Flying Soldiers - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 0 if your playthrough is focused on getting gold award and all medals in each mission
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
The Flying Soldiers Army
Get all of the trophies.
Flying Soldiers is a challenging game on some of the missions, so it is recommended to use a video guide if you do not want to waste too much time playing this game.
If you go for gold award (saving all the soldiers) and collecting all 3 medals, then you will not miss any other trophy.
Check the video from below for solutions on how to finish each mission from all 3 campaigns with gold awards and all 3 medals.
At your command - Story
Save the first soldier.
Obtained in mission 1.
Silver awards x2
Get two silver awards.
Silver award is received when finishing the mission with the minimum soldiers saved required.
Obtained in mission 2.
Gold awards x3
Get three gold awards.
Gold award is received when finishing the mission with all soldiers saved.
Obtained in mission 3.
Safe and sound x20
Save a total of 20 soldiers.
Obtained in mission 6.
Yes, sergeant!
Collect a total of 15 medals.
These medals trophies are a bit bugged. You will not unlock them when collecting 15 medals, but when you collect the next one after the required number.
You can even recollect a medal previously collected as the next one and will unlock the trophy.
Obtained in mission 6.
On the battlefield x50
Place a total of 50 objects.
You will place a lot of objects through the game if you go for gold awards and all medals.
Obtained in mission 9.
Summer campaign
Complete all the missions from Campaign 1.
Complete the first 15 missions.
Commandos at your command
Save the first commando soldier.
Obtained in mission 16.
Silver awards x10
Get 10 silver awards.
Obtained in mission 10.
Gold awards x20
Get 20 gold awards.
Obtained in mission 20.
Safe and sound x50
Save a total of 50 soldiers.
Obtained in mission 13.
Yes, lieutenant!
Collect a total of 40 medals.
Obtained in mission 15, when you do it for the 2nd time.
On the battlefield x100
Place a total of 100 objects.
Obtained in mission 14.
Fall campaign
Complete all the missions from Campaign 2.
Complete all missions from mission 16 to mission 30.
Special forces at your command
Save the first special forces soldier.
Obtained in mission 31.
Yes, captain!
Collect a total of 80 medals.
Obtained in mission 28.
Yes, it should have been mission 27, but it unlocks at the first medal from mission 28.
Silver awards x30
Get 30 silver awards.
Obtained in mission 30.
Gold awards x35
Get 35 gold awards.
Obtained in mission 35.
Winter campaign
Complete all the missions from Campaign 3.
Obtained after completing all the missions from mission 31 to mission 45.
Silver awards x45
Get 45 silver awards.
Obtained in mission 45.
Safe and sound x120
Save a total of 120 soldiers.
Obtained in mission 38.
On the battlefield x220
Place a total of 220 objects.
Obtained in mission 27.
Yes, colonel!
Collect a total of 130 medals.
Obtained in mission 44, after you do it for the 2nd time.
Yes, general!
Get 45 gold awards.
Obtained in mission 45.
Trophy Roadmap
Campaign 1
At your command - Save the first soldier.
Silver awards x2 - Get two silver awards.
Gold awards x3 - Get three gold awards.
Yes, sergeant! - Collect a total of 15 medals.
Safe and sound x20 - Save a total of 20 soldiers.
On the battlefield x50 - Place a total of 50 objects.
Silver awards x10 - Get 10 silver awards.
Safe and sound x50 - Save a total of 50 soldiers.
On the battlefield x100 - Place a total of 100 objects.
Yes, lieutenant! - Collect a total of 40 medals.
Summer campaign - Complete all the missions from Campaign 1.
Campaign 2
Commandos at your command - Save the first commando soldier.
Gold awards x20 - Get 20 gold awards.
On the battlefield x220 - Place a total of 220 objects.
Yes, captain! - Collect a total of 80 medals.
Fall campaign - Complete all the missions from Campaign 2.
Silver awards x30 - Get 30 silver awards.
Campaign 3
Special forces at your command - Save the first special forces soldier.
Gold awards x35 - Get 35 gold awards.
Safe and sound x120 - Save a total of 120 soldiers.
Yes, colonel! - Collect a total of 130 medals.
Silver awards x45 - Get 45 silver awards.
Winter campaign - Complete all the missions from Campaign 3.
Yes, general! - Get 45 gold awards.
The Flying Soldiers Army - Get all of the trophies.