Glittering Sword - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 2 hours Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + 2 more levels started again for the Die Trophy Number of missable trophies: 10
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Master Sword
Obtain all achievements
Glittering Sword is an easy-medium game in terms of trophies and difficulty:
Complete the game without spending coins and without purchasing any potion
Open all the chests you see, so you can get stronger
Kill sheep whenever you see them
Hit sunflower and switch for many times for their hit trophies
The only kill trophies which are missable are the werebears and the ocular so i preferred to kill and die so i can grind immediately those trophies with my first chance.
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough of the game with all the trophies obtained.
Let me call you Bubble-Gum! - Story
Destroy the first boss
Only dead bodies here - Story
Destroy the second boss
No stone left unturned - Story
Destroy the third boss
Creeping creature - Story
Destroy the fourth boss
Thought you were stronger - Story
Destroy the fifth boss
$$$ - Missable
Collect 1000 coins without spending any
You should get this trophy near the end of chapter 5.
Always make sure you collect all the coins.
If you missed this trophy and somehow you complete the game without 1000 coins, start a new game and collect again coins.
This trophy is cumulative over multiple walkthroughs.
Who's tough? I'm tough! - Missable
Complete the game without purchasing any potions
In some levels, you will see a merchant which sell potions.
Do not buy any from him.
Oil ocean - Missable
Strike down basic sunflowers 20 times
After you get the sword in the first level, hit the sunflowers that are near it.
Dolly sheep - Missable
Kill 10 innocent sheep
Whenever you see a sheep, kill it.
I got this trophy in chapter 4.
New shiny armor - Missable
Open up 7 chests with improvements
Whenever you see a chest, look for the key and open it.
I got this trophy in chapter 4.
Ocularity - Missable
Destroy 5 ocular enemies
I think there are around 3 or 4 ocular enemies in chapter 4 and 5 so i preferred to grind the first ocular i found in chapter 4.
Kill and then die and repeat 5 times for the trophy.
Better safe than sorry, since this game doesn't have chapter select.
No more honey farms
Destroy 10 beehives
Hard to miss since there are more than 10 beehives through the game.
I got this trophy in chapter 4.
Dead Bee Inc.
Kill 50 bees
Hard to miss since beehives keep on spawning unlimited bees.
I got this trophy in chapter 4.
We require more seeds!
Smash 25 hostile sunflowers
Hard to miss since you need to kill them to progress.
I got this trophy in chapter 1.
70... 71... 72! - Missable
Die 72 times
I finished the game without this trophy so i had to start a new game and reach second level where you spawn near some spikes, and you can keep on dying easily and fast.
Russian approach - Missable
Strike a switch 30 times
The first switch that you find in chapter 1, hit it for 30 times.
These wolves won't bite
Kill 20 wolves
Hard to miss since there are a lot of wolves in the game.
I got this trophy in chapter 4.
Anti-COVID measures
Kill 25 bats
Hard to miss since there are a lot of bats in the game.
I got this trophy in chapter 2.
The simple bare necessities - Missable
Kill 3 werebears
I think there are around 2 werebear enemies in chapter 4 and 5 so i preferred to grind the first werebear i found in chapter 4.
Kill and then die and repeat 3 times for the trophy.
Better safe than sorry, since this game doesn't have chapter select.
I've had enough with adventuring - Missable
Stay idle for 3 minutes
After you start the game, stay still for 3 minutes.
Trophy Roadmap
Walkthrough 1
Chapter 1
Oil ocean - Strike down basic sunflowers 20 times
I've had enough with adventuring - Stay idle for 3 minutes
Russian approach - Strike a switch 30 times
We require more seeds! - Smash 25 hostile sunflowers
Let me call you Bubble-Gum! - Destroy the first boss
Chapter 2
Anti-COVID measures - Kill 25 bats
Only dead bodies here - Destroy the second boss
Chapter 3
No stone left unturned - Destroy the third boss
Chapter 4
Dolly sheep - Kill 10 innocent sheep
These wolves won't bite - Kill 20 wolves
The simple bare necessities - Kill 3 werebears
New shiny armor - Open up 7 chests with improvements
No more honey farms - Destroy 10 beehives
Dead Bee Inc. - Kill 50 bees
Ocularity - Destroy 5 ocular enemies
Creeping creature - Destroy the fourth boss
Chapter 5
$$$ - Collect 1000 coins without spending any
Thought you were stronger - Destroy the fifth boss
Who's tough? I'm tough! - Complete the game without purchasing any potions
Walkthrough 2 - only 2 levels
70... 71... 72! - Die 72 times
Master Sword - Obtain all achievements