 enemies
Skilled - Slay 250 enemies
Savvy - Slay 500 enemies
Apprentice - Get level 10
Killer - Slay 1000 enemies
Serial Killer - Slay 2500 enemies
Student - Get level 20
Hunter - Slay 5000 enemies
Gardener - Beat the devil at 1 arena
Graveyard Keeper - Beat the devil at 2 arena
Northman - Beat the devil at 3 arena
Endless night - Unlock Stoker
Magister - Get level 25
Professor - Get level 30
Sand Serpent - Beat the devil at 4 arena
Exterminator - Slay 10000 enemies
Master - Slay 20000 enemies
Where is my hat? - Unlock Ford
Gunslinger King - Unlock all weapons
First blood - Unlock John
Honest Guy - Unlock Abe
Collector - Unlock all characters
For the high purpose! - Unlock Torquemada
Hero Survival Platinum - Good job! Completed all tasks!