Enter Digiton: Heart of Corruption - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 14 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 7.99 € / 7.99 $
Trophies: 13 (1P, 11G, 1S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Exploration Master
Unlock all other trophies
Enter Digiton: Heart of Corruption is an action platform game published by EastAsiaSoft.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
After you get your weapon, constantly use the circle button so you can destroy enemies and obstacles.
The goal is to open 5 doors. You can either quit the game and reenter 4 more times after you open your first door, or you can continue to the next area. In the next area go to the right side and get the yellow key then die. Now from the checkpoint go to the left side and open the 2 yellow doors, then enter the ice area on the left side. Return to the previos area and the game will count you open the yellow doors again.
Now just keep killing 48 enemies and destroying 200 obstacles, then die for 24 times.
Hunter I
Kill 6 enemies
Hunter II
Kill 24 enemies
Hunter III
Kill 48 enemies
Attack enemies with the circle button.
Opener I
Open 1 door with a key
Opener II
Open 2 doors with a key
Opener III
Open 5 doors with a key
The goal is to open 5 doors.
You can either quit the game and reenter 4 more times after you open your first door, or you can continue to the next area.
In the next area go to the right side and get the yellow key then die.
Now from the checkpoint go to the left side and open the 2 yellow doors, then enter the ice area on the left side.
Return to the previos area and the game will count you open the yellow doors again.
Cleaner I
Destroy 25 obstacles
Cleaner II
Destroy 75 obstacles
Cleaner III
Destroy 200 obstacles
Attack objects with the circle button or with the R1 button.
Clearer I
Die 6 times
Clearer II
Die 12 times
Clearer III
Die 24 times
After you killed 48 enemies and destroyed 200 obstacles, die for 24 times.
Trophy Roadmap
Opener I - Open 1 door with a key
Cleaner I - Destroy 25 obstacles
Hunter I - Kill 6 enemies
Opener II - Open 2 doors with a key
Opener III - Open 5 doors with a key
Clearer I - Die 6 times
Cleaner II - Destroy 75 obstacles
Hunter II - Kill 24 enemies
Clearer II - Die 12 times
Cleaner III - Destroy 200 obstacles
Hunter III - Kill 48 enemies
Clearer III - Die 24 times
Exploration Master - Unlock all other trophies