Evan's Remains - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 1 hour Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 3
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 3
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Evan's Remains Platinum Evan's Remains is a very easy game if you plan to use the skip puzzle and the skip conversation options. The game has 6 missable trophies, but 3 of them are quite easy to achieve at the start of the game in case you missed them. In order to finish all the trophies in 1 sitting follow this roadmap:
Zone 1 at the first puzzle: stay idle 15 minutes, then complete it (1-1-2-1-2-3-4)
Zone 1 at the 2nd puzzle: skip it
Zone 4.5: after getting the trophy The Garden, quit to main menu and change the language to Spanish/Espanol then play through the whole zone 4.5 in Spanish. After getting the trophy Boquita Papa! and regaining control of your character you can return back to main menu and change the language back to English
Zone 6: after getting the trophy The Water Plant and near the end of the zone 6, you will see some long dialogues inside Dysis teleport room. After you regain control of the character, move LEFT, back to the monolith. Wait near the green one until you see in the right down corner a saving icon. Quit to main menu and then continue the game. Solve this puzzle (1-4-1-2-3-1-2-3-5-6) and then you will get an error and the trophy. Keep moving left else you will drop down. In case you dropped down but you got the Aurelio trophy, you can skip the puzzle and continue moving right.
Zone 7: After finishing the game and obtained the trophy You did it, let the credits play so you can also obtain the trophy For the Backers. The game crashed for me after i got the platinum so be aware.
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained. Step by step. - Missable Solve the first puzzle. Zone 1, complete the first puzzle. Solution is 1-1-2-1-2-3-4.
Don't push yourself too hard. - Missable Skip a puzzle for the first time. During any puzzle, press the pause menu and select skip puzzle, then yes. Take your time. - Missable Spend more than 15 minutes to solve a puzzle. Stay idle for 15 minutes at any puzzle. The Forest. - Story Reach Zone 2 The Town. - Story Reach Zone 3 The City. - Story Reach Zone 4 The Garden. - Story Reach Zone 4.5 The Valley. - Story Reach Zone 5 The Water Plant. - Story Reach Zone 6 The Flower Field. - Story Reach Zone 7 Translating. - Story Discover what the message says. Obtained during zone 7 as part of the story. Goodbye Dysis. - Story Play as a new character. Obtained during zone 7 as part of the story. Revelation. - Story Discover the truth. Obtained during zone 7 as part of the story. Aurelio. - Missable Find the mysterious man. Zone 6: after getting the trophy The Water Plant and near the end of the zone 6, you will see some long dialogues inside Dysis teleport room. After you regain control of the character, move LEFT, back to the monolith. Wait near the green one until you see in the right down corner a saving icon. Quit to main menu and then continue the game. Solve this puzzle (1-4-1-2-3-1-2-3-5-6) and then you will get an error and the trophy. Keep moving left else you will drop down. In case you dropped down but you got the Aurelio trophy, you can skip the puzzle and continue moving right.
You did it. - Story Beat the game. For the Backers. - Missable Play through the after-credits scene. Zone 7: After finishing the game and obtained the trophy You did it, let the credits play so you can also obtain the trophy For the Backers. The game crashed for me after i got the platinum so be aware. Boquita papá! - Missable Drink mate using the termo of el más grande. Zone 4.5: after getting the trophy The Garden, quit to main menu and change the language to Spanish/Espanol then play through the whole zone 4.5 in Spanish. After getting the trophy Boquita Papa! and regaining control of your character you can return back to main menu and change the language back to English.
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained.
Trophy Roadmap
Zone 1
Take your time. - Spend more than 15 minutes to solve a puzzle.
Step by step. - Solve the first puzzle.
Don't push yourself too hard. - Skip a puzzle for the first time.
Zone 2
The Forest. - Reach Zone 2
Zone 3
The Town. - Reach Zone 3
Zone 4
The City. - Reach Zone 4
Zone 4.5
The Garden. - Reach Zone 4.5
Boquita papá! - Drink mate using the termo of el más grande.
Zone 5
The Valley. - Reach Zone 5
Zone 6
The Water Plant. - Reach Zone 6
Aurelio. - Find the mysterious man.
Zone 7
The Flower Field. - Reach Zone 7
Translating. - Discover what the message says.
Goodbye Dysis. - Play as a new character.
Revelation. - Discover the truth.
You did it. - Beat the game.
For the Backers. - Play through the after-credits scene.
Evan's Remains - Platinum