Flowers by POWGI - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 35 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 50 puzzles
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Flower Power
Collect all the trophies
Flowers by POWGI is a short and easy game in terms of trophies:
Puzzle 1: stay idle 1 minute, put a group of letters then press circle button on it, fill all the words incorrectly, use fix (l1+r1) on the puzzle, solve the puzzle
Solve the puzzles 2-36 + 55, 69, 71, 84, 88, 96, 108, 120, 145, 151, 165, 176, 237, 240
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained.
Pup and Running - Story
Solve the first puzzle
Paws for Thought
Spend at least a minute considering the next move
Stay idle 1 minute during any puzzle.
The Leashed You Could Do - Story
Solve 50 puzzles
Solve the puzzles 1-36 + 55, 69, 71, 84, 88, 96, 108, 120, 145, 151, 165, 176, 237, 240
A Frond Farewell - Story
Solve the last puzzle
Solve puzzle 240.
Who's a Clever Boy
Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
Use the guide and you will unlock this naturally.
Ruff Guess
Fill in all the gaps in a puzzle incorrectly
During puzzle 1, write words that doesn't make sense.
Nip It In The Bud
Use Fix to correct a mistake
During puzzle 1, write words that doesn't make sense then press L1+R1.
Trowel and Error
Use Fix to correct 6 invalid words at the same time
During puzzle 1, write words that doesn't make sense then press L1+R1.
Seed Demon
Solve a puzzle in under 60 seconds
Use the guide and you will unlock this naturally.
Leaf No Trace
Reset a puzzle back to the beginning
Put a group of letters, then select it again and press circle button.
NO Diggity - Story
Complete a flower with NO in the middle
Solve puzzle 2.
HI Quality - Story
Complete a flower with HI in the middle
Solve puzzle 5.
IC What You Did There - Story
Complete a flower with IC in the middle
Solve puzzle 9.
GO Getter - Story
Complete a flower with GO in the middle
Solve puzzle 15.
TA Very Much - Story
Complete a flower with TA in the middle
Solve puzzle 22.
EN Chanted - Story
Complete a flower with EN in the middle
Solve puzzle 30.
Just U and I - Story
Complete a flower with UI in the middle
Solve puzzle 55.
Cool AF - Story
Complete a flower with AF in the middle
Solve puzzle 69.
EE By Gum - Story
Complete a flower with EE in the middle
Solve puzzle 71.
SO Far So Good - Story
Complete a flower with SO in the middle
Solve puzzle 84.
CU Later - Story
Complete a flower with CU in the middle
Solve puzzle 88.
That's IT - Story
Complete a flower with IT in the middle
Solve puzzle 96.
LO Level - Story
Complete a flower with LO in the middle
Solve puzzle 108.
IV: A New Hope - Story
Complete a flower with IV in the middle
Solve puzzle 120.
RE Solved - Story
Complete a flower with RE in the middle
Solve puzzle 145.
OO Get You - Story
Complete a flower with OO in the middle
Solve puzzle 151.
It's ON - Story
Complete a flower with ON in the middle
Solve puzzle 165.
FO Shizzle - Story
Complete a flower with FO in the middle
Solve puzzle 176
AT Last - Story
Complete a flower with AT in the middle
Solve puzzle 237.
Trophy Roadmap
Puzzle 1
Paws for Thought - Spend at least a minute considering the next move
Leaf No Trace - Reset a puzzle back to the beginning
Ruff Guess - Fill in all the gaps in a puzzle incorrectly
Nip It In The Bud - Use Fix to correct a mistake
Trowel and Error - Use Fix to correct 6 invalid words at the same time
Pup and Running - Solve the first puzzle
Puzzle 2
Seed Demon - Solve a puzzle in under 60 seconds
Who's a Clever Boy - Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
NO Diggity - Complete a flower with NO in the middle
Puzzle 3 - 5
HI Quality - Complete a flower with HI in the middle
Puzzle 6 - 9
IC What You Did There - Complete a flower with IC in the middle
Puzzle 10 - 15
GO Getter - Complete a flower with GO in the middle
Puzzle 16 - 22
TA Very Much - Complete a flower with TA in the middle
Puzzle 23 - 30
EN Chanted - Complete a flower with EN in the middle
Puzzle 31 - 36
Puzzle 55
Just U and I - Complete a flower with UI in the middle
Puzzle 69
Cool AF - Complete a flower with AF in the middle
Puzzle 71
EE By Gum - Complete a flower with EE in the middle
Puzzle 84
SO Far So Good - Complete a flower with SO in the middle
Puzzle 88
CU Later - Complete a flower with CU in the middle
Puzzle 96
That's IT - Complete a flower with IT in the middle
Puzzle 108
LO Level - Complete a flower with LO in the middle
Puzzle 120
IV: A New Hope - Complete a flower with IV in the middle
Puzzle 145
RE Solved - Complete a flower with RE in the middle
Puzzle 151
OO Get You - Complete a flower with OO in the middle
Puzzle 165
It's ON - Complete a flower with ON in the middle
Puzzle 176
FO Shizzle - Complete a flower with FO in the middle
Puzzle 237
AT Last - Complete a flower with AT in the middle
Puzzle 240
A Frond Farewell - Solve the last puzzle
The Leashed You Could Do - Solve 50 puzzles
Flower Power - Collect all the trophies